Friday, 15 December 2017

ओपक्कड लीआ हरा विदेशी मुद्रा फिलीपींस

गर्मी और उच्च कीमतों को मारो - एसएम सुपरमार्केट के ताजा और शांत प्रसाद मनीला, फिलीपींस के साथ - क्या आपने देखा है कि कितने हरे-दिमाग वाले बहुत सारे लोग ठीक हो गए हैं, हरे रंग निश्चित रूप से बन गए हैं। और ताजा खबर यह है कि खरीदार को सबसे ताज़ी ग्रीन एसएम सुपरमार्केट में एस. एम. सुपरमार्केट में, शाकाहारियों का यही सपना सच हो गया, आपका सलाद दिन अभी शुरू हो गया है यदि आप कार्बनिक साग और अन्य कार्बनिक पदार्थ चाहते हैं, तो उन्हें एसएम पर मिल गया है। लेकिन सिर्फ जैविक खाद्य पदार्थ क्या हैं USDA उन लोगों को एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं, हार्मोन, कीटनाशकों, सिंथेटिक अवयवों या सीवेज कीचड़, बायोइंजिनियरिंग या आयनियोजन विकिरण से बने उर्वरकों का उपयोग किए बिना उत्पादन के रूप में उनको बताता है। निश्चित रूप से, आप इन हानिकारक रसायनों को अपने शरीर में डालना चाहते हैं। यह 2000 के दशक के शुरुआती दिनों में था कि एसएम सुपरमार्केट ने मकाती, मेगामॉल, साउथमॉल, एसटीए में अपनी शाखाओं में कार्बनिक शुरू किया था। मेसा और क्यूबाओ जल्द ही, इसके बहन के सुपरमार्केट सहेमोर मार्केट मेझा ने भी हरे रंग की गहराई से छाया की। कार्बनिक जा रहा है एसएम सुपरमार्केट प्रयासों का हिस्सा है जो ग्राहकों की संतुष्टि को ध्यान में रखते हुए उपभोक्ताओं के उपभोग के रुझानों को पुन: खरीदारों के साथ लगातार बातचीत मान्य हुई कि जैविक बाजार तेजी से बढ़ रहा है, स्वास्थ्य चेतना और पर्यावरण संरक्षण के रुझान को देखते हुए ऑर्गेनाइक ब्रांड नाम के तहत उपलब्ध 100% ऑर्गेनिक सब्जियां हैं कार्बनिक अम्लान्टिश पालक, ताइवान पेचै, पेक्के बागुउओ, रोमैने लेट्यूस, कैलान (चीनी ब्रोकोली), गोभी, फूलगोभी, गाजर, वान्सय (धनिया), अजवाइन, ककड़ी आदि हैं। आप कार्बनिक केले पर केले जाएंगे और जब यह जड़ी-बूटियों के विज्ञापन मसालों की बात आती है, तो एस. एम. आपके लिए यह जड़ी बूटी भी बनाती है। पिकिंग के लिए तैयार, भी, अपने हरी सलाद के साथ जाने के लिए मिश्रित ड्रेसिंग हैं। यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि वह उत्पादों को जैविक खाद्य पदार्थों के उत्पादन मानकों के अनुसार किया जाता है, एसएम सुपरमार्केट केवल उन आपूर्तिकर्ताओं के साथ काम करता है जिनके पास जैविक प्रमाणीकरण है। इन आपूर्तिकर्ताओं को या तो फिलीपींस के ऑर्गेनिक प्रमाणन केंद्र (ओसीसीपी) द्वारा एक स्वतंत्र, निजी, सदस्यता-आधारित कार्बनिक मानक सेटिंग और जैविक प्रमाणन निकाय या पीएलआईसीआर द्वारा प्रमाणित किया जाता है। इसकी इन द ग्रीनबैग में इसकी दुकानदारों की जरूरतों को पूरा करने और पर्यावरण को बचाने के प्रयासों को बनाए रखने की अपनी इच्छा में, एसएम सुपरमार्केट स्टोर्स में पर्यावरण के अनुकूल एस. एम. ग्रीनबैग्ज और माई ही बैग डे के माध्यम से प्लास्टिक बैग के उपयोग को कम करने की सलाह देते हैं। यह सभी शाखाओं में ऊर्जा-सक्षम प्रकाश बल्बों में भी बदल गया है। क्या हम जलवायु परिवर्तन का उल्लेख करते हैं तापमान बढ़ने के साथ, एसएम सुपरमार्केट गर्मी को हरा करने के लिए अच्छे तरीके से और खरीदारी करने वालों को आज भी उच्च कीमतों को हरा करने के लिए आए हैं, चम्मच, फलों के सिरप के साथ शांत मुंडा बर्फ (पी 30 प्रति कोन) के साथ शुरू करें, और ब्लूबेरी, हरे सेब, चेरी, अंगूर, स्ट्रॉबेरी और बबल गम स्वादों में उपलब्ध है। या हमारे दही, सुपरवल्यू, इंक। के मार्केटिंग मैनेजर लेह ली और सहायक विपणन प्रबंधक ग्रेस्क बेनाग की कोशिश करें, हमें आमंत्रित करें। हम दही, दही शक्कर, दही फ्लोट जमे हुए हैं। केवल P60cup पर, आप अपने दही के लिए एक मुफ्त टॉपिंग प्राप्त करते हैं। आप फलों के टॉपिंग, मिनी मार्शमोल्लो, चावल कुरकुरी, चॉकलेट चिप कुकीज, मिनी चोको बूंदों के वर्गीकरण से चुन सकते हैं। मौसम में इस गर्मी में बहुत सारे फलों के साथ, आप एक क्षेत्र के दिन एस. एम. सुपरमार्केट फल अलमारियों में फल का चयन करने से चयन करेंगे। यहां कट-अप, तैयार-से-फलों (तरबूज, तरबूज, हनीदार, ड्रैगन फलों, पोमेलो (एक बेस्ट-विक्रेता), परिपक्व आम, और हरे आम, जो अपने स्वयं के बागोंग के साथ आती हैं। कुछ पकड़ो और घर ले जाएं यदि आप अपने फल को पीते हैं, तो सिर्फ ताज़ा फल का उपयोग करके एक ताजा फल हिलाएं। और यदि आप अपने सलाद पीते हैं, तो आगे बढ़ो और एक सलाद पीना (पी 35 सीप) लें। या एक ताज़ा गिलास नींबू पानी (पी 35 )। यदि आप ग़ैर महसूस कर रहे हैं, तो मकई के हिस्से में जायें, जहां आप पनीर या ब्यूरर या ताजे मकई के साथ एक कप में मकई कालों का ऑर्डर कर सकते हैं। केवल पी 50180 जी बको सलाद, बको पांदान के लिए जाने के लिए सलाद हैं , चिकन आलू का सलाद, चिकन मकारोनी सलाद, ट्यूना मकारोनी, बको मकई। फल कॉकटेल क्षेत्र में, आप अपना खुद का फल कॉकटेल बना सकते हैं, बस कई कट-फलों और टॉपिंग्स से चयन करें, खाने के लिए तैयार, तैयार - गुड़िया खाने के लिए, तैयार-से-पकाने वाली सामग्री होती है, जो होममेकर को खाना पकाने वाले लंबे घंटों में कटौती करते हैं जबकि कोने को काटने में उनकी मदद करना चयन में तैयारी के लिए तैयार सिन्गांग मिश्रण, चॉप्स्यूए, पिनकबेट, और ubod मिश्रण शामिल हैं। Takal-takal अनुभाग से, आप आवश्यक सही तत्वों और आवश्यक सामग्री का अंतराल और समाप्त चुन सकते हैं। वहाँ मसालेदार भोजन grilling के लिए तैयार हैं यहां पैक किए गए सब्जियों को कम कर दिया जाता है जो किमोट, स्क्वैश, गबी, और यूबे जैसे छील करने के लिए कठिन हैं। बजट के प्रति जागरूक (लेकिन कौन नहीं) गृहिणियों के लिए काफी वरदान हैं जो कि एसएम बोनस के नाम से आते हैं (ब्रांडेड लोगों के मुकाबले) उदाहरण के लिए, एसएम बोनस वेजी खंड में, आप केवल पी 27 के लिए एक किलो किलो, केवल पी 23830 जी के लिए पेची, पी 16.87456 ग्राम के लिए सफेद प्याज, पी 27.55284 जी के लिए लहसुन, केवल पी 6.02376 जी के लिए टमाटर खरीद सकते हैं, पी 8.53328 ग्राम के लिए ओकरा, केवल पी 10.98578 ग्राम के लिए स्क्वैश, पी 24.20526 जी के लिए बैंगन, पी 25.3 9 552 जी के लिए अम्पालाया आदि पारिवारिक संबंध समय सप्ताहांत पर किराने की ओर जाने के बाद अब परिवार का संबंध बनने का समय नहीं हो लेकिन एक मजेदार अनुभव जहां माता-पिता, अपने बच्चों के साथ, किराने का सामान के कार्टलोड को अच्छी तरह से पुश करते हैं। चूंकि बच्चों को किराने की यात्रा करने के लिए प्यार करते हैं, इसलिए हायपरमार्केट की एसएम की श्रृंखला उन्हें किराने की खरीदारी में शामिल होने के बारे में सोचा है। इस समय, मेट्रो मनीला के पूर्वस्कूली बच्चों को किराने की दुकान में कक्षा के बाहर एक अलग तरह के सीखने का अनुभव होगा। एसएच हाइपरमार्केट की एक सामुदायिक से संबंधित सेवा, मास्टर शॉपर्स प्रोग्राम निकटतम एसएच हाइपरमार्केट में पूर्वस्कूली छात्रों के लिए एक शैक्षिक यात्रा है। बच्चे नजदीकी शाखा में एक किराने की यात्रा पर जाते हैं, खाद्य पिरामिड पर मूल पोषण व्याख्यान की बात सुनो, और स्टोर के दौरे की शुरूआत करें, विशेष रूप से फल, सब्जियां, रोटी, जीवित समुद्री भोजन, मांस और चिकन, दूध और रस के वर्ग , अनाज, विटामिन की खुराक और खिलौने एस. एम. हायपरमार्केट में, बच्चों का यह एहसास है कि किराने का सामान सिर्फ भोजन और पेय प्रदान नहीं करता है। किराना भंडार बच्चों और पूरे परिवार के लिए स्वस्थ और पौष्टिक भोजन के विशाल विकल्पों की पेशकश करते हैं वे जल्द ही सीखते हैं कि फल विटामिन और पोषक तत्वों और रोटी, कार्बोहाइड्रेट का एक अच्छा स्रोत है, ऊर्जा प्रदान करता है। इसके अलावा, हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियां शरीर के लिए अच्छे हैं और समुद्री भोजन प्रोटीन का अच्छा स्रोत है वे आगे सीखते हैं कि दूध कैल्शियम के रूप में हड्डियों के लिए अच्छा है, कि विटामिन को पूरक आहार के रूप में लिया जाना चाहिए और कैंडीज और चॉकलेट को संयम में खाया जाना चाहिए। स्टोर के दौरे के बाद, अपने शिक्षक, अभिभावक, या संरक्षक के साथ बच्चों को मास्टर शॉपर्स नामक खेल खेलते हैं। तीन समूहों में विभाजित, बच्चों को पौष्टिक वस्तुओं की दुकान के लिए एक बजट दिया जाता है। समूह जो कि आवंटित बजट में सबसे अधिक वस्तुओं के लिए खरीदारी करने का प्रबंधन करता है बच्चों को भी चेकआउट काउंटर पर खड़े होने और बार कोड स्कैन करने में कैशियरिंग का पहला हाथ अनुभव होगा। कार्यक्रम तब सहभागिता प्रमाण पत्र, लूट बैग, और हाइपर किड विशेष पुरस्कार, मास्टर शॉपर्स गेम के लिए जीतने वाले समूह के साथ समाप्त होता है। पिछले साल शुरू हुआ, मास्टर शॉपर्स प्रोग्राम उन समुदायों को शामिल करने के लिए शुरू हो गया है जहां एसएम हाइपरमार्केट, जो अब 1 9 शाखाएं हैं, चल रही है। हाल ही में, इसहाक के लिटिल बच्चों से प्रीस्कूलर एस. एम. हाइपरमार्केट मकाती गए थे। हर कोई बच्चों, उनके माता-पिता और शिक्षकों को मज़े करते थे। बच्चों ने पूरे दौरे के दौरान सक्रिय रूप से भाग लिया और उन्हें प्रस्तुत विभिन्न शिक्षण उत्तेजनाओं का ग्रहण किया। एसएच हाइपरमार्केट शाखाओं के पास वाले इलाकों में मास्टर शॉपर्स प्रोग्राम को इसहाक के छोटे बच्चे जैसे अधिक स्कूलों को आमंत्रित करने की योजना बना रहा है। मास्टर शॉपर्स एस. एम. हाइपरमार्केट को बच्चों को एक मजेदार और मनोरंजक तरीके से उचित पोषण के महत्व को सिखाते हुए समुदाय को वापस देने का तरीका है। एस. एम. निश्चित रूप से मजाक नहीं कर रहा है जब यह कहता है कि उन्हें आपके लिए यह सब मिला है। खोज परिणाम सभी मैनिंग एजेंसियां ​​- 833 रिकॉर्ड मिलते हैं 1022 नौकरी सेवा निगम निगम मैनेजिंग एजेंसी आर 602 डीओए एफ सिजूको बीएलजी 1872 रीमेडिया कॉर टैफेंट एवेनस्पष्मलेट, मनिला टेली नंबर nbsp5362997 5360831nbsp; ईमेल पता nbspCARGOFLEETMARC-SHIPS वेबसाइट nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। स्थिति । सीज़ेड ऑपरेशंस लाइसेंस वैधता 1142011 से 1132015000 मर्लिनिअम मारीटाइम और नौवहन एजेंसी डोमिनिकिंग एजेंसी आरएम 202 2 एफ किमिवी बीएलडीजी 11 9 1 एमए ओरोसा एसटीएनप्रेसमैटा, मनीला टेली नंबर nbsp521-16515211775nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp2000mmsaedsamail. ph वेबसाइट nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। डैनिलो सी एबीयूओएसओ स्थिति रद्द लाइसेंस लाइसेंस 222004 से 212008 2QUEENS नौवहन सर्विसेज इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी STALL 15 4 एफ वेलकम प्लाज़ा 2410-2432 टीएफ़टीई लिबर्टाडेपस्पेश शहर टेलीफोन नंबर ईमेल पता। क्विक्यूविंग 2 क्वार्टरटाइम वेबसाइट nbsp; आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि जेएमईएम मार्टिन यू पैबलन जेआर स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 7212016 से 7212020 88 एसीईएस नौवहन सेवाएं इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी यूनिट 1193, लाइरा बिल्डिंग, 11 9 1 क्विज़न एवेन्यूस्पन्स्पॉन शहर टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp411377837623890915-1879460nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbspjocson88acesmaritime वेबसाइट nbsp88acesmaritime. ph आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि। एमए जेनेट ए JOCSON स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 1292013 से 1282017 ए. वी. वी। स्पीड नौवहन प्रबंधन कं लिमिटेड (एएमएमसीओ के लिए) ब्लूमिंग एजेंसी आरएम 308 जोवन कॉन्ड, सैमेट कोर शाह बीएलवीडीएनएसपीएमएंडयूआरयूएन टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5332661nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp; कोई भी वेबसाइट नहीं nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। VICENTA बी विलावर स्थिति रद्द लाइसेंस लाइसेंस 5102004 से 592008 आरेमिया शिपिंग ट्रेडिंग कंपनी इंकममैनिंग एजेंसी आरएमएस 203 204, सिटीलैंड डेला रॉस कॉन्ड, 7648 डेलांचपीओओओ डेल पिलार, मक्काटी टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp8182194 8184079nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbspinfoaaremaphil वेबसाइट nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। एमआर रीजुलस एम एनचाटा स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 6212016 से 6202020 एबीएसीएटीटी शिपिंग मैनेजमेंट कंपनी इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी 3 एफ एनिरुकेटा बीएलडीजी, 1675-77 ए मैबिन इन्स्पेस्पेटेट, मनिला टेली नंबर nbsp5240026 5240029nbspnbsp ईमेल पता वेबसाइट nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। यूसुफ आर कास्टनाडे स्टेटस वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 8212016 से 8202020 एबल मैरिट्यूम सेफ़रर्स, इंक. मोमिंग एजेंसी यू 1, 4 5 2 एफ पीडब्ल्यूयू इंटएल एचएसई, 1724 एल इऑन गिनटो एसटी कॉर्नस्स्पेलेट, मनीला टेली नंबर nbsp3105620nbspnbsp ईमेल पता वेबसाइट प्रायोगिक प्रतिनिधि लियोनार्डो पी ओरेगा स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 1072016 से 1062020 एबिटिज जेस्सेन बल्क ट्रांसपोर्ट कॉरपोरेशन एनएच फिलिपीन पंजीकृत वेसल 2 एफ हार्बर सीटीआर 11 बीएलडीजी रेलोट डेरागढ़ एसटीएस दक्षिणपश्चिमी क्षेत्र, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5279 9 80 से 88 एस्प्रेस ईमेल पता nbsp; कोई भी वेबसाइट नहीं nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। एमए थेरेसा डी गौटी स्थिति। समय सीमा समाप्त लाइसेंस वैधता 8132004 से 8122007 एबीआईटीज शिपमेंट कॉरपोरेशन टैक्सिंग एजेंसी पिएर 4 उत्तर हारबोर पीओ बॉक्स 270 9 एनस्पोर्ट एरिया, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp 216159 216981 एनजीएनजीपी ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि श्री जेस पी कार्डेस स्थिति। निष्क्रिय लाइसेंस वैधता 9101986 से 9101 9 87 अब्स्टा शिपमेंट कार्पोरेशन, डोमिंग एजेंसी 8 एफ, जेमेरसन प्लेस बीएलजी 1626, पिलार हिंडालोगो लिम, स्टेन्सम्स् मेल, मनीला टेली नंबर nbsp53694635362107 5362108400598540059845369401nbspnbsp ईमेल पता वेबसाइट। nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। GAUDENCIO सी Morals स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 11272016 से 11262020 एक्कोलेड मारिटम एजेंसी आईसीएम मेमिंग एजेंसी 2038 एफबी हरिसन एस. टी. पासे शहर के नम्बर nbsp8334706nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर लियोनो ई एटोक स्थिति डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 9131991 से 9131993 ऐस मारीटाइम एजेंसीस इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी जीएफ 117 जीआईएल पूयट एवेर्यू कोर एफबी हेरिसन STnbspPASAY शहर टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp 584498 505357nbsp; ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर ओसमुन्डो सेरारानिला स्थिति। डीलिड् लाइसेंस वैधता 591990 से 54,1992 ऐस नेविगेशन कंपनी इंक nbspमैंनिंग एजेंसी 6 एफ किंग्स कोर्ट बीएलडीजी मैं, पासाँग तामो STnbspMAKATI टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp8112251 TO 548112267 से 70nbsp ईमेल ईमेल पता अगले दिन वेबसाइट nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। रिचेल पी बीजीयूआरएएस स्थिति। डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 6272012 से 6262016 प्रवासी नेपाल शिप मेडिंग एजेंसी इंक (प्रांतीय ईसाई मारीन इंक) nbsp; मन्निंग एजेंसी आरएम 503 पिएर्रे पॉल BLG फॉल्स कॉर माबिनी, स्टेन्स्प्रेमिटा, मनिला टेली नंबर nbsp5249785 09471710125nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbspachieversmangmail वेबसाइट nbsp; आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एटीली एल्बर्ट एस क्रूज स्टेटस निलंबित (दस्तावेज़ प्रसंस्करण) लाइसेंस वैधता 5132016 से 5122020 ACOMARIT फिलिपिनस इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी प्रथम एमआरटीआई प्लेस 7458-7460 बैगटीयन एसटी मेकटिनिप तेल टैक्स नंबर nbsp8981142 8981147nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि कार्लोस सैलिंस स्थिति। डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 2272000 से 2272002 एडम्सन (पीएचआईएल) आईसीएम मेमिंग एजेंसी 1101 11 एफ एसएजीएस एचएसई 110 रुफिनो स्टेन्सल्स्प्लेजीएसपीआई गांव, मक्काटी टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp (02) 8162316 8160794 09178907663nbspnbsp ईमेल पता। वेबसाइट nbsp; आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर मिल्टन एक एडम्सॉन स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 10242015 से 10232019 एडीएफआईएल शिपमैंिंग मैनेजमेंट कॉरपोरेशन मैनेजिंग एजेंसी एस 601 एमए नाथिविद बीएलजी 470 टीएम कालावा कॉरडाटा स्टेन्स्प्रेमिटा, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp (02) 5671834 से 35 09397804443 09175510469nbsp ईमेल पता नेविगेट वेबसाइट nbsp; आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि कैप्टन। निलो वी। डीयू स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 672013 से 662017 एडीएमआईएन मनीजिंग इंक। Nbsp; मैनेजिंग एजेंसी एस -1405, 1406 1408 एर्मिता सेंटर बीएलडीजी 1350 आरएक्सएएस बीएसपीएसएमआईटीए, मनिला टेली नंबर nbsp567228256722925672922 0929288427309271497318nbspnbsp ईमेल पता। नोमनिलावाटर्मारिटमक्वावर्तमानटाइम वेबसाइट nbsp; आधिकारिक अधिकृत प्रतिनिधि मारिया सीलेस्ट ई सगोसो स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 992016 से 982020 एवरेन्ट नौवहन नौवहन और जनरल SVCS। इंक। (एएनजीईएलईएमआरआईएमआरएनजी एजेंसी आरएम 110 जीएफ रेजीए बीएलडीजी। 410 बर्क एसटी। कॉरपोरेशन एएससीओल्ब्ब्ब्ब्ब्बिनोडो, मनिला टेली नंबर .2454251 2454772, ईमेल वेबसाइट, एनओपी वेबसाइट, कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं है। मारिया बी ज़ापता स्थिति। डीलिज्ड लाइसेंस वैधता 3262001 से 3262003 एजीएन क्रिविंग इंक (प्रारम्भिक एजीएन मायरिन प्रोविडेंट्स इंक) nbsp; मैन्नींग एजेंसी यूनिट 3-बीसी, 3 एफ, 1377 ए मैकिनी कॉस्टा मोनिका, एसटीएसएनस्पेरमिटा, मनिला टेली नंबर .5253445 5253241, ईमेल एड्रेस। एनएपीईएपीआईजीएमएल वेबसाइट। एन. ए.ए. आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि। REYNOSO IV स्टेटस वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 7162016 से 7152020 एजीआईएससीआरईड मैनिंग इंक (फार्मरी ग्रेट मिरिटिशन शिपमेंट इंक) nbsp मैनेनिंग एजेंसी बी 1 एल 5, विक्टोरिया स्प्रिंगविल एचटीएस, पीएच 5, एमएलओओ, बीबीओओओआर शहर, कावेला दूरभाष नंबर (02) 5534668 (02) 4784458, ईमेल पता, ईमेल पता, निमंत्रण वेबसाइट, वेबसाइट, अधिकृत प्रतिनिधि, कैप्टन रीनॉल्ड एल टोर्रेस की स्थिति, वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 8620 15 से 852019 एएनएओएस शिपमेंट सर्विसेज इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी 3 एफ मैक्रीमा बीएलडीजी .1666एसकेला सीओएआरडीएसए एमकेटीआई शहर नोब्स टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp8821474 8821479nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। कैप डैनिलो पी वेनेडा स्थिति। डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 132000 से 12232001 AGILE मारियाटाइम रिसोर्सेस इंक (पीआईआई मारिटाइम एसवीसीएस कांग्रेस के लिए) nbsp; मैन्नीजिंग एजेंसी जीएफ एंड यूनिट्स 2 बी 201, 2 एफ वुडलैंड पार्क कॉन्ड। 3 9 6 9 9 मेगेटी टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp7381608 7381607 8890251nbspnbsp ईमेल पता गोपनीयता नीति सरकारी प्रतिनिधि एमएस IMELDA बार्सिलोना स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 1192016 से 1182020 एआईएमएस शिपीमेणमेंट कॉरपोरेशन मोमिंग एजेंसी 3 एफ मैरीन सीटीआरएल बीएलडीजी मैगलेनस एसटी इंतरामूरोस मैनॉलप्लग टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5268004 5273760nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एनआईईआरएएसएए एक कैबहुंग स्थिति। डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 7301997 से 7301 99 9 अल्बर शिपमेंट ट्रेडिंग कॉरपोरेशन मोमिंग एजेंसी 2649 एमओएलएवी एसटी, यूकेटेड हिल्स विल्लन्स्पेसैक्वे टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp8232391 8232396nbsp; ईमेल पता nbspacctgalbargroup. ph वेबसाइट ब्लॉगरग्रुप आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि जोस अलबार जी। काटो स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 7112016 से 7102020 सभी महासागरों मिटिमेशन एजेंसी इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी जीएफ मारारकैच बीएलडीजी 25TH एसटीएनस्पोर्ट एआरए, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp525751552374865251929nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp; कोई भी वेबसाइट नहीं nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। एमआर रिक्र्डो टी। वेलोजो स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 2242016 से 2232020 एलायंस मिरिट्यूम सपोर्ट एसवीसीएस। इंक। डोमिनिंग एजेंसी आरएम 500 एलएस बीएलडीजी 1414 रॉक्सस बीएलवीडी एरिमट जनपे टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5223548 5369863nbsp; ईमेल पता वेबसाइट पर जाएं nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। अलेक्जेंडर सी। एक्विनो जेआर स्थिति । डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 4192004 से 4182008 ऑलन्स मिटटीज सर्विसेज इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी 2 एफ सभी नेशन्स कस्टम्स बीएलडीजी 606 क्विनिनो एवे TAMBOnbsp टेलीफोन नंबर ईमेल पते। nbsp; कोई भी वेबसाइट नहीं nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। एलिस एस हॉरशाह स्थिति। डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 10 9 00002 से 1082004 अल्पा शिपमेंट कार्पोरेशन. मैंनिंग एजेंसी 10 एफ जेमारसोनस प्लेस 1626 पी। हिंडाल्गो लिम स्नम्स्स्पेलेट, मनीला टेली नंबर nbsp523-5568 5243855nbspnbsp ईमेल पता ब्लॉग्जपीसटन. एफ़ वेबसाइट nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। जूनियर एम। चान स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 8122015 से 8112019 अल्पारा मरीन सर्विसेज इंक (फार्मः पीओएस-एफआईआईएच शिप मैनेजमेंट कॉरपोरेशन, मैमोनींग एजेंसी 7 एफ जेमेरसों पीएलसी 1626 पी हिंडालगो एसटी मनिलाब्सस्पेलेट, मनिला टेली नं। 515186800 से 02nbsp एनएसपी ईमेल एड्रेस। एनएमएएसआईएसएफायरमार्क वेबसाइट. एनएनए ऑफिसरी रिप्रेजेंटेटिव। गौडेन्सियो सी। नैरालेस स्टेटस मान्य लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 12162014 से 12152018 एस्टर इंपोर्ट शिपमेंट सर्विसेज इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी एमएफ, 2 एफ 6 एफ, 2053 बिल्डिंग एडिसन ST. nbspSAN ISIDRO, मकाती दूरभाष संख्या: 8888876010 8576011 से 12nbspnbsp ईमेल पता निमस्सलियर्स्टफ वेबसाइट। Nbspalster. ph आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि। कैप्टन फेलिक्स जी वलेन्ज़ोना स्थिति मान्य लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 8302016 से 8292020 अल्तममर अंतर्राष्ट्रीय नौवहन कंपनी इममोमीनिंग एजेंसी एस -311 लीगेपाइ टावर 300, 2600 रॉक्सस बीएलवी डीस्पेल मेल, मनीला दूरभाष नं .5252105 से 08 0936 9247414, ईमेल एड्रेस। Nbsp; प्रतिनिधि। मैनुअल डी। एमआईएसए स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस ई वैधता 8202013 से 8192017 ALYAGA नेवीगेशन निगम फिलिपीन पंजीकृत पोत ईस्टगेट केंद्र 16 9 ईडीएसएएनएसपीएमएएमडीयूएनडीयूआरएम टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5333928 5336101nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp; कोई भी वेबसाइट नहीं nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। कैप्टन एमएमएनएल एल रेडियो स्थिति समय सीमा समाप्त लाइसेंस वैधता 412002 से 3142004 AMAYA नौवहन कांग्रेस ब्लूमिंग एजेंसी यूनिट 1104 PRYCE CENTER BLDG 1179 चीन रॉक्स AVE. nbspMAKATI टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp8975500 8975700nbsp; ईमेल पता nbspmailamashashing वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि का निमंत्रण। ईएनजीआर एन्जेल बी अगुइलर स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 10292015 से 10282019 Amethyst शिपमेंट कंपनी इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी जीएफ 2 एफ ELENA BLG I 1806 सिंगापोल कॉर नेकिल STnbspMALATE, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5215222nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbspinfoamethyst. ph वेबसाइट nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। डीननी पे GUERRERO स्थिति डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 592012 से 582016 एएमआईएनटीए क्राउ मैनेजमेंट इंकमोमिंग एजेंसी 3 एफ कोहेर्को कॉरपोरेट सीटीआर 116 वी ए रेफिनो स्टेन्सप्लेजपीपीआई गांव, मुकाई टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp; 8450072 0915-9266172nbspnbsp ईमेल पता होमपेज nbspaminta. ph आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि। कार्लोलिन जी डी लीन स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 11202016 से 11192020 ANCHOR अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मैनेजर एसवीसीएस कांग्रेस (के लिए एनशोर मारीन एसवीसीएस कांग्रेस) nbsp; मन्निंग एजेंसी एसटी जूडई बीएलडीजी 1020 मालवर् एसटी कॉर MODESTOnbspMALATE, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5262788 से 905220030523883509178428271nbspnbsp ईमेल पता। nbspaimsi. amelitagmailotganchoryahoo. ph वेबसाइट सरकारी प्रतिनिधि एमआर आरयूडीएलएफओ एस बाल्टाजार स्थिति। डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 7101986 से 7101 9 88 एंड्रोमेडा शिपमेंट कॉरपोरेशन, फिलिपीन पंजीकृत पोत 601 एलएस, बीएलडीजी 1414, रॉक्सस बीएलवीडी, मनिलाप्पन टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5219744nbsp; ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमएस एंजेलीना टी रिवार्वा स्थिति। निष्क्रिय लाइसेंस वैधता 4181998 से 4182000 एंग्लो-ईस्टर्न क्रू मैनेजमैंट फिलिपिनस इंकॉर्पोरेटेड ममैनिंग एजेंसी जीएफ, 2 एफ 3 एफ ब्लूमिंगडेल बीएलजी 205 सल्काडो स्टेन्स्पलेगेस्पि गांव, मकाती टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp8442001 (ट्रंकलाइन) ईमेल पता नि: शुल्क वेबसाइट राष्ट्रीय राजनीतिक प्रतिनिधि ग्रेगोरीयो बी। SIALSA स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 7222015 से 7212027 एएनएससीआर एसटीईआर शिप मैनेजमेंट कॉपोर्रेशन टेम्पनिंग एजेंसी ऑफिस 17 जीएफ दो-ई कॉम सीटीआर (टॉवर बी), बेयशेर AVEnbspPASAY शहर टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp84720338472055 0917-8844451nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp; स्पीलोसाइन्सकोरवायर वेबसाइट nbsp; अधिकृत प्रतिनिधि। एडवर्ड पी। PERTIERRA स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 9252015 से 9242019 एपी मैड्रिअल स्टेरशिप कंपनी इंक. मैंनिंग एजेंसी 6TH फ्लोरिडा मैडीरियल बीएलडीजी 286 एस्कॉल्टाब्समोहन टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp 402511 502515nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर एंटोनियो पी मेड्रिअल स्टेटस डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 9131997 से 91219 99 एपोल्लो फिलिपिन मारिट्यूम तकनीकी एसवीएस इंक. मॉमनिंग एजेंसी 6TH फ्लोरिडा बिल्डिंग एस्कॉल्टा मनिलाप्पन टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp 402511 402515nbsp; ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर एंटोनियो पी मेड्रिअल स्टेटस डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 751990 से 751992 एपीक्यू शिपमेंटी कंपनी इंक। डोमिनिंग एजेंसी 2 एफ एनएफडब्ल्यूसी बीएलडीजी 962 एस्कोडीए कोर सैन मार्सिलनो एसटीएस। एनस्प्रेमीटा, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp400-4797 400-4798 0998-4870504nbsp ईमेल ईमेल पता निप्पकशिप्सफिलोलाइनपॉलओपैकशिप वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि nbspapqships वीसेंट एलेक्स पी क्लिलोपी स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 11222015 से 11212019 एक्लिंकी मारीट्यूम इंकममैनिंग एजेंसी एस 601-ए, 605-607 एरमिटा सीटीआर बीएलडीजी 1350 रॉक्सस बीएलवी डीएनबीएसएमआईटीए, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5260271 5366725nbspnbsp ईमेल पता। nbsp; scalinkinfo. ph वेबसाइट nbsp; aainkinkinkinkititimeimeimeimeimeimeime जॉर्जीना एल आर्काडिया स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 2112017 से 2102021 एक्वाटिक लाइनर आईसीएम मेमिंग एजेंसी 4 एफ रॉयल बे टेरैसेस बीएलडीजी यूएन AVEnbspERMITA, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp; 572335 503707nbsp ईमेल ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर जेमी बी पैबलन स्थिति डीलिड् लाइसेंस वैधता 5131988 से 5131990 आउआरपी नौवहन एजेंसी इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी वीला ब्लॉंका बीएलडीजी, कैबिलो कोर बेटरियो स्ट्रीटस्पर्नस्पिनसन्नरमोरोस, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5220204522020552201945220340nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp; sesealinksealink. phjcportussealink. ph वेबसाइट nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। जेमी सी पोर्टेस स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 7282016 से 7272020 आर्कटिक शिपमेंट कॉपोर्रेशन टेम्पनिंग एजेंसी जीएफ गुडविल्ल बीएलजी 393 सेन जीआईएल पीयूट एवे.नस्पष्मकाती, मकाती टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp (632) 8960975 8963706 8968147 09188080806 संदेश ईमेल पता वेबसाइट nbsparcticshipping. ph आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि। फ़्रेडरिक सी डोमोरल स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 542016 से 532020 ARKTIS मारीटाइम कार्पोरेशन गोमिंग एजेंसी एस जी 11 जेटी बीएलजी 3894 रामन मैगसेसेय बीएलवी डीएनएसपीएसटीए। मेसा, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5163850713-4926nbspnbsp ईमेल पता ईमेल पता nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। कैप नोएल एफ DECENA स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 11172015 से 1116201 9 एआरएल नौवहन सेवाएं इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी एआरएल बीएलडीजी ग्लोरिया 111 कैसोनोवा अभियान टीएसओआरएए क्यू.एन. एन. एन. पी.एन. एन. पी.एन. एन. पी. nbsp9313974 9512334nbsp; ईमेल पता nbsparl88mindgatecaplagurayahoo वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि कैप एस्टेरियो लैगूरा स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 4202016 से 41 9 2020 एआरपीपिल शिपमेंट कॉरपोरेशन मोमिंग एजेंसी यू-जीएफ -193, एसएसएमएसटीटीटी टी टी आर टी आर टीआर, 104 पीएसीओ डे रॉक्सस्स्पॉस्पलेगापीपीआई गांव, मक्काटी टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp8138870 813-8871nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsparpaphilpldtdslarpaphilahoo वेबसाइट nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। नाथिविद ए। पेपैस स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 5312014 से 5302018 एएसएआई मायरिन सर्विसेज इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी आरएम 405 4 एफ फीनिक्स बीएलडीजी रेकोलेटस्नस्पिन इंट्रिरमौरोस, मनिला टेली नंबर nbsp5271021 5277432nbsp; ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि कैप ROKE लोनेंज स्थिति डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 6152001 से 6142003 एशिया बल्क ट्रांसपोर्ट फिलिपिनस कॉम्प्लेपीन पंजीकृत पोत 2 एफ एमजीएफ चैम्पाका बीएलजी एमोरसोलो लेगेस्पी विल्लग्स्सम्काटी टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp6368101-05 09178387420nbspnbsp ईमेल पता। वेबसाइट nbsp; आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर रामन एल एलईईएसएमए स्थिति। डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 221993 तक एशिया बल्क ट्रांसपोर्ट फिल्ल्स इंक nbspमैंनिंग एजेंसी यू -1005 1006 10 एफ पैरागोन प्लाजा ईडीएसए, मेंड्युल्यंग्डन टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp6368101 3600500nbsp; ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि ERNESTO टी। TUVIDA स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 8312016 से 8302020 एशिया वर्ल्ड क्राउ मैनेजमेंट इंक। (प्रारम्भिक फिलेल्लेनिक मैरिट्यूम इंक) nbsp; मैन्नींग एजेंसी सूट डी, 5 एफ, जी। एटोनटिनो बीएलजी, टीएम कलॉ कॉर जम्मू बॉकोबॉन्स्पर्समिटा, मनिला टेली नंबर nbsp521883852188395211297nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp; वेबसाइट। वेल्ड2015yahoo. ph वेबसाइट nbspasiaworld. ph आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि। ईजीएनियो टी। रेडिल जेआर स्थिति । वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 1112016 से 1102020 एशियाई बल्क ट्रांसपोर्ट टी फिलिपीन पंजीकृत पोत 3 एफ रोडा एसटी लिगेपाइ विल्ल मकाटी शहर का टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp8161290 8161291 अन्तर्गल ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर जेएएमईए एफएआरआरएआरएस स्थिति डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 2101987 से 2101 9 88 एशियाई क्रूजर नौवहन एजेंसी इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी 2028 एफ पी। फ्लोरेंटीनो STnbspSAMPALOC, मनीला टेलीफोन नंबर ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर रोमियो डी ईएसपीओएस स्थिति डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 111198 9 से 1111991 एशियाई प्रिंसिपेस शिपिंग कॉरपोर टेलीफ़ीपाइन पंजीकृत पोत संयुक्त राष्ट्र AVE कॉर सैन मारीसिनो एसटी मनिलाप्पन टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp5009011nbsp; ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर विर्जिलो एल लेयज़ा स्थिति। डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 11221988 से 11121993 एशियाई प्रॉपर्टी लिंक्स इंक। एम्पीलीपीन पंजीकृत पोत 2 एफ एस एन एंटोनियो बीएलजी वेस्ट तिरी कोण 15 9 9 क्यू बीएलवीडीएनस्पक़ाज़न शहर टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp9293601 9293623nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर TRANQUILLINO वेंटुरा जेआर स्थिति। समय सीमा समाप्त लाइसेंस वैधता 9102000 से 2212003 एशियाई प्रॉपर्टी लिंक्स इंक। डोमिनिंग एजेंसी यू-सी 2 एफ सैन एंटोनियो बीएलडीजी पश्चिम त्रिनिअक क्वीज़न शहर नोब्स टेलीफोन नंबर ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर TRANQUILLINO वेंटुरा जेआर स्थिति। डीलिड् लाइसेंस वैधता 9102000 से 992002 एएसियाना शिप मैनेजमेंट इंकमॉमिंग एजेंसी 2 एफ बीपीआई बीएलडीजी। GEN MAXILOM AVE अतिरिक्त उत्तर RECLAMATIOnbspCEBU CITY, CEBU टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp (032) 266-74750905-3259008nbspnbsp ईमेल पता वेबसाइट। nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। दालिसी सी। ओएचडीटाट स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 3252014 से 3242018 एशियटिक सेफ़र एजेंसियां ​​आईसीएम मेमिंग एजेंसी 238 ए क्रुज बीएलडीजी पी ओकंपो एसआर AVEnbspMAKATI टेलीफोन नंबर ईमेल पता nbsp; कोई भी वेबसाइट नहीं nbsp; कोई भी सरकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। फेलिक्स आर रावेल्स स्थिति अस्वीकृत नवीनीकरण लाइसेंस वैधता 7192001 से 7182003 एएसपी क्रू मैनेजमेंट सर्विसेज इंक (प्रारम्भिक सीएमएस क्रू मैनेजमेंट सर्विसेज इंकमैंमिंग एजेंसी 1820 ल्यूस मारिया गुररो स्टेन्स्स्पैमेट, मनिला टेली नंबर 9 5240758524-3783 एनजीएनजी ईमेल एड्रेस. निम्मनिलक्यूशिप वेबसाइट। एनस्पेशास ऑफिसिपी रिप्रेझेंटेटिव। वीसेंट एफ एल्डेनेज जेआर स्टेटस। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 612016 से 5312020 एस्ट्रा मायरिन इंटरनेशनल इंक इम्प्रोमिंग एजेंसी 12 एफ, जेमेरस प्लेस, 1626 पिलाल हिंडालोग्लो लिमस्टीस्प्स्स मेलेट, मनिला टेली नंबर 9 524-7521525-0182524-4280 एनजीएनजी ईमेल एड्रेस. निम्निआस्त्ररामरीन वेबसाइट। कोई भी अधिकारी प्रतिनिधि नहीं। कैप्टन गौडेन्सियो सी मोरेज़ स्टेटस। लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 4242013 से 4232017 अटलांटिक प्रवासी प्रबंधन सेवाएं आईसीएममैंंग एजेंसी 4TH एफएलआर पास्कोर बीएलडीजी क्वार्विन, एवेनस्पष्मलेट, मनिला टेलीफोन नंबर, 592416 एनजीएनजीपी ईमेल, वेबसाइट, एनपीओ, आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि, एटीआई रॉजेलोयो डीओ स्थिति, लाइसेंस वैधता रद्द कर दी गई, 1081985 एयू प्रबंधन सर्विसेज इंक एजेंसी एस 501 5 एफ 1377 ए मैबिनियर सीओआरए मोनिका एस्टेस्पेरमिटा, मनिला टेली नंबर nbsp5223854525-1205nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbspaumsimlapldtdsl वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमएस अमेल्लता एन गिनटू स्थिति। डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 6242004 से 6232008 अगस्टा जहाज मनीज फिलिपिनस इंक। (के लिए: क्रेवेट शिपपैंट फ़िलर्स इंक) नोमिंग एजेंसी यू-बी, पासेओ व्यू, 16 एफ, लेपेंटो बीएलजी, 8747PASEODEROXASnbspMAKATI दूरभाष नंबर nbsp55132495513725551329155163038312213nbsp ईमेल ईमेल पता। वेबमास्टर। nbspaugustea. ph आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि। मैरी ग्रेस एस। एलएलबीआरएससीए स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 1162015 से 115201 9 तक ऑस्पेल शिप मैनेजमेंट इंक (के लिए: जीएलसी नौवहन और मनन एजेंसी एजेंसी, मैनेजिंग एजेंसी आरएम 30 9 3 एफ पुज़न बीएलजीएनपीईओ। रॉड्रिगेज, क्विज़न सिटी टेलीफोन नंबर, ईमेल, पता: ईमेल: कोई भी वेबसाइट नहीं, एनएसई की स्थिति, रद्द की गयी लाइसेंस वैधता 11122004 11122005 AUXILIA INC ब्लूमिंग एजेंसी फॉउस 511 बी सूर्योदय कॉन्डो 226 ऑरगैस एवेस गिलसस्पन्सन जुआन टेलीफोन नंबर 9 72509427254169 एनजीएन ईमेल एड्रेस। नॉक्सिलिएन्सीहोउ वेबसाइट। आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर विंसेंट फ्लोरेंस स्टेटस। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 1132016 से 1122020 एवेंटगढ़ शिपमेंट कॉरपोरेशन (अवंतगढ़ एंटरप्राइज इंटरनेशनल ) मैनेजिंग एजेंसी 2593 ए। बोनिफेसीओस्टंस्ब्सबस बंगलगाल, मकाती टेल नं। 88883665889358288935838893589 एनजीएन ईमेल एड्रेस. mailmail@gmail. com। वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि। एमएकेई ईडेज जी रेबमोनट स्थिति। मान्य लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 1152016 से 1142020 एविओर मायरिन इंक (प्रारम्भिक एलमिरा शिपिन जी फिल्ल्स इंक) ब्लूमिंग एजेंसी 4 एफ फ्लाई एईई कॉरपोरेट सेंटर 13 कोरल वे, सेंट्रलनगसपासै शहर, टेलीफोन नंबर 9 8433277 से 79 लोक 104 09178273635 जागरण ईमेल पता। nbspedna. ranaraaviormarine वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि प्रतिनिधि। ईडीएनए एल रानारा स्थिति वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 9212016 से 9202020 बी एसटीए रीटा कंपनी इंक। ई-मेलिंग एजेंसी एस -20 बैंक ऑफ पी.आई. बीएलडीजी पलाजा सर्विन्टेस बिनोन्डऑनप्प टेलीफोन नंबर nbsp2421192 2421167 अन्तर्गल ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि एमआर बेंन स्टेट रीटा स्थिति डीलिड् लाइसेंस की वैधता 11281999 से 11262001 बीबी शिपमेंट मैनेजमेंट कॉरपोरेशन, मैनेजिंग एजेंसी आर 505, 5 एफ एमआरएस बीएलडीजी 1431, एक मैकिन स्टेन्स्प्रेमिटा, मनीला टेली नंबर nbsp523-1880nbspnbsp ईमेल पता nbspbbshippingyahoo. ph वेबसाइट nbsp; अधिकृत आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि। कारमेल्टा एम डीला पीए स्थिति। वैध लाइसेंस लाइसेंस वैधता 5132014 से 5122018 बैगॉन्ग फ़िलिपिन प्रवासी कार्पोरेशन टेम्पनिंग एजेंसी सूट 505 वीआईपी बीएलडीजी 1550 रॉक्सस बीएलवीडी विधायकों का टेलीफोन नंबर ईमेल पता nbsp वेबसाइट आधिकारिक प्रतिनिधि MR JESUS M NACIONGAYO Status . Cancelled License Validity . to 1191985 BAHIA SHIPPING SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency UNITS 5A5B, MA. DANIEL BLDG, 470 SAN ANDRES STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5217456 5260691 5218911nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadmin. bahiabahiashipping. ph Website . nbspbahiashipping. ph Official Representative . MS CYNTHIA C MENDOZA Status . Valid License License Validity . 2172014 to 2162018 BALIWAG NAVIGATION INC nbspManning Agency 3F VICTORIA BLDG 429 UN AVEnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5216076 5234785 5234798 5253565 09228629904nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspbalnavbni. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MS JOSEFINA T REYES Status . Valid License License Validity . 1152016 to 1142024 BALTIC ASIA CREWING INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency R-207 208, 2F, T. M. KALAW CTR, 667-A T. M. KALAWnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3101588nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspbalticasiacrewingyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MICHAEL G ARMAMENTO Status . Valid License License Validity . 6272016 to 6272017 BANDILA MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 3F4F CAROLINA BLDG 2106 MADRE IGNACIA ST MALATEnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5260505 5261728nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR REGINALDO A OBEN Status . Ceased Operations License Validity . 5202009 to 5192013 BANDILA SHIPPING INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 4F WALLEM PHILS BLDG BEATERIO LEGASPInbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR REGINALDO A OBEN Status . Valid License License Validity . 11102008 to 1102012 BANTAYOG OCEAN SHIPPING INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 3F4F CAROLINA BDG 2106 MADRE IGNACIA ST MALATE MLnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR REGINALDO A OBEN Status . Expired License Validity . 10271998 to 10272000 BANTAYOG SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel PIER 4 NORTH HARBOR TONDO MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ENRIQUE M ABOITIZ JR Status . Delisted License Validity . 9101986 to 9101987 BAN-UDEN CREWING INC nbspManning Agency 40 FAITH STREET, nbspPROJECT 6, QUEZON CITY Tel Nos . nbsp40089559274696 0920952542309228287915nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcapt. celsbanagban-uden. ph Website . nbspban-uden. ph Official Representative . CELSO L. BANAG Status . Valid License License Validity . 3222015 to 3212019 BARGONFIP SHIPMANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 25 MA ASUNCION SPIRIG ST BF RESORT VILL LAS PINASnbspPAMPLONA, LAS PIAS Tel Nos . nbsp8463478 09988498485nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspbsimailbargonfip Website . nbspbargonfip Official Representative . BELTRAN B. BARGAS Status . Valid License License Validity . 932016 to 922020 BARKO INTERNATIONAL INC (FORMERLY UNITRA BARKO INC) nbspManning Agency 3F BARKO BLDG 1014 PABLO OCAMPO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5238503 - 04 5250310 TO 13nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspbiigeneralbarko. ph Website . nbspbarko. ph Official Representative . CAPT TEODORO B QUIJANO Status . Valid License License Validity . 8302016 to 8292020 BATCH SHIPPING AGENCIES MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency STERLING COND BLDG DE LA ROSA LEGASPI VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 893386nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JOSE ARISTEO COLMENAR Status . Delisted License Validity . to 11251987 BEAMKO SHIPMANAGEMENT CORPORATION (FORMERLY EMC ASIA SHIPMANAGEMENT INC) nbspManning Agency SEC AB 14F R MAGSAYSAY CTR 1680 ROXAS BLVDnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5281612404-399140439954050176nbsp Email Address . nbspbeamkoi-manila. ph Website . nbspbeamkoship Official Representative . JUANITO G SALVATIERRA JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 5212013 to 5202017 BECARD MARITIME CORP. nbspManning Agency UNIT502 GEDISCO TERRACE 1148 RXS BLVD. ERMITA MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5239429 5239435nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . REYNALDO C MONSALVE Status . Delisted License Validity . 5111999 to 5112001 BELCHEM PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency GF PLAZA SANTIAGO BLDG STA CLARA ST MANILAnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5277491 loc 209 224 5271575 09285500746nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmailbelchem. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . FERNANDINO T. LISING Status . Valid License License Validity . 3212013 to 3202017 BENEPHIL SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY INC. nbspManning Agency R1607A 16F EAST TWR PSE CTR ORTIGAS CTR PASIG CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp6873497 (TELEFAX)nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR CELSO L BANAG Status . Cancelled License Validity . 8182004 to 8172008 BENHUR SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2159AB TAFT BUSINESS CTR TAFT AVEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5215712nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspbenshipskynet Website . nbsp None Official Representative . EDGAR B BRUSELAS Status . Valid License License Validity . 912016 to 8312020 BIBBY SHIP MANAGEMENT PHILIPPINES INC (FORMERLY BIBBY INTERNATIONAL SERVICE nbspManning Agency UNITS 101, 102 103, GF, RIMA IV BLDG, 161 PASIGnbspPASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp6715591 TO 93nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadministrationbibby. ph Website . nbspph. bibbyshipmanagement Official Representative . MR JONATHAN M. PALMA Status . Valid License License Validity . 2212013 to 2202017 BIG DIPPER MARITIME SERVICES CORPORATION nbspManning Agency R403 ADRIATICO EXECUTIVE CENTER 1920 M ADRIATICO nbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4905636nbsp Email Address . nbspadminbigdippermaritime Website . nbsp None Official Representative . Status . Cancelled License Validity . 10162012 to 10152016 BLESSED SHIPPING AGENCY CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2143-B LEVERIZA ST PASAY CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8325203nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . FILOMENO S ORTIZ JR Status . Delisted License Validity . to 10231993 BLUE MANILA INC nbspManning Agency 9F BELVEDERE TWR 25 SN MGUEL AV BO ORANBOnbspORTIGAS, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp7064951 TO 55 7064932 09328663704 09178174057nbsp Email Address . nbspbmibluemanila Website . nbspbluemanila Official Representative . MA PAZ F V ARCELLANA Status . Valid License License Validity . 262014 to 252018 BLUE OCEAN MARINE AND OFFSHORE SOLUTIONS INC nbspManning Agency UNIT 4 A 4F OPL BLDG 100 C PALANCA ST LEGASPI VILLnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8567263nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfobom-offshore Website . nbspbom-offshore Official Representative . MA CRISTINA H GARCIA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1152014 to 1152018 BLUE OCEAN SHIPPING AGENCY INC (RAMSAN SHIPPING AGENCY INC) nbspManning Agency FERROS BLDG 176 SALCEDO ST LEGASPI VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8189397 8189477nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RAMON P SANTOS Status . Delisted License Validity . to 1091989 BLUEWAVE MARINE AND OFFSHORE INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency 2F, FOREX BLDG, 1963 SAN MARCELINO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp(02) 2414893nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspbluewavemarinebluewaveoffshore Website . nbspNA Official Representative . FILOMENA TAGACAY RAMOS Status . Valid License License Validity . 1142013 to 1132017 BMC MARINE INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 391 J. RIZAL ST BO. NAMAYANnbspMANDALUYONG Tel Nos . nbsp 788011 799251nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR CHRISTOPHER C RAMOS Status . Delisted License Validity . 1131988 to 11271994 BONA SHIPPING PHILIPPINES INC (FOR SMEDVIG TANKSHIPS PHILS INC) nbspManning Agency 3F PILGRIM BLDG 111 AGUIRRE ST LEGASPI VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8981111nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR CARLOS C SALINAS Status . Delisted License Validity . 9181999 to 9172001 BONAVENTURE OVERSEAS MANNING INC. nbspManning Agency 11F ACT TOWER 135 SEN GIL PUYAT AVEnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8937220nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspBOMIBONAVENTURE. PH Website . nbspBONAVENTURE. PH Official Representative . ROLANDO A. SOLIDUM Status . Delisted License Validity . 212006 to 212007 BOURBON MARINE SERVICES MANILA INC (FORMERLY VSHIPS MARINE SERVICES INC) nbspManning Agency U802 SAGE HOUSE 110 VA RUFINO STnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp720-1000nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfocrossworldmarine Website . nbsp None Official Representative . Status . Valid License License Validity . 462013 to 452017 BOUVET SHIPPING MANAGEMENT CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2F, EXCHANGE CORNER BUILDING, 107 V. A. RUFINO STRnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp458 1095 09175529443nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcommonbouvetship Website . nbspbouvetshipping Official Representative . BRENDA R. PANGANIBAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 1292017 to 1282021 BP INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING CORP nbspManning Agency 3F VJ AVENA SONS BLDG. 2284 ESPANAnbspSAMPALOC, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp742-4033nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspbppaxbpisc Website . nbspbpisc Official Representative . GLORIA TIMBANG Status . Valid License License Validity . 1232016 to 1222020 BP MATA COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency 2F 873 EDSA, WEST TRIANGLE, QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp924-0124TO29nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanningbpmata Website . nbsp None Official Representative . BRIAN BENEDICT A MATA Status . Ceased Operations License Validity . 612012 to 5312016 BRIDGE MARINE CORPORATION nbspManning Agency S 600,601 608 ERMITA CTR BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp526-7626 5267285526211209175655650909396398486nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewbmcorp. ph Website . nbspbmcorp. ph Official Representative . DANNY S TAMPUS Status . Valid License License Validity . 5272016 to 5262020 BRIGHT KNIGHT MANNING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency RM.106 CCCI BLDG 38 TIMOG AVE QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp3743156 4112075nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR NOEL S ARCOSA Status . Delisted License Validity . 10202002 to 10192004 BRIGHT MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 4F 5F, MARITIME PLAZA BLG, A FLORES COR CORTADAnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp256-1047nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspBMC-ACCPPHILONLINE Website . nbspbrightmaritimecorp Official Representative . DESIREE P. SILLAR Status . Valid License License Validity . 8102010 to 8102018 BRILLIANT SEAS SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency U4 11F PEARL OF THE ORIENT TWR 1318 RXS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp521754052388985228313nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingbrilliantshipping Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CE CHRISTOPHER MAAMBONG Status . Valid License License Validity . 982015 to 972019 BRITMARK SHIPPING SERVICES INC (FORMERLY BRITANNIA BULK SERVICES PHILS INC) nbspManning Agency S1402-1402A PENTHOUSE, ERMITA CTR BLG 1350 R BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5254301nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspBBLPHILSYAHOOPLDTDSL Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ARGIE P. TORRES Status . Valid License License Validity . 5302015 to 5292019 BRITOIL OFFSHORE PHILS INC nbspManning Agency RMS 507 300 S L BLDG 1500 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5234823 5235435nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspbritoilpheastern. ph Website . nbspbritoilphilippine Official Representative . MARIANITO Z. AGUISANDA Status . Valid License License Validity . 4262014 to 4252018 BSM CREW SERVICE CENTRE PHILIPPINES INC (FORMERLY PHILIPPINE HAMMONIA SHIPA nbspManning Agency GF 2F 5F 6F 8F 9F 10F BSM HOUSE 1965 L GUINTO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp516-5640 0917 823 7153nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspph-csc-man-manbs-shipmanagement Website . nbspteambsm. ph Official Representative . NARCISSUS L. DURAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 9262012 to 9252024 BSW SHIPPING SERVICES INC. nbspManning Agency RM.332 FEMII BLDG A. SORIANO AVE INTRAMUROS MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 486137 409571nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . BETTY H WEIRE Status . Delisted License Validity . 481994 to 471996 BUENA VISTA MARITIME AND GENERAL SERVICES INC. nbspManning Agency 2F RM B-3, J. L. BLDG. 1647 TAFT AVE. MALATE MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5224551 7650229nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR MEDINO L ACUBA Status . Delisted License Validity . 1151996 to 1151998 BUENAMAR MARINE SERVICES INC nb spManning Agency CS-5A GF SARMIENTO CONDO 177 YAKAL ST MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8432895 8921622nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspbuenamarmydestiny buenamarmarinehotmail. co Website . nbspbuenamar Official Representative . MR BAYANI O SANTIAGO Status . Cancelled License Validity . 7112004 to 7102008 BUWAN TALA MANNING INC nbspManning Agency 3F DELGADO BLDG BONIFACIO DRIVE MANILAnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4001013 336-9159nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanningbtmi. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . MR JOSE MARIA L LOPEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 6202014 to 6192018 BW SHIPPING PHILIPPINES INC. (FOR BERGESEN D Y PHILIPPINES INC) nbspManning Agency GF(RW), 2F(RW)5F, GOODLAND BLG, 377 SEN GIL PUYATnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8952469 09285039969nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanagement. philippinesbwfm Website . nbspbwphilippines Official Representative . ROSALINDA G CRUZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 12222013 to 12212017 BZ ALPHA NAVIGATION INC. nbspManning Agency 311,314,315316,AURO-VIR, EVANGELISTA COR LACUNAnbspBANGKAL, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8006216 8007950 84349910915483858809392031020nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanilaalncc Website . nbspNA Official Representative . JUANCHO B RENTILLO Status . Valid License License Validity . 8202015 to 8202019 C. S.C. MANILA, INC. nbspManning Agency 3F ENERPRO BLG 1181 LEVERIZA ST COR PRES QUIRINOnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp353-7141 353-7139 09178386234nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationscsc-manila. ph Website . nbspcsc-manila. ph Official Representative . ERIC M SANCHEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 462016 to 452020 CALM SEA SHIPPING SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency 5F - C, MJL BUILDING 1175 CHINO ROCES AVEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8992776nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspMBARONAMOZCOM Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MARIO S. BARONA Status . Delisted License Validity . 7122004 to 7122005 CAPITAL APEX MARINE MANAGEMENT CORP nbspManning Agency RM.401 RAJA SULAYMAN BLDG BENAVIDES ST LEGASPInbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . BEN C JAVELLANA Status . Delisted License Validity . 11131992 to 11131994 CAPITAL SHIPMANNING PHILS INC nbspManning Agency S-E, 12F G. E. ANTONINO BDG TM KALAW COR J BOCOBOnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4003696 4003241nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspCSmpirelayahoo Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ALEXANDER G. ABILO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1302017 to 1292021 CAPTAIN AHAB MANPOWER INTERNATIONAL, INC. nbspManning Agency 1485 D. OLIMAN STREETnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp890-8746nbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . श्री। CLARITO L. SAMSON Status . Delisted License Validity . 11132002 to 11132004 CARAVEL PHILIPPINES NAVIGATION INC nbspManning Agency 4F, BANKWAYS BLG, GOV M CUENCO, SITIO BACCA, APASnbspCEBU Tel Nos . nbsp(032) 4120675 0935-1461099nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingcaravelphil Website . nbspNA Official Representative . JOVEN G VANGUARDIA Status . Valid License License Validity . 512013 to 4302017 CARDIFF CREWING FILIPINAS INC (FORMERLY MORE MARITIME AGENCIES INC) nbspManning Agency UNITS 1001-1016 (10F) 1101-1116 (11F), DE LEON CnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5160854 5164225 5165946 5161235nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfocardiff-filipinas Website . nbsp None Official Representative . REY B ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 10202015 to 10192019 CARDINAL SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency UCCP SHALOM CTR RM 202,211,212 1660 LM GUERRERO MLnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5268021 5248898nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MANUEL P FLORES Status . Delisted License Validity . 7132000 to 7122002 CAREER PHILIPPINES SHIPMANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 2ND FLR 1526 P. SANTOS ST COR EDSAnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8892020 7502425 09175076001 09175636239nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcareerglobenet. phopscareer. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . SAMPAGUITA D MARAVE Status . Valid License License Validity . 9292011 to 9282023 CARGO SAFEWAY INC nbspManning Agency GF,2F(BACK PORTION),3F,4F5F, SEABORNE BLG, 4203nbspSTA. MESA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp7147337 7160262 7165530 7165534 7165537nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingcargosafeway Website . nbspcargosafeway Official Representative . CAPT REYNALDO D CASAREO Status . Valid License License Validity . 5162016 to 5152020 CARGOMARINE CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 27F 121 VALERO ST. SALCEDO VILL. MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . JOSE ABAD SANTOS III Status . Expired License Validity . 10272003 to 11262004 CARIMED MARINE MANAGEMENT PHILS. INC. nbspManning Agency U-Q TIMES PLAZA COMML BLDG MLA TIMES AVE PAMPLONAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8010727nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT JAMES P COLENDRES Status . Delisted License Validity . 5261996 to 5251998 CARLS MARITIME CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel DON CARLOS BLDG 2590 MANCHAS COR VENECIAnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ROLANDO S TONGCO Status . Delisted License Validity . 111950 to 1241986 CARYN MARITIME MANNING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency LITTON BLDG 517 QUIRINO AVE MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT ISAAC TARRAYO Status . Inactive License Validity . to 6141983 CASAS MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency U-I-1 FEROSA COND SAN JUAN DONADA STS PASAYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5262710 5235722nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RENATO H LAO Status . Delisted License Validity . 7121997 to 7111999 CASSIOPEIA MARINE SERVICES INC. (FOR. SOLID SHIPPING INDUSTRIAL) nbspManning Agency UNIT 702, SAGE HOUSE COND. V. A. RUFINO STREETnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp7201000nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsolid. shippingcrossworldmarine Website . nbsp None Official Representative . Status . Valid License License Validity . 11102015 to 1192019 CASTANEDA SHIP MANNING COMPANY, INC. nbspManning Agency GFGF-U-4, ALPHA GRANDVIEW COND 1716 MH DEL PILARnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3542206 09778012195nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperation. csmpldtdsl Website . nbsp None Official Representative . VICTOR R CASTAEDA Status . Valid License License Validity . 5242016 to 5232020 CATTLEYA MANNING, INC. nbspManning Agency S202,203204 CTYLAND CONDO III LEGASPI VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8126132nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . EDGARDO G LACSON Status . Delisted License Validity . 1291999 to 1292001 CAVALIER SHIPPING CORPORATON nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 14TH FLR VICTORIA BLDG 429 UN AVENUE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VICTORINO A BASCO Status . Expired License Validity . 5252000 to 5252002 CEBU ACE-MARITIME INTERNATIONAL INC (FORMERLY MARITIME FACTORS INC) nbspManning Agency GF, GMC PLAZA BLDG. M. J. CUENCO AVE COR. LEGASPInbspCEBU Tel Nos . nbsp(032) 520885552072782687274520766309188160000nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcamcebuace-maritime. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ALEXANDER ERENITA PINEDA Status . Valid License License Validity . 9142016 to 9132020 CEBU SEALINK CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F PALACIO GRANDE G. LUNA COR. ANDAnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5270772 5270779nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . WILLIAM B CHIONGBIAN Status . Expired License Validity . 7212001 to 7212005 CELMINA SHIPPING AGENCY, INC. nbspManning Agency RM 619621 R. SANTOS BLDG PLZA LACSON STA. CRUZ MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7363735 7363790nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT. LEONARDO V. ABAD Status . Cancelled License Validity . 5212003 to 5202005 CENTAUR MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency RM.9 REAR GF TRB BLDG ADUANA PORT AREA MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5273373 5273417nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . DANIEL S GONZALES Status . Delisted License Validity . 3102002 to 392004 CENTENNIAL TRANSMARINE, INC. nbspManning Agency 4F, MA DANIEL BLG, 470 SN ANDRES COR MH DEL PILARnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5256470 5254430 5596923 09258831575nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcti-maincentrans. ph Website . nbspcentrans. cm. ph Official Representative . EDUARDO R JABLA Status . Valid License License Validity . 4242016 to 4232020 CENTRAL MARINE INTERNATIONAL INC nbspManning Agency RM.310 ERMITA CENTER BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVD MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ALFRED CASAS LIM Status . Delisted License Validity . 8141994 to 8131996 CENTRAL SHIPPING CO INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel S-1002 ERMITA CENTER BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR SAMUEL CASAS LIM Status . Delisted License Validity . to 4241992 CENTURY MARITIME AGENCIES, INC. nbspManning Agency RMS 504 505 506 507 VIP BLDG ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5251825 5243175 5243173nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcenmarmanilaeastern. ph Website . nbspcenmar. manila Official Representative . GREGORIO F ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 3192016 to 3182020 CF DEL ROSARIO MARINE SERVICES nbspManning Agency SABAS ALMEDA BLDG 505 A. FLORES ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 593095 504940nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VIRGILIO G DEL ROSARIO Status . Delisted License Validity . 10171986 to 10171988 CF SHARP COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency CASA ROCHA BLDG, 290 GEN. LUNA STREETnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp527-5467nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadmilancocfsharp Website . nbspcfsharp Official Representative . MR VICTOR M LIWANAG Status . Delisted License Validity . 11161993 to 11151995 CF SHARP CREW MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 290 CASA ROCHA BLDG 290-292 GEN LUNA STREETnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5276031 - 60 09189181082nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsprochacfsharp Website . nbspcfsharp Official Representative . MIGUEL ANGEL V ROCHA Status . Valid License License Validity . 662013 to 652021 CFN ENTERPRISES MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency RM 513 FEMII BLDG ADUANA ST INTRAMUROS MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 493092nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS CORAZON F NIETES Status . Inactive License Validity . to 5111983 CHE-BEE LI SHIPPING CO. nbspManning Agency RM 304 JN BLDG 104 SGT. CATOLOS ST CUBAO QCnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp9228088nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS MARVILILAC TUMULAK Status . Delisted License Validity . 5121993 to 5121995 CITADEL SHIPPING SERVICE INC (TRADE NAME. CITADEL LINES) nbspManning Agency GF 2F CITADEL BLDG 637 BONIFACIO DRIVEnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5278541 TO 44 (TRUNKLINE) 310-2527 09088250847nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanning. gmcitadel. ph Website . nbspcssimanning. citadel, com. ph Official Representative . MARIA BEATRIZ D PADILLA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1142016 to 1132020 CITISHIP AGENCIES nbspManning Agency 2315 LAURA STnbspPANDACAN, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR LEONCIO P SEMPIO Status . Delisted License Validity . 111950 to 11171993 CLEENE MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency U301-303 3F KRISAMBET BLG 1015 ZOBEL ROXAS ST. nbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5264064 5264126 52641410918287902009063574110nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcleene. maritimeyahoo Website . nbspNONE Official Representative . MR NEMESIO H MORTEL JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 3242013 to 3232017 C-MAN MARITIME INC nbspManning Agency U1001-1004,ASEANA 2 BLG, BRADCO AVE, ASEANA CITYnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp7796900 09998853071nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfocmanmaritime Website . nbspcmanmaritime Official Representative . GREGORIO F. ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 772014 to 762018 COASTAL SAFEWAY MARINE SERVICES, INC. (FOR: SAFEWAY SHPG SVCS) nbspManning Agency 2322 SINGALONG COR ZAPANTA STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4000911nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . BENEDICTO C MORCILLA Status . Delisted License Validity . 3132008 to 3122012 COMPASS MARINE SERVICES AGENCY CORP. nbspManning Agency 2174 MH DEL PILAR ST COR QUIRINO AVE MALATEnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5268088 3631360nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR LILONG CHUA Status . Delisted License Validity . 6141993 to 6131997 CONAUTIC MARITIME INC (FORMERLY NIPPI CORPORATION) nbspManning Agency S312, 313 AND S1200, ERMITA CTR BLDG, 1350 ROXAS BnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52804095277596nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcmiconautic Website . nbspconautic Official Representative . JEROME A RAMIENTAS Status . Valid License License Validity . 10272016 to 10262020 CONCERNED SHIPPING COMPANY INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F ENRIQUETA BLDG 1675-1677 A. MABINI STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ROBERTO CASTAEDA Status . Expired License Validity . 3102004 to 1042005 CONSOLIDATED MARITIME RESOURCES INC nbspManning Agency GRD FLR SAN MARTIN BLDG 1564 MABINI ST ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR EPIFANIO S JOAQUIN Status . Forever Banned License Validity . to 11151987 CONTIMED PACIFIC MARITIME SERVICES INC (FIL AM INTL SHIPPING CORP) nbspManning Agency 177 SARMIENTO COND YAKAL ST MAKATI MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 857628 866397nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS SALUD TORIO-MADEJA Status . Delisted License Validity . 6261990 to 6251994 CONTINENTAL MARINE PHILIPPINES CORP nbspManning Agency STE 2515 GF MIDLAND PLAZA M. ADRIATICOnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5260308 5252129nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . EUFEMIA L UGAY Status . Cancelled License Validity . 3142004 to 3132008 CORDIAL SHIPPING INC nbspManning Agency GF 2F IGNACIA HAUS, 2079 MADRE IGNACIA STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp525-28565251939525-2384nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcordialcordial. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . CAPT. DEVER C. BESANA Status . Valid License License Validity . 9132015 to 9122019 COSMOS SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel VITALEZ COMPOUND SUCATnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT ROSENDO C HERRERA Status . Delisted License Validity . 7161986 to 651987 CREAM SHIP MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 3F, GHR BLDG, 713 REMEDIOS STREETnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp734-4709 736-3760 247-7463nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcreamshipi-manila. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR ANTONIO PUA Status . Valid License License Validity . 872016 to 862020 CRESTAMONTE SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 4TH FLR OMI BLDG 20TH ST PORT AREA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 491251 491252nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ATTY HERMINIO M ALCASID Status . Delisted License Validity . 671983 to 671984 CRESTAMONTE SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel OMI BLDG 20TH ST COR BONIFACIO DRIVEnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4912510 4912540nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS FORTUNATA DELA VEGA Status . Delisted License Validity . 6251987 to 6251988 CREW AND SHIP MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL INC nbspManning Agency M1,2,34,MALATE CROWN,558 SN ANDRES COR ADRIATICOnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp7275253nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcmimanilapldtdsl Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ELOISA P. SANGALANG Status . Valid License License Validity . 892015 to 882019 CREW ASIA INC nbspManning Agency UNIT 403 CEBU HOLDINGS BLDG. CEBU BUSINESS PARK CnbspCEBU CITY, CEBU Tel Nos . nbsp23106542316287nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspCREWASIAPACIFIC. PH Website . nbspCREWASIA. PH Official Representative . एमए। FELISA M. JARQUE Status . Valid License License Validity . 4152016 to 4142020 CREWBENEFIT INC. nbspManning Agency 2F TRAVELLERS LIFE BLDG. 490 TM KALAW ST. nbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5224909 09178169787nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcontactuscrewbenefit Website . nbspNA Official Representative . GREGORIO F ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1252014 to 1242018 CREWCARE, INC. nbspManning Agency CREWCARE BLDG, 415 U. N. AVENUE COR ALHAMBRA STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp521577452163983023067nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfocrewcare-inc Website . nbspcrewcareinc Official Representative . JOSEPHINE M. ROLDAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 852016 to 842020 CREWFINDERS MARITIME SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency RM.203 TDERS ROYAL BANK ANNEX SORIANO AVE INMUROnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ENGR PEDRITO C RUMA Status . Delisted License Validity . 9121995 to 9121997 CREWLINK INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency S403 4F GOCHANGCO BLDG 610 T M KALAW STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5221777 5035460nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewlink28yahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MS MA LUZ A ALICER Status . Suspended License Validity . 3192016 to 3182020 CROSSOCEAN MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 291-B MAYON ST COR MA CLARAnbspQUEZON CITY Tel Nos . nbsp41302454130251nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . NORMAN S. RAMOS Status . Cancelled License Validity . 5292004 to 5282008 CROSSWORLD MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency U701 SAGE HOUSE, 110 VA RUFINO STnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp02-720-1000nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfocrossworldmarine Website . nbsp None Official Representative . Status . Valid License License Validity . 4242013 to 4232017 CROWN MARITIME SERVICES CORP. nbspManning Agency 153 CAPETOWN ST GREEN PARK VILL MANGGAHAN PASIGnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp6456313nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR NICOMEDES C BERSE Status . Delisted License Validity . 2171994 to 2161996 CROWN SHIPPING SERVICES nbspManning Agency 4F RUBY ANN BLDG 911 SN ANDRES COR L GUINTO MANILAnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5365112 - 13 (02) 7083889nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfocrownshipping. ph Website . nbspcrownshipping. ph Official Representative . EMMANUEL P. GOMEZ Status . Cancelled License Validity . 11192010 to 11192014 CRUISELINE CREW MANNING AGENCY CORP.(BLUE MARLIN SHIP MANNING AGENCY CO.) nbspManning Agency UNIT G H, PERMARC BLG, 8219 DR SANTOS AVEnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp8267454nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . EDUARDO B ADRIAS Status . Cancelled License Validity . 5312004 to 5302008 CRYSTAL SHIPPING INC nbspManning Agency 3F, CRYSTAL IEAC BLG, 1381 SAN MARCELINO STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp2422942 2422495 2422729nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcsicrystalshippinginc Website . nbspcrystalshippinginc Official Representative . EMILY MYLA A. CRISOSTOMO Status . Valid License License Validity . 5242016 to 5232020 CS MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 3F MA. DANIEL BLDG CORNER MH DEL PILAR MALATEnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . LEONARDO L LEONIO Status . Delisted License Validity . 3231996 to 3221998 CTI GROUP PHILS. INC. nbspManning Agency UNITS 501-503, T M KALAW CTR BLDG, 667 TM KALAWnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp498-0361 498-1150nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfocticrewing Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ANALITA A PINON Status . Valid License License Validity . 4292016 to 4282020 CYR TRANSPORT MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency MARINE CENTER 729 VICTORIA ST INTRAMUROS MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 476581 488246nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ERNESTO H CABUGAO Status . Delisted License Validity . 8191988 to 8191990 DAMICO SHIP ISHIMA PHILIPPINES INC(FORMERLY INTERNATIONAL SHIP CREWMGT ) nbspManning Agency SUITE A,4F, DOHLE HAUS MLA, 30-38 SEN GIL PUYAT AVnbspSAN ISIDRO, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp856-3672 8563671nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspiscpidamicoishima Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ADORLITO B GINETE Status . Valid License License Validity . 232015 to 222019 DAC COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency 1209-1211 QUEZON AVE QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 505805 595136nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR DANILO A CHUA Status . Delisted License Validity . to 12211989 DAKILA MARITIME AGENCY INC. nbspManning Agency SUITE 1003-1007 ERMITA CTR ROXAS BLVD ERMITA MLnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5363935 5238351nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT AGATON U UNTALASCO Status . Delisted License Validity . 6191999 to 6182001 DAKILA OCEAN NAVIGATION CORP. nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel SUITE 101 EASTGATE CENTRE BLDG. 169 EDSAnbspMANDALUYONG Tel Nos . nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT. EMMANUEL L. REGIO Status . Expired License Validity . 412002 to 4142004 DALISAY SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 9F SDT TWR 104 PASEO DE RXS COR PEREA LEGASPI VILLnbspMAKATI, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8942945 TO 49nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspDALISAYDSP. PH Website . nbsp None Official Representative . EFREN B RICONALLA Status . Valid License License Validity . 5292013 to 5282017 DEITY MANPOWER SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency RM 310, 3F, EAST WING, VELCO CENTRE, R. OCA COR AnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp7084320 09996987082nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspdeitymanpowergmail Website . nbsp None Official Representative . NA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1132014 to 1132018 DELFI SHIPPING AGENCY INC. nbspManning Agency UNITS 703-713 DE LEON CENTER MH DEL PILAR ST.,nbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp7084544 7084556nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspdelfipldtsl Website . nbspdelfisai Official Representative . GREGORIO F. ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 4152013 to 4142017 DELGADO SUPPLY AND MANNING SERVICES MANAGEMENT CO INC nbspManning Agency 15F RM 1503 VICTORIA BLDG UN AVE ERMITA MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5212242 5360087nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR PLARIDEL D DELGADO Status . Delisted License Validity . 10311993 to 10301995 DELL MARITIME SERVICES COMPANY nbspManning Agency 1839 ANGEL LINAO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4844691nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspNA Website . nbspNA Official Representative . LYDIO C. DELA TORRE Status . Cancelled License Validity . 12162005 to 12162006 DELSAN TRANSPORT LINES INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 992 M NAVAL STnbspNAVOTAS Tel Nos . nbsp 235465 239331nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VICENTE A SANDOVAL Status . Delisted License Validity . 1091991 to 9161993 DELTAMECO CREWING SERVICES INC.(FORMERLY MECO MANNING AND CREWING SERVICES) nbspManning Agency U307,310311 VAREB MANSION 1679 A. MABINInbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5267855 5255757 09189148372 09175395901nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspNatividad. Batolonosdeltamecocrewing Website . nbspdeltamecocrweing Official Representative . CAPT IGMEDIO G SORRERA Status . Valid License License Validity . 8282015 to 8272019 DIAMOND H MARINE SVCS. SHIPPING AGENCY INC. (FORMERLY DIAMOND H nbspManning Agency U-404,405,406,903, SCANDIC PALACE,4291 EMILIAnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp4034519 0917-5183550 0917-8350330nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspdhmsaiyahoo Website . nbspdhshipping Official Representative . MR RUBEN J TURINGAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 8142016 to 8132020 DIVERSIFIED INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 2F 1517 F AGONCILLO ST ERMITA MANILAnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5212436nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspNA Website . nbspNA Official Representative . RODOLFO D. ESTAMPADOR Status . Valid License License Validity . 10272015 to 10262019 DNR OFFSHORE AND CREWING SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 4F, G A BLDG, 2303 DON CHINO ROCES AVE EXTnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp506-6812nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspedmundo. maxilomdnroffshore Website . nbspdnroffshore Official Representative . EDMUNDO T MAXILOM JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 4212013 to 4202017 DOHLE SEAFRONT CREWING (MANILA) INC (F ORMERLY SEAFRONT CREWING (MANILA) INC nbspManning Agency 2F3F, DOHLE HAUS MANILA,30-38 SEN GIL PUYAT AVEnbspSAN ISIDRO, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp7058400nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspgeneraldoehle-seafront Website . nbspdoehle-seafront Official Representative . ATTY IRIS V BAGUILAT Status . Valid License License Validity . 3212013 to 3202017 DOUBLE M MARINE SERVICES INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency 1977-A1 A LINAO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52279475264235407-7620nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspdoublemarineyahoo Website . nbspNA Official Representative . JULIUS DELA CRUZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 2172016 to 2162020 E. R. CREW MANAGEMENT (PHILIPPINES) CORP nbspManning Agency GF (RECEPTION AREA) 12F 1965 LEON GUINTO STREETnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp2432511 092091751550nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspercpinfoercp. ph Website . nbsperp. ph Official Representative . CAPT VICENTE A DAYO Status . Valid License License Validity . 7272016 to 7272017 EAC SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 2F HEIDELBERG HOUSE 9584 KAMAGONG MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 857751 8609262nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR TORBEAN SODERLUND Status . Delisted License Validity . to 11171993 EAGLE CLARC SHIPPING PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 5F 6F, THE GREGORIAN BLG, 2178 TAFT AVEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp525-2285536-0755 09189713626nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspeagleclarceagleclarcarcillaeagleclarc Website . nbspeagleclarc Official Representative . CAPT LEOPOLDO T ARCILLA Status . Valid License License Validity . 6172013 to 6162017 EAGLE STAR CREW MANAGEMENT CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2F PAROLA HOUSE 1582 COPERNICO ST MAKATI CITYnbspSAN ISIDRO, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp7395600 09178711298nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsprgseaglestar. ph Website . nbspeaglestar. ph Official Representative . ROSELLA G. SANTILLAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 12132016 to 12122020 EAST ARC MARINE SERVICES INC (FORMERLY PACMAN MARINESERVICES INC) nbspManning Agency 3F R308 JOVAN CONDO SAMAT STnbspMANDALUYONG Tel Nos . nbsp5340876nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . JOSEFINA C. MAGLASANG Status . Delisted License Validity . 6242005 to 6242006 EAST ASIAN MARITIME ENTERPRISES nbspManning Agency GARCIA BLDG 636 RIZAL AVENUE STA CRUZ MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 507237 477720nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VIRGILIO D SALAZAR Status . Delisted License Validity . to 8291984 EASTERN FISHERY DEVELOPMENT CO nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel S 33-A ZETA BLDG 191 SALCEDO LEGASPI VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 866241 866330nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR OSCAR F FADRI Status . Delisted License Validity . 9241989 to 9241990 EASTERN HORIZON MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 12 DON PEPE STREET STO DOMINGO Q Cnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ROMUALDO CASAPAO Status . Delisted License Validity . 10231989 to 10231991 EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN MANNING AGENCY INC (FORMERLY AGEMAR MANNING AGENCY ) nbspManning Agency U 1, 2, 3, 4, 888 GATEWAY PLAZA 2126 A MABINI STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5235965nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewmanningeastmed. mnl Website . nbsp None Official Representative . GREGORIO F. ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 4162013 to 4152017 EASTERN OCEAN MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency R103 (RW) TRINITY BLDG, 636 TM KALAW STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4009402 4009409 5216025 09202596596nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspeastoceaneomcph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ELIZER A ODULIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 742013 to 732017 EASTERN SHIPPING LINES INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel ESC BLDG ANDA CIRCLEnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp 401081nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ERWIN L CHIONGBIAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 792014 to 6242017 EASTGATE MARITIME CORP.(FORMERLY EASTGATE(INTL)MARITIME AGENCIES, INC nbspManning Agency M101 PORTIONS GF,2F3F, EASTGATE CTR,169 EDSAnbspMANDALUYONG Tel Nos . nbsp5336101 nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspemceastgategroup. ph Website . nbspmanningships. biz Official Representative . MR EMMANUEL L REGIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 332013 to 322017 EL GRANDE SHIPPING AGENCY CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2F 3F ARVENT BLDG GEN. LUNA ST ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5216105 589234nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RODOLFO E VENTURANZA Status . Delisted License Validity . 7191994 to 7181998 EL GRECO SHIP MANNING MGT. CORP. (EL GRECO SHIPPING ENTERPRISES) nbspManning Agency 70 SGT E A ESGUERRA AVE. QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp9297051 TO 53nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . PETER N TOUNDJIS Status . Delisted License Validity . 10182007 to 10172011 ELBURG SHIPMANAGEMENT PHILS INC (FORMERLY RICA INTL MANNING AGENCY IN nbspManning Agency 16F 17F, PHIL. AXA LIFE CENTRE COND CORP, 1286nbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8170971 TO 758942711nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspelburgelburgshipmanagement. ph Website . nbspelburgshipmanagement Official Representative . RICHARD P PALPAL-LATOC Status . Valid License License Validity . 472013 to 462017 ELCCIJ MARINE SERVICES nbspManning Agency G-4 BEL-AIR APARTMENTS BLDG1020 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5227552 5227553nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . LETICIA C SAGAIDORO Status . Suspended License Validity . 872001 to 832003 ELITE MARITIME MANAGEMENT CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 6F FELIZA BUILDING 108 V A RUFINO STREETnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8671476nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ERICSON M MARQUEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 6272016 to 6272017 ELIZALDE AND COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency ELIZALDE BLDG 141 AYALA AVE MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR DAMIANO C CANDIDO Status . Delisted License Validity . to 1121990 ELMAR MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency S 606 6TH FLR CARDINAL BLDG 999 PEDRO GIL ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5211751 595685nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JOSE RAMON R GARCIA Status . Delisted License Validity . 3281990 to 3271992 ELS REYES ENTERPRISES nbspManning Agency RM 816 FILIPINAS BANK BUILDING 303 ESCOLTA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 487027nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS LORNA S REYES Status . Inactive License Validity . to 3201983 ELVICTOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency U102 AND RM 203 SL BLDGnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp527-613527-6138 TELEFAXnbspnbsp Email Address . nbspCREWELVICTOR. PH Website . nbspNA Official Representative . VICENTE DANTE P. ADAN Status . Suspended License Validity . 172009 to 172013 EMMERS MARITIME ALLIED SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency RMS 406 410, 1ST UNITED BLG. CORP, 413 ESCOLTA STnbspBINONDO, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp2416441 2558969 3100004nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspemmersmaritimeyahoo. ph Website . nbspemmersmaritime Official Representative . MELINDA M BADIANG Status . Valid License License Validity . 7232015 to 7222019 EMS MANPOWER PLACEMENT SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency RMS201 214 MADECOR BLDG P. FAURA ST ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5222466 581643nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR EDITHA M SABIDO Status . Delisted License Validity . to 2221986 ENRICO SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 5TH FLR VICTORIA BUILDING 429 UN AVE ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 575806 589031nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT LOU A ATIENZA Status . Cancelled License Validity . to 751985 EPIC GAS CREWING INC (FORMERLY EZ MARITIME SERVICES CORPORATION) nbspManning Agency UNIT B, 4F, LEPANTO BLDG, 8747 PASEO DE ROXASnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp7208713 to 15nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspAllInManilaepic-gas Website . nbspepic-gas Official Representative . ELMER C AQUINO Status . Valid License License Validity . 3232015 to 3222019 EPSILON MARITIME SERVICES, INC. (FOR: ECSTACY MARITIME SVCS INC) nbspManning Agency 4F UNIT A, 5F, VERNIDA IV BLG 128 LP LEVISTE STnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp81380000 8137162 09989689835 09175110942nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspemsiepsilonmaritime. ph Website . nbspepsilonhellas Official Representative . ELPIDIO C. JAMORA JR. Status . Valid License License Validity . 11292015 to 11282019 EQUAL MARINE INTL INC.(FOR: EQUATORIAL SHPG SHIPMNGT CO INC) nbspManning Agency 2F 1417 GEN LUNA STnbspPACO, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5365026 4981063nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspequalmarinegmail Website . nbspNA Official Representative . GENEROSO T MAMARIL Status . Valid License License Validity . 1042016 to 1032020 ESCOBAR SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2649 MOLAVE STnbspUNITED PARAAQUE SUBD, PARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp8272606nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR AKIRA S KATO Status . Expired License Validity . 881999 to 882001 EURASIA SHIPPING AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency 1994 RENAISSANCE ST STA. ANA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 599105 589152nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VICENTE S LOPEZ Status . Cancelled License Validity . to 721985 EURASIAN MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2F, NEW STAR CENTER A. S. FORTUNA ST BAKILIDnbspMANDAUE CITY, CEBU Tel Nos . nbsp63-32-344-5313344-1587421-1316nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfoeurasianmaritime Website . nbspeurasianmaritime Official Representative . BELINDA C WONG Status . Valid License License Validity . 10132015 to 10122019 EURO-ASIATIC SHIPPING, INC. nbspManning Agency 4F B, LA FUERZA BUILDING II, 2241 DON CHINO ROCESnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8088354 0917-8626858nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingeuro-asiatic Website . nbspeuro-asiatic Official Representative . ENRICO MARIANO H ATIENZA Status . Valid License License Validity . 8222016 to 8212020 EUROBRIDGE SHIPPING AGENCIES INC. nbspManning Agency 4F RELIABLE BLG 7230 MALUGAY STnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp84050758135618nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspNA Website . nbspNA Official Representative . LUIS MIGUEL A. ZULUAGA Status . Denied Renewal License Validity . 9132004 to 9132005 EUROOSE MARITIME INTERNATIONAL CORP.(for. MALGERFIL MARITIME CORP) nbspManning Agency BROFAR BLDG 7493 BAGTIKAN ST SN ANTONIO VILLnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp899-7481nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . Status . Cancelled License Validity . 192003 to 182005 EUROPHIL OCEAN LINES INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 3F KINGS COURT BLDG 2129 PASONG TAMO MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 887451 8164875nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS THELMA A MANUEL Status . Delisted License Validity . 371989 to 3181992 EVERETT MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency RM501 BF CONDO. BDG. SORIANO COR SOLANA INMUROSnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5278961 3606900nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CRISOSTOMO G VILLANUEVA Status . Delisted License Validity . 8261998 to 8252000 EVIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INC (FOR MOONRISE SHPG AGENCY CO LTD) nbspManning Agency RMS. 102, 103 104, GF SL BLDG 1500 ROXAS BLVD. nbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4040297404106440417574040292nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspEVICEVIC. PH Website . nbsp None Official Representative . एमए। VICTORIA C. NICOLAS Status . Valid License License Validity . 2192016 to 2182020 EXTRACO SHIPPING INDUSTRIES INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel SUITE 416 BPI BLDG PLAZA CERVANTESnbspSTA. CRUZ, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4613510 4703870nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR LIM PA Status . Delisted License Validity . 7171988 to 7171990 F A VINNEN PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 7F (PORTION), 2053 EDISON STREETnbspSAN ISIDRO, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8438919nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspfavpvinnen. ph Website . nbspvinnen. ph Official Representative . EMMA CONCEPCION B. CRUZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 582013 to 582017 FAIR SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 3F 4F FAIR BLG. 2079 MADRE IGNACIA ST.,MALATEnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5260636 5219929nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspfairshipfairship. ph hrd-fscfairship. ph Website . nbspfairship. ph Official Representative . ENGR EDGAR C BARONDA Status . Valid License License Validity . 6172013 to 6162017 FAIRVIEW SHIPPING AGENCY CORP nbspManning Agency UNITS 56, 1049 C. AYALA ST COR ARELLANO AVEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp254-4639 52765404004400 0917838365809189653151nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspInfofairviewshipping. ph Website . nbspfairviewshippingcorp Official Representative . SUSAN B GERARDO Status . Valid License License Validity . 9222015 to 9212019 FAIRWAY MARINE INC nbspManning Agency U306 RIZALINA II BLDG 1677 QUEZON AVEnbspQUEZON CITY Tel Nos . nbsp92976519286737nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspVANGUARD39HOTMAIL Website . nbspNA Official Representative . EDGAR B. MADULI Status . Delisted License Validity . 8302009 to 8292013 FALCON MARITIME ALLIED SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency UNIT 15, SINGALONG TOWNHOMES II, 1706 SINGALONG STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp40420145262553nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspfalcon. fmasi. mlagmail Website . nbsp None Official Representative . EDWIN J MAGARZO Status . Valid License License Validity . 442016 to 432020 FARGO SHIPPING COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency CECILLEVILLE BUILDING 1203 QUEZON AVE QCnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 971257nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR DANILO A CHUA Status . Inactive License Validity . to 6111983 FIDELITY MARINE INTERNATIONAL INC nbspManning Agency S407,409 LS BLDG 1414 ROXAS BLVD ERMITA MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5215988 5215989nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT DANILO NUNAG Status . Delisted License Validity . 2131989 to 2131993 FILAPEX MARITIME AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency STE 1101 ERMITA CTR BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVD, ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5238758 5261728nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ENGR ANGEL C CACHAPERO Status . Delisted License Validity . 881998 to 862000 FIL-CREW MARITIME OFFSHORE SERVICES INC. nbspManning Agency 2440-D, 2F PALM COURT ST COR F B HARRISON STnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp8337514 09999914101nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspteresita. diponfil-crew Website . nbspfil-crew Official Representative . TERESITA B DIPON Status . Valid License License Validity . 422014 to 422018 FIL-GER SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency DOOR G 1144 PASONG TAMO ST MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ROBERTO ROSALES Status . Delisted License Validity . 7131981 to 811991 FILIPINAS KALAYAAN OVERSEAS SHIPPING INC nbspManning Agency 3 MASCARDO ST. BGY. SINGKAMAS, L A PAZ VILLAGEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8899573 8993350 09175960736nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcalmocnopalyahoo. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ANTONIETTA S. BOADO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1242015 to 1232019 FILIPINAS MARINE CO INC nbspManning Agency GF MIDLAND MANSIONS BLDG 839 PASAY ROAD MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8924450 8173874nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . PEDIE H. LORESTO Status . Delisted License Validity . 8292002 to 8282004 FIL-JAPAN SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2ND FLR MARY BACHRACH BLDG COR 25TH ST PORT AREAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT CESAR P CARANDANG Status . Delisted License Validity . to 10191993 FILKO MARITIME INC PHILIPPINES nbspManning Agency 140 PANAY AVE QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp9216479nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS IRENE D DEL ROSARIO Status . Delisted License Validity . to 5241993 FIL-PRIDE SHIPPING COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency SUITE 204 J T BLDG 3894 R. MAGSAYSAY STA. MESAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7160825 7160176nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . FELIPE T. DECENA Status . Delisted License Validity . 10142007 to 10132011 FILSCAN SHIPPING INCORPORATED nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F HARBOR CTR II RAILROAD CHICAGO SOUTH HARBORnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5279980 3608800nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . सुश्री। ARLEEN V. ASUNCION Status . Valid License License Validity . 6102013 to 6152016 FIL-SMS CORPORATION nbspManning Agency S9,4F ROYAL BAY TERRACE COND. UN AVENUEnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5238739 5216115 0917-5293844nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspfilsmsfilsms. ph Website . nbspfilsms. ph Official Representative . MR JAIME B PABALAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 12232015 to 12222019 FIL-STAR MARITIME CORPORATION (FORMERLY SANKO FIL-STAR MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency GF 2F SANKO BLG 1631 SAN MARCELINO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5235659 5235612nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspFILSTARBROLINE Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR GREGORIO F ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 2232016 to 2222020 FINEWOOD SHIPPING, INC. nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel SOL BLDG 112 AMORSOLO ST LEGASPI VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5360968nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ANGELINA T RIVERA Status . Inactive License Validity . 4181998 to 4182000 FIRST ASIAN TRANSPORT SHIPPING CORP nbspManning Agency 2111-B M. ADRIATICO ST MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 574771 574772nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ATANACIO B BRUSELAS Status . Delisted License Validity . 4111989 to 4111991 FIRST VICTORY SHIPPING SERVICES nbspManning Agency UNITS E, F,GH, 2F, TOWER C, SUNTRUST ADRIATICO GAnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5241945 5231784 4843884nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspfirstvictoryshippinggmail Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR ROBERT P MAGAWAY Status . Valid License License Validity . 8102016 to 892020 FIVE STAR MARINE SERVICES CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2F 3F, ACACIA PLACE, 1623 J. BOCOBO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5739481 3103293 3101518nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspfivestarmarineoperationshotmail Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CYNTHIA A LESLIE Status . Valid License License Validity . 7302016 to 7292020 FLEET MANAGEMENT SERVICES PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 15F, G. E. ANTONINO BLG, TM KALAW COR BOCOBO STSnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp40501894004929nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspfleet-ph-manningfleetship Website . nbspfleetship Official Representative . ALBERTO B F GAVIOLA JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 11222015 to 11212019 FLOURISH MARITIME SHIPPING nbspManning Agency 3F PHIL GUE KAW ASSO BLG,1907 MA OROSAnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5217128 (TELEFAX)nbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . LOLITA UY Status . Cancelled License Validity . 9202004 to 9192008 FOREIGN MANPOWER SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency GF2F 1769 DAPITAN ST SAMPALOC MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7315984nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . EMILIO C. BONOAN Status . Delisted License Validity . 8282008 to 8272012 FOSCON SHIPMANAGEMENT INC (FORMERLY ATLANTIC MARINE SVCS) nbspManning Agency GF,2F 3F, PALACIO GRANDE, GEN LUNA COR ANDAnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3109184 to 87nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspfosconfoscon. ph Website . nbspfosconship Official Representative . EVELYN M DEFENSOR Status . Valid License License Validity . 4172013 to 4162017 FRABELLE FISHING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 1051 NORTH BAY BLVDnbspNAVOTAS, NAVOTAS Tel Nos . nbsp 231651 231659nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR FRANCISCO T LAUREL Status . Delisted License Validity . 5101990 to 591994 FRELJES MARITIME SHIPPING AND GENERAL SERVICES CORPORATION nbspManning Agency RM 302 LPL BLDG NO 215 SEN GIL PUYAT MAKATI CTYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8932126 8932149nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . LAGRIMAS A DEL CASTILLO Status . Cancelled License Validity . 11222000 to 11222002 FRIENDLY MARITIME SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency U904,907,908909ANTEL GLOBAL CORP. CTR. J VARGAS AVEnbspORTIGAS, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp6874551 TO 53nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspfriendmareastern. ph Website . nbspfriendmar. ph Official Representative . ANALISA C. GIANNOPOULOS Status . Valid License License Validity . 542013 to 532017 G L SHIPMANAGEMENT INC (FORMERY LIGHTHAUS CREWING CORP (FOR FILNAVAL) nbspManning Agency 607-611DE LEON, 1151MH DEL PILAR COR NS DE GUIAnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp8555360nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfoglshipmanagement Website . nbsplighthaus. ph Official Representative . ROMEO M. PATINO Status . Valid License License Validity . 11212016 to 11202020 G LAMAR INC nbspManning Agency 17 CATTLEYA COR GRANADA ST QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 785679 792639nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR LAUREANO T RONDAIN JR Status . Delisted License Validity . 291988 to 941992 GALANT MARITIME SERVICES INC. nbspManning Agency U102 1F MARLOW BLDG 2120 LEON GUINTO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp567-2070nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspgmsigalant. ph Website . nbspgalant. ph Official Representative . CAPT LEOPOLDO C TENORIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1072015 to 1062019 GALILEE SHIPPING MANNING AGENCY, INC. nbspManning Agency 1195 2 F MA. OROSA ST ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 581743 598136nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR BARTOLOME G MALOBAGO Status . Delisted License Validity . 1241997 to 1231999 GAU SHENG PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency 1737-G DIAN COR. DAYAP STS. MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5519317 5519320nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MS EVERDINA P ZAPANTA Status . Cancelled License Validity . 1262003 to 1252007 GAYLOR INTERNATIONAL PLACEMENT INC nbspManning Agency SUITE 405 4F MADRIGAL BLDG ESCOLTA STA CRUZ MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7218637nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JESSIE B LINAOGO Status . Forever Banned License Validity . 8131986 to 8131988 GENERAL CHARTERER INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2FHARBOR CTR II RAILROAD SOUTH HARBOR PORT AREAnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ARLEEN V ASUNCION Status . Valid License License Validity . 7312013 to 832016 GENERAL SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel CORINTHIAN PLAZA BLDG PASEO DE ROXASnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8171446 8178486nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR LORETO Z AQUINO Status . Delisted License Validity . 111950 to 8281987 GERARD SHIPPING TRANSPORT SERVICES CO nbspManning Agency SUITE 503 VIP BLDGnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RODOLFO C CRUZ Status . Forever Banned License Validity . 4111986 to 4111988 GERGON MARITIME SERVICES INC (FORMERLY MANILA TROPICAL SERVICES INC) nbspManning Agency 2032C LM BLG TAFT AVE COR BUENDIA PASAYnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp52319435231943nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspgergonmaryahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ERNESTO S. GERMANO Status . Cancelled License Validity . 5272008 to 5262012 GERMAN MARINE AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency GF2F 3912 LUBECA HSE MACABULOS STnbspBANGKAL, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8437720 8430462 09278879077 09178862407nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspgmashipgmaship Website . nbspgerman-marine Official Representative . CAPT CARLOS ANACTA Status . Valid License License Validity . 8252015 to 8242019 GERWIL CREWING PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 4TH FLOOR, 2284 ESPAA STREETnbspSAMPALOC, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp7210531 5161633 09088189809 09478923518nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoffice. phgerwil aevgerwil Website . nbspNA Official Representative . RONALDO C. VALDEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 9252014 to 9242018 GLOBAL GATEWAY CREWING SERVICES INC (FORMERLY SEAWORLD MARINE SERVICES INC) nbspManning Agency 12F, DE LEON CTR BLG, 1151 MH DEL PILAR COR NUESTRnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3048000 5163327nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfoglobalcrewing. ph Website . nbspglobalcrewing. ph Official Representative . Status . Valid License License Validity . 6232013 to 6222017 GLOBAL MARINE AND OFFSHORE RESOURCES INC (FOR SUNGLOW ORIENT ENT) nbspManning Agency R307, 3F, THE TRAVELLERS LIFE BLG, 490 TM KALAWnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp732-8200 536-7578nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspamorpanganiman07yahoorowinjanayahoo Website . nbspGLOBMARINEOFFSHORE Official Representative . ENGR. AVELINO R. BERTUMEN Status . Valid License License Validity . 7262013 to 7252017 GLOBAL OFFSHORE MARINE MANPOWER SOLUTION (GOMMS) INC nbspManning Agency U1410 ROBINSON EQUITABLE TWR 14 ORTGS AVEnbspORTIGAS, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp636-5687634-88840915-9578787 (mobile)nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT HENRIK T BAES Status . Valid License License Validity . 8232015 to 8222019 GLOBALMARITIME CREW INC nbspManning Agency MEZZANINE FLOOR, SEA TOWER BLDG, ROXAS BLVD. COR. nbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp5118404 09062302764nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoffice. phglobalmar. nl Website . nbspglobalmar. nl Official Representative . JEAN A JAVELLANA Status . Valid License License Validity . 4212015 to 4202019 GLOBE MASTER MARINE AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency UNIT 204, THE SYCAMORE BLG, BUENCAMINO ST, CUPANGnbspMUNTINLUPA Tel Nos . nbsp886671788667198866720nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspgmmaigmaster-ph Website . nbspgmaster Official Representative . TITO AMPOON REYES Status . Valid License License Validity . 662016 to 652020 GLORIA MARITIME AND AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency U601,602615, ROYAL PLAZA TWIN TWR, 648 REMEDIOSnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp567-7771 TO 74nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspgmagloriamaritime Website . nbspgloriamaritime Official Representative . ROLANDO T. ALINAS Status . Valid License License Validity . 672016 to 662020 GMM GLOBAL MARITIME MANILA INC nbspManning Agency ROOM 100 GF, SAN LUIS TERRACES 638 T M KALAW AVEnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52311453546801nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsprjjgmgroup. asia Website . nbspgmgroup. asia Official Representative . CAPT RELLY N JOSE JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 1022015 to 1022019 GOLDEN ANCHOR SHIPPING MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency RM 201 3F CASIM BLDG 5404 CURIE PALANAN MKTInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp832-8592758-8492832-9985nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT JESELITO C GELVERO Status . Delisted License Validity . 612003 to 5312005 GOLDEN LIGHT MARITIME AGENCY nbspManning Agency 96A SIERRA MADRE ST BGY MALAMIGnbspMANDALUYONG Tel Nos . nbsp8513378nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MARY ANN L MOLANA Status . Delisted License Validity . 6242002 to 6232004 GOLDMARINE CARRIERS MANNING CORP nbspManning Agency 1994-B RENAISSANCE ST STA. ANA nbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5635281 5643034nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR VICENTE G LOPEZ Status . Delisted License Validity . 9142001 to 9132003 GOLDROUTE MARITIME INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency SUITE 1202-B 12F ERMITA CTR BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3548993 3546501nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewgoldroutemaritime Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT REY A DINGLASAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 1092016 to 1082020 GOOD GAIN MANAGEMENT CORPORATION nbspManning Agency S-610 L S BLDG 1414 ROXAS BLVD ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5242580 524256033806594005522nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR PHILIP S TUAZON Status . Delisted License Validity . 2232001 to 2232003 GOOD HOPE MANPOWER CORP nbspManning Agency NO.115-D ROOSEVELT AVE SAN FRANCISCO DEL MONTEnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JOHNNY T PALMA Status . Delisted License Validity . 871991 to 871993 GRACE MARINE SHIPPING CORP nbspManning Agency SUITE 200 AB ERMITA CTR BLDG ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5267968 TO 710917-8101311nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspgmscbulkgracemscgmsbulkgracemsc Website . nbspgracemsc Official Representative . GREGORIO F. ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 4212016 to 4202020 GRAND ASIAN SHIPPING LINES INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel S-306 THE BONAVENTURE PLAZA ORTIGAS GREENHILLSnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7227450nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR WILLIAM Y HOW Status . Expired License Validity . 11172006 to 1132009 GREAT EASTERN SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency RM105106 RG BLG 1840 E RODRIG UEZ BLVD CUBAO QCnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7277290nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT JOSE E GASACAO Status . Delisted License Validity . 8171998 to 8172000 GREAT PACIFIC SHIP MANAGEMENT COMPANY, INC. nbspManning Agency 4F, FERGUSON TOWER BLG, 1125 M H DEL PILAR STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5215828521086852453465223563nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspacctg. mgrgreatpacificship. ph Website . nbspgreatpacificship. ph Official Representative . CAPT. LORENZO M. OSIDA Status . Valid License License Validity . 282017 to 272021 GREAT SOUTHERN MARITIME SERVICES CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2F(RW) TM KALAW CENTER 667-A TM KALAW AVEnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5361108nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationsgsmsc Website . nbspGSMSC Official Representative . MICHAEL G ARMAMENTO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1142017 to 1132021 GREAT SWISS MARITIME SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency 8TH FLR DE LEON CTR, 1151 MH DEL PILAR ST, ERMITA, nbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp310-509531050983105099nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewinggreatswiss Website . nbspgreatswiss Official Representative . Status . Delisted License Validity . 352012 to 352016 GRF SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 15 P. CAPALAD ST BALANGKAS POLO VALENZUELA MMnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 409739 409744nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR GUILLERMO R FERNANDEZ Status . Delisted License Validity . 3301990 to 3301994 GRIEG PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED (FORMERLY PRUDENTIAL SHIPPING AND MANAGEMENT nbspManning Agency 604H-605H, FIVE E-COM CTR, PACIFIC DR, MOA COMPLEXnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp834-5809 09178295949nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationgrieg. ph Website . nbspgrieg. ph Official Representative . DENNIS P DESABILLE Status . Valid License License Validity . 9272016 to 9262020 GUIMARAS SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2F R. IBAEZ BLG,962-968QUIRINO COR. SN MARCELINO ERnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5251769 3038177nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ANABELLE DELFIN Status . Delisted License Validity . 11281998 to 11262000 GULF AGENCY COMPANY PHILS INC nbspManning Agency S-700 LS BLDG 1414 ROXAS BLVD ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ZENAIDA HOFVENSCHIOLD Status . Delisted License Validity . 1251991 to 1251993 GULFA MARINE SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency S207-209, GREEN WO RLD PLAZA, 79 PRES AVE, TEOVILLEnbspBF HOMES, PARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp0917-6270765 (TEMP)nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspgulfacompass. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . REMEDIOS P. AMBROCIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 712016 to 6302020 GYRON CREW, INC. nbspManning Agency 7F FERGUSON PARK TOWER MH DEL PILAR COR. A FLORESnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5262050 5262051nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfogyroncrew Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MS RUTH S VILLASIS Status . Valid License License Validity . 11132015 to 11122019 H. OCEAN MANILA CO. INC. nbspManning Agency RM 303 UNIT F, ECJ BLDG, REAL COR STA. LUCIA STSnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp53699815369975nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspceparagash-oceanmanila Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MELITON P PARAGAS Status . Valid License License Validity . 8112016 to 8102020 HAMMER MARITIME INC (FORMERLY MANSHIP MANILA INC) nbspManning Agency 5F-D, RAMON MAGSAYSAY CENTRE, ROXAS BLVD. nbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp35440013543316nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsphammerhammermaritime Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT CIPRIANO G MADERA Status . Valid License License Validity . 572016 to 562020 HAMMONIA MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 4723 ARELLANO COR Z. ROXAS STSnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp551887055188855518889nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspGENHMS. PH Website . nbsp None Official Representative . NARCISSUS L DURAN Status . Delisted License Validity . 10302001 to 10292003 HANSEATIC SHIPPING PHILS INC nbspManning Agency 1ST TO 3RD FLRS. 1853 TAFT AVENUEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5215727 5238169 09216960413nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationshspimanila Website . nbsphanseaticmanila. ph Official Representative . MS ROSALINDA P BAUMANN Status . Valid License License Validity . 9132015 to 9122019 HARMONY FOUR SHIPPING AGENCY CO INC nbspManning Agency GF 605 PINAGPALA BLG LIMBAS ST GATCHALIANnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VIRGILIO D PARAGAS Status . Delisted License Validity . 191991 to 191993 HARTMANN CREW PHILIPPINES INC (FOR: ASSOCIATED SHIP MANAGEMENT SERVICES) nbspManning Agency U-DE(GF),3F AND 5F CRI BLG, 665 PRES. QUIRINO AVEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4042780 LOC 113nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewinghartmannph Website . nbsphartmannph Official Representative . ALBERTO L. GOMEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 6222016 to 6212020 HEAVYLIFT MANILA, INC. nbspManning Agency U2 CHINA BANK BLG 14 ORTIGAS AVE WEST GREENHILLSnbspSAN JUAN Tel Nos . nbsp7220327 7269545 7269502 7252282 09985920590nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfoheavylift-crewing Website . nbspcrewasia Official Representative . JOSEPHINE A. EVANGELIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1092016 to 1082020 HELLENIC INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT MANILA INC nbspManning Agency RM 601 M. F. TIAOQUI BLG, PLAZA LACSONnbspSTA. CRUZ, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp7344776nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . NOEL G DELIONIO Status . Delisted License Validity . 11301999 to 11282001 HENDERSON MARINE SERVICES PHILIPPINES, INC. nbspManning Agency DESLA BLDG SUN VALLEY DRIVE SUN VALLEY SUBD PQUEnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8244945 8244948nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR PAUL THOMAS Status . Delisted License Validity . 4141995 to 4131997 HERCULES INTERNATIONAL MARINE SERVICES CORPORATION nbspManning Agency GF 2F 8145-C DR. SANTOS AVE SUCAT ROAD PQUE MMnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8297290 8297289nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . SONIA M CALLEJA Status . Delisted License Validity . 292002 to 282004 HEXAGLOBE AGENCY GENERAL SERVICES nbspManning Agency TESORO REALTY BLDG 1335 APT 4 A. MABINI ST ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 587766 594377nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . Status . Cancelled License Validity . to HIGH EAGLE INTERNATIONAL SEAFARER AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 1991 SINGALONG STREET MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp3030258 TO 60nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR RENATO T MADAMBA Status . Delisted License Validity . 10222001 to 10212003 HOEGH FLEET SERVICES PHILS INC (FORMERLY HFS PHILIPPINES INC) nbspManning Agency 7F, V-CORPORATE CENTER, 125 L. P. LEVISTE STnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp877-4377 8774300nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsphfsphoegh. ph Website . nbsphoegh. ph Official Representative . CAPT DANTE M ELPEDES Status . Valid License License Validity . 11182016 to 11172020 ILA INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING MARINE SVCS INC nbspManning Agency 5522-A BOYLE ST PALANAN MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5212545 5221165nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS IRMA LUBATON ARAULLO Status . Delisted License Validity . 6191994 to 6181996 ILIGAN BAY EXPRESS CORP nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F TUSCAN BLDG HERRERA ST LEGASPI VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JEREMIAS BENICO Status . Delisted License Validity . 6261987 to 6261988 IMPERIAL SCANSHIP, INC.,(FOR:ASPA MANNING CO.,INC.) nbspManning Agency SECTIONS BC, 18F, RAMON MAGSAYSAY CTR 1680 ROXASnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3032621 TO 24nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . LEOPOLDO M GANGOSO JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 8252013 to 8242017 IMPERIAL VICTORY SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency S858A ERMITA CTR BLG 1350 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5674086 to 87 89nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspimpvictorypldtdsl Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ESTRELLA R. GONZALES Status . Valid License License Validity . 9182016 to 9172020 IMS PHILIPPINES MARITIME CORP. (FORMERLY POBAR MARINE SERVICES, INC.) nbspManning Agency S500-510A ERMITA CTR 1350 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp522932152648535248797nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspipmcimsphil. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CARMEN B REBUSI Status . Valid License License Validity . 1292016 to 1282020 INC NAVIGATION COMPANY PHILIPPINES INC (FORMERLY INC SHIPMANAGEMENT INC) nbspManning Agency 17F RAFFLES BLG. EMERALD AVE. ORTIGAS CTR, PASIGnbspORTIGAS, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp7062190 to 95 09175136608nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspincmnlopsmnginterorient Website . nbspINTERORIENT Official Representative . MR REYNALDO L RAMIREZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 312017 to 2282021 INDUSTRIAL MARINE CATERING SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 1108 QUIRINO AVE COR SINGALONG MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 507255nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR BENIGNO S MORALES Status . Cancelled License Validity . to 9131983 INFINITE MANNING SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency UNIT B (GF 2F), 2296 LEON GUINTO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp9429488nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfinite. manninggmail Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR RODOLFO Q DE GUZMAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 612016 to 5312020 INTERBULK MARITIME CORP(FORMERLY HELLENIC PHILS SHIPPING INC) nbspManning Agency 7F SALAMIN BLDG 197 SALCEDO ST LEGASPI VILL MKTInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7594742 7594744nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR SVEIN GYSTAD Status . Delisted License Validity . 1161998 to 1152000 INTERCONTINENTAL CREWING SHIPPING CORP nbspManning Agency 2-B SUNSET DRIVE QUIRINO AVE TAMBO PARANAQUE MMnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR SERAPION B DELA CRUZ Status . Cancelled License Validity . to 5181985 INTERCREW PHILIPPINES AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency RMS 204,205 206, VIP BLDG, ROXAS BLVD COR NUESTRnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp7864226 7864155 0917726556409258337933nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspintercrewgatewaynet Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR GREGORIO F ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 8262016 to 8252020 INTERLINK MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency YWCA OF THE PHILS BLDG 880 UN AVE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 501926 591963nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT GEORGE A DAYRIT Status . Delisted License Validity . to 3181986 INTERMARINE SHIPMANAGEMENT CORP nbspManning Agency GF MICHAELMAR BLG 4723 ZOBEL ROXAS ST COR ARELLANOnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp4032480nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsmrintermarineships. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . SPYROS NINO RAVANOPOULOS Status . Valid License License Validity . 10222015 to 10222019 INTERMODAL SHIPPING, INC. nbspManning Agency GF CASA MARITIMA 651 GEN LUNA STnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5277621-27527363252736430918963231209175153865nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspwecareintermodal. ph Website . nbspintermodal. ph Official Representative . VICENTE P. BRILLANTES Status . Valid License License Validity . 10202013 to 10192017 INTERNATIONAL CREWING AND SHIP MANAGEMENT, INC. nbspManning Agency 3F T. M.KALAW CENTER 666 T. M.KALAW ST. ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5243326 5244285nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MORENO R ESTRADA Status . Delisted License Validity . 4202012 to 4192016 INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AGENCY nbspManning Agency JOVAN LAND BLDG 908 J L ESCODA ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 592267 591082nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR EDGARDO S VELASQUEZ Status . Cancelled License Validity . to 741985 INTERNATIONAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT INC nbspManning Agency GF(FRONT)23F ISD BLDG 5439 CURIE ST, PALANAN MKTInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5501595550159783312425501523nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspisdisd-phil Idmisd-phil dlmisd-phil Website . nbspisd-phil Official Representative . MR LEVI S DE MESA Status . Delisted License Validity . 6212008 to 6202012 INTERNATIONAL TANKERS CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2868 LAMAYAN ST. STA. ANA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5642041 3604300nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . BRILLANTE N LOO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1132014 to 1212016 INTER-ORIENT MARITIME ENTERPRISES INC nbspManning Agency R600,608,609,611,613, 618,619 708 ORTIGAS BLG, nbspORTIGAS, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp6312724 6311226 to 27nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinormphinterorient. ph Website . nbspinterorient. ph Official Representative . CAPT JIMMY L MILANO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1282016 to 1272028 INTER-WORLD SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency RM 411, BF CONDOMINIUM BLG, A SORIANO AVE COR SOLAnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5240860 925-1211 09178262261nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfointer-worldshipping Website . nbspinter-worldshipping Official Representative . RYAN N. DELA CALZADA Status . Valid License License Validity . 372016 to 362020 IOLCOS MARITIME AGENCIES FAR EAST INC nbspManning Agency UNITS B F, 5F, RAMON MAGSAYSAY CTR BLDG, 1680 ROnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3543343 09178511151 09178511152nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspiolmnliolcosmanila Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ROBERTO B REYES Status . Valid License License Validity . 9302015 to 9292019 ISLAND MARINE SERVICES CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 1991 A. MABINI ST ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 591593 576611nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR EMMANUEL L REGIO Status . Delisted License Validity . to 9171989 ISLAND OVERSEAS TRANSPORT CORP nbspManning Agency GF(PORTION) 2F EASTGATE CENTRE NO 169 EDSAnbspMANDALUYONG Tel Nos . nbsp5336101 5336102nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspiotceastgategroup. ph Website . nbspIOTC. PH Official Representative . CAPT EMMANUEL L REGIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 12222015 to 12212019 JADE SHIPPING CORP (FORMERLY JADE MARINE SERVICES INC) nbspManning Agency 74 ESTEBAN ST COR SIERRA MADRE MAGARA MANDALUYONGnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5315627 5313069nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT MARIO K ALFELOR Status . Delisted License Validity . 12152003 to 12142007 JANDEC TRADING MARINE SERVICES COMPANY nbspManning Agency RM.603 JALANDONI BLDG COR A. MABINI ERMITA MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS VIRGENCITA MALAYA Status . Forever Banned License Validity . to 951984 JDA INTER-PHIL MARITIME SERVICES CORP. nbspManning Agency R401,402 403404 GLC BLG, TM KALAW COR A MABINInbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5238284 5238285 09185856465nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspjimmyjdaimscor. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . JIMMY S CASTILLO Status . Valid License License Validity . 952016 to 942020 JEBSENS MARITIME, INC nbspManning Agency 2F HARBOR CTR II RAIL ROAD ST CHICAGO ST PORT AREAnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5279980-88nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewing. abojebabojeb. phrecordsabojeb. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ENRIQUE M. ABOITIZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 672012 to 662024 JEDEC SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 1575 P. CAMPA ST SAMPALOC MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR DIONISIO F BAUTISTA Status . Forever Banned License Validity . to 1221988 JEHOVA MARITIME MANAGEMENT SERVICES UNLIMITED CORP nbspManning Agency 1200 A. MENDOZA ST. SAMPALOC, MLAnbspSAMPALOC, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp736-3195nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . FEDERICO H SALCEPUEDES JR Status . Cancelled License Validity . 5282002 to 6152004 JEKO INTL. SHIPPING SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency U-A, BC 10 FLERIDA STnbspACACIA, MALABON Tel Nos . nbsp2888083nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspJEKO SHIPPINGFILIPINO SEAMAN Website . nbspNA Official Representative . RANDY G. BAUTISTA Status . Delisted License Validity . 2132007 to 2132008 JENAR MARITIME INC nbspManning Agency 2296-A. LEON GUINTO STREETnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp(02)5280686nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingjenarmaritimeinc Website . nbspjenarmaritimeinc Official Representative . CRISTINA P. DOLAS Status . Cancelled License Validity . 3292012 to 3282016 JJ OFFSHORE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 2F 3F, BLOCK 1 LOT 8 ROYAL SQUARE, PROTACIO ST CnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp82320348231271 09212531500nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspjjosincpldtdsl Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MS MYLENE M ASPIRIN Status . Valid License License Validity . 4132016 to 4122020 JMP POLARIS NAVIGATION INC nbspManning Agency R305 BF CONDO BLDG A SORIANO COR SOLANA ST MANILAnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52519755236576nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspjmppolarisyahoo Website . nbspNA Official Representative . CAPT. JOSE N. DELA PEA Status . Cancelled License Validity . 10202010 to 10202014 JO TANKERS PHILS INC (FOR. JO MGT PHILS INC ) nbspManning Agency 2F 1751 DIAN ST. nbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp551-280814 8311868nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspCREWINGPH. JOTANKERS Website . nbspJOTANKERS Official Representative . CAPT BILLMORE J BALSAMO Status . Valid License License Validity . 7292015 to 7282019 JOMO MARITIME MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency SUITE 604 JALANDONI BLDG 1444 A. MABINI STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RENIE M MODELO Status . Forever Banned License Validity . 111950 to 7251986 JOSCAR SHIPPING COMPANY INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 5F L S BLDG 1500 ROXAS BLVD ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VICTORINO A BASCO Status . Expired License Validity . 731996 to 6221998 J-PHIL MARINE, INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency 1977 A. LINAO STREETnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5227947 3030179-81nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadminjphilmarine Website . nbsp None Official Representative . EULALIO C. CANDAVA Status . Valid License License Validity . 11282016 to 11272020 JUNIPER SHIPPING COMPANY INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel S-602 L S BLDG 1414 ROXAS BLVD MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5219744 5219567nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ANGELITA T RIVERA Status . Inactive License Validity . 4191998 to 4182000 JUPITER MARITIME CORP nbspManning Agency NO. 18 MONTCLAIR ST. MERVILLE PARK SUBD. PQUEnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5273642 5273637nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT AMADO V ROMILLO Status . Delisted License Validity . 3252002 to 3232004 K L SHIPPING AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency 1042 SAN MARCELINO ST ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 571938nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS TARCIANA H SANTOS Status . Delisted License Validity . to 5211988 KAGITINGAN SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel DELGADO BLDG BONIFACIO DRIVEnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp 478541 478546nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR CESAR P CARANDANG Status . Delisted License Validity . 111950 to 111984 KARA SHIPPING INC (FOR SINGA BULK CARRIERS INC) nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F KALAYAAN BLDG SLCEDO COR DE LA ROSAnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . OLIMPIO AMPO JR Status . Expired License Validity . 8312004 to 8202007 KCI WORLDWIDE MANNING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency UNIT 709 7F PRESTIGE TOWER EMERALD AVEnbspORTIGAS, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp63879646371582 loc 24nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ANGEL S RACOMA Status . Delisted License Validity . 9232005 to 9232005 KESTREL SHIPPING INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency GF,6F,8F9F, ASEANA 2 BLG BRADCO AVE, ASEANA CITYnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp8589900 8589918 8589917nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcontact. ksivships Website . nbspvships Official Representative . Status . Valid License License Validity . 4302013 to 4292017 KGJS FLEET MANAGEMENT MANILA INC (FOR WESTFLEET PHILS INC) nbspManning Agency 6F 7F, RUFINO TOWER, 6784 AYALA AVE COR V. AnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp865-2000 09088686374nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsportalani. tolledokgjs. no Website . nbspkgjs. ph Official Representative . MALVAR T CASTELLON Status . Valid License License Validity . 11262013 to 11252017 KINGLOON ERECTORS NAVIGATION PHILS INC nbspManning Agency 15 CALLA LILY VERGONVILLE SUB PULANG LUPA II LPnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5222454nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS TARCIANA SANTOS NG Status . Delisted License Validity . 371999 to 352001 KINGWOOD INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency RM. 320 3F PHOENIX BLDG. RECOLETOS ST. INTRAMUROnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp4050115nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ANICETO ADLAWAN Status . Delisted License Validity . 822001 to 822003 KJCM MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency UNIT A 11F VERNIDA IV BLG,128 L. P. LEVISTE STnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp7515731 7516218 7516219nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewkjcm. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ARTURO M. PACULDAR Status . Valid License License Validity . 6192016 to 6182020 KLAVENESS MARITIME AGENCY, INC. nbspManning Agency 5F, FIVE E-COM CTR, HARBOR DR, MALL OF ASIA COMPLEXnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp478-5133nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingklaveness Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CHONA L VILLANOS Status . Valid License License Validity . 1242015 to 1232019 KNUTSEN PHILIPPINES INC (FORMERLY NORTHERN CONFLUENCE SHIP MANAGEMENT INC) nbspManning Agency 2ND 3RD FLOORS, THE GREGORIAN BLDG 2178 TAFT AVEnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5278556 09088869430nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspb. arcillaph. knutsenoas Website . nbspknutsenphilippines Official Representative . BRYANT C ARCILLA Status . Valid License License Validity . 572014 to 562018 KORPIL SHIPMANAGEMENT AND MANNING CORPORATION (FOR INTER-PACIFIC nbspManning Agency U-802803,PEARL OF THE ORIENT TWR,1240 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5261186 TO 89 09178824719 09989730624nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfokorpilshipping Website . nbspkorpilshipping Official Representative . ELIAS Y. DE LOS REYES III Status . Valid License License Validity . 1192017 to 1182021 KS TRANSCARRIER MANAGEMENT CORP nbspManning Agency U-5 FELBETS BLDG KM7 DAVAO CITYnbspDAVAO CITY, DAVAO DEL SUR Tel Nos . nbsp3003623nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspktranscyahoo Website . nbspNA Official Representative . DIONISIO S. CORBITA Status . Delisted License Validity . 422012 to 1012012 L J SHIPPING AGENCY nbspManning Agency RM.1005 SARMIENTO BLDG AYALA AVE MAKATI M. M.nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 859268nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ANTONIO TORAYA JR Status . Inactive License Validity . to 10181983 LACERTA SHIPPING AGENCIES PHILS. INC. nbspMan ning Agency 784-A, QUIRINO AVENUE, BRGY. TAMBOnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp801-4279 801-4269nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsplacertacrdlacerta. ph lacertaph Website . nbsplacerta. ph Official Representative . FLORA M IGNACIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 812016 to 7312020 LAS PALMAS INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency MATILDE BLDG 878 APACIBLE COR L. GUINTO ST ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 508450 5217060nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT DONALD V PALMAS Status . Forever Banned License Validity . 7111986 to 7111988 LAUREL CARRIERS PHILIPPINES, INC. nbspManning Agency RM 210 2F REGINA BLDG ESCOLTAnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp354-7307 247-7450nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsplaurelcarrierspldtdsl Website . nbsp None Official Representative . FERDINAND G DOMASING Status . Valid License License Validity . 2272016 to 2262020 LAURIN MARITIME PHILIPPINES INC (FORMERLY PHIL-WORLD SHIPPING SERVICES CORP nbspManning Agency S301,302,303,304306, 3F, MILANDRE CTR, 982 QUEZONnbspQUEZON CITY Tel Nos . nbsp373-6963 loc 101nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsplaurinlaurinmaritime. ph Website . nbsplaurinmaritime Official Representative . MA LOURDES M CANARIA Status . Valid License License Validity . 10282016 to 10272020 LE MOND SHIPPING CORP(FOR RED LENS MANNING CORP) nbspManning Agency RM.2A 284 DOA ANITA BLDG E. RODRIGUEZ AVE QCnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp3530912 2023122nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ROBERT LAPITAN Status . Cancelled License Validity . 5191993 to 5181995 LEADING MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 5F TRINITY BLDG. 636 TM KALAW ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5259435 5259436nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ISAGANI Q LISACA Status . Delisted License Validity . 551996 to 541998 LEEWARD MARINE SERVICES INC nbspMannin g Agency RS314,TAFT CENT EXCHANGE MALL, TAFT COR GIL PUYATnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp8337558nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspleewardmarineservicesymail Website . nbsp None Official Representative . DELFIN D DEL CASTILLO Status . Valid License License Validity . 8242013 to 8232017 LEONIS NAVIGATION COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency 915 PRES. QUIRINO AVE COR LEON GUINTO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5238646-50nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspleonismanningleonisnav. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . CAPT HERNANI P. FEUSCA Status . Valid License License Validity . 7242014 to 7232018 LILY SHIPPING CORP nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2ND FLR EUROVILLA COND LEGASPI VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR BENJAMIN R BERNARDO Status . Delisted License Validity . 611988 to 5261989 LITONJUA COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency 2F DITZ BLDG 444 TM KALAW ST ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5211951TO 57nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsplitonjuaskynet Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR EDUARDO K LITONJUA Status . Delisted License Validity . 2172004 to 2162008 LMS MANNING, INC. nbspManning Agency RMS 316318 BF CONDO BLDG A. SORIANO AVE INMUROSnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5275854nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT DONATO P MARFIL Status . Delisted License Validity . 2182002 to 2172004 LOADSTAR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel LOADSTAR BLDG 1294 ROMUALDEZ STnbspPACO, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR HENRY U TANHUECO Status . Valid License License Validity . 10302014 to 10152017 LORENTZEN MARITIME INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 3RD FLR KINGS COURT BLDG 2129 PASONG TAMO MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8164875 8171312nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS THELMA A MANUEL Status . Delisted License Validity . 251989 to 251991 LOS NINOS DEL MAR MARINE SERVICES nbspManning Agency RM 2-A 2F 1828 SN MARCELINO ST MLTE MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp303-0270nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsplosninosdelmaryahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . DOMINGO M GOMEZ Status . Cancelled License Validity . 3102005 to 392009 LOTUS SHIPMANAGEMENT, INC. nbspManning Agency R702704,7F SL BLG.1500 ROXAS BLVD.,nbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4002189 up to 92nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrew. lotshipgmail Website . nbsplotship Official Representative . MARIANITO Z AGUISANDA Status . Valid License License Validity . 8142015 to 8132019 LT MARINE OFFSHORE SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency RM 103 BEL-AIR APT BLG,1020 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5239470nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspLToffshoreyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . श्री। TADEO P. HABLADO Status . Valid License License Validity . 10282016 to 10272020 LUTOPAN TRADING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency GF MARY BACHRACH BLDG 640 CHICAGO ST PORT AREAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5273961 5273965nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ENGR JOAQUIN L MISA Status . Delisted License Validity . 10171999 to 10152001 LUZON STEVEDORING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency TACOMA 2ND ST PORT AREA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JOVENO G LORENZO JR Status . Cancelled License Validity . 10161984 to 10161985 LUZON STEVEDORING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel COR TACOMA 2ND STnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR AMBROSIO MAKALINTAL JR Status . Delisted License Validity . 111950 to 1031986 LYDIA MAR (MANILA) INC nbspManning Agency SUITE E, 11F G. E. ANTONIO BLG, TM KALAW STREETnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5367109536-1864nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfolydiamar. ph Website . nbsplydiamar. ph Official Representative . BRENDA V BALDON Status . Valid License License Validity . 1042016 to 1032020 M A MARITIME SHIPPING CO nbspManning Agency 1202 INT. GEN LUNA STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp528-49313026397nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspengrbacayyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MANUEL P BACAY Status . Cancelled License Validity . 8152004 to 8142008 MABUHAY SHIPPING SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency S505 DNA GENEROSA BLDG. EDSA EXTCOR P. CELLE, PASAYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8521988 8515172nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ENGR EULOGIO V MAGAWAY SR Status . Delisted License Validity . 11261999 to 11242001 MAC CREWING AND SHIPPING CORP (FORMERLY SEAMASTER SHIPMANAGEMENT CORP) nbspManning Agency U401 U N SQUARE BLG COR J BOCOBO STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp(02) 7387702nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfomacrewship Website . nbspmacrewship Official Representative . CARLO M. SAN PEDRO Status . Valid License License Validity . 11222013 to 11212017 MAERSK-FILIPINAS CREWING INC (FOR MAERSK TABACALERA CREWING AGENCY nbspManning Agency 9F, ONE E-COM CTR BLDG, OCEAN DRIVE COR SUNSET AVnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp4790800nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspCrewPhiMngmaersk Renel. Ramosmaesk Website . nbsp None Official Representative . RENEL CALUMPIT RAMOS Status . Valid License License Validity . 6252014 to 6242018 MAGSAYSAY LINES INC nbspManning Agency MAGSAYSAY BLDG 520 TM KALAW ST ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 506611 506618nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR MIGUEL A MAGSAYSAY Status . Delisted License Validity . 6301996 to 6291998 MAGSAYSAY MARITIME CORPORATION (FOR MAGSAYSAY MANPOWER INC) nbspManning Agency MAGSAYSAY BLDG GF2F GE ANTONINO BLDG KALAW STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5268888 LOC 9418 52697215269709nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmarlon. ronomagsaysay. ph Website . nbspmagsaysaycareers Official Representative . ARNOLD B JAVIER Status . Valid License License Valid ity . 9102012 to 992024 MAGSAYSAY MOL MARINE INC (FORMERLY MAGSAYSAY MITSUI O. S.K. MARINE INC) nbspManning Agency 5F 6F MAGSAYSAY BLDG 520 TM KALAW STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5268888 LOC 95265217439nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspCNDELACRUZMAGMOL Website . nbsp None Official Representative . FRANCISCO D. MENOR Status . Valid License License Validity . 5202013 to 5192021 MAINE MARINE PHILIPPINES, INC. nbspManning Agency A-E 17F 18-D, R. MAGSAYSAY CTR. 1680 ROXAS BLVD. nbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5244973 5368454 TO 55nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationsmainemarine. ph Website . nbspmainemarine. ph Official Representative . ARLYN FERNANDEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 7112016 to 7102020 MAJESTIC LLC. INC. nbspManning Agency STES 209211 MINDANAO COR QUI RINO H-WAY, QCnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5120167 8545979nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS JOSEFINA M HOUSE Status . Delisted License Validity . 8131999 to 8112001 MALAYAN TOWAGE SALVAGE CORPORATION nbspManning Agency R101 ERECHEM BLDG SALCEDO ST LEGASPI VILLnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp813-0696 759-2174 885-7740nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsplandbasedsalvtug Website . nbspsalvtug Official Representative . CAPT EDGARDO M GUALBERTO Status . Ceased Operations License Validity . 9162015 to 9152019 MALOU SHIPPING MANAGEMENT CO INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel ENRIQUETA BLDG 1675-77 A. MABINI ST MALATEnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5210301 5210304nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT ASISCLO A CASTAEDA Status . Expired License Validity . 2182008 to 2252011 MANILA FLOATING HOTEL RESTAURANT, INC. (FOR: PHIL. PASSENGER LINES, INC) nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel PPL BLDG UN AVENUE CORNER SAN MARCELINO ST MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5249011nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VIRGILIO L. LEYESA Status . Expired License Validity . 10252001 to 10252003 MANILA GLOBAL SHIPPING COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency RIZAL TOWER 4474 SINGIAN ST MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8121961 8193537nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS RIZALINA LAMZON Status . Delisted License Validity . 4301994 to 4291996 MANILA INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING CO LTD nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 1959 M ADRIATICO ST MALATE MM nbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ROGER S MANALO Status . Delisted License Validity . 6301987 to 6301988 MANILA INTERNATIONAL STAFF BUILDERS LTD nbspManning Agency 1957-59 M. ADRIATICO ST MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5210836 5211075nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ROGELIO S MANALO Status . Delisted License Validity . to 10151987 MANILA OCEAN CREW MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 4TH FLOOR - B D, RAMON MAGSAYSAY CTR, 1680 ROXASnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3532917 3536070 3533372 3541372 09175836942nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationsmanilaocean. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . LEAH E CASTRO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1022013 to 1012017 MANILA SEALINK CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F PALACIO GRANDE BLDG GEN LUNA COR ANDA STnbspQUIAPO, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5270772 5270779nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . VICTOR S CHIONGBIAN Status . Expired License Validity . 8232001 to 8232005 MANILA SHIPMANAGEMENT MANNING INC nbspManning Agency GF,2F 3F (BACK PORTION), PRINCESS BLG 104 ESTEBAnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8924071 to 74 09178706480nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadminmanship Website . nbspmanship Official Representative . ATTY CHRISTIAN D GERONA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1062016 to 1052020 MANILA STRAIT INTERNATIONAL INC (MANILA STRAIT INTERNATIONAL) nbspManning Agency RM.607 6F ERMITA CENTER BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVD MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 500091 500096nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . Status . Delisted License Validity . 8311988 to 9181992 MANILA TRANSWORLD CARRIERS INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel SUITE 903 ERMITA CTR BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5267416 TO 24nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmtcicompass. ph Website . nbsp Official Representative . ERLINDO SALVADOR Status . Expired License Validity . 9132007 to 9102010 MAPLE SHIPPING CORP nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel RM.602 LS BLDG 1414 ROXAS BLVD MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5129567 5219744nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ANGELINA T RIVERA Status . Inactive License Validity . 4181998 to 4182000 MAR FISHING COMPANY INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 6F VICENTE MADRIAGAL BLDG AYALA AVE MAKATI MMnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JEROME N SPITZ Status . Delisted License Validity . 3291989 to 3291990 MARANAW LUZON SHIPPING COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency GF ENRIQUETA BLDG 1675-1677 A. MABINI ST MALATEnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5210301 to 04nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmlscmnmarluship. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ROBERTO R CASTAEDA Status . Valid License License Validity . 6162016 to 6152020 MARBELLA CARRIERS CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel UNIT 1004 MARBELLA II 207 ROXAS BLVD MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MRS ANGELINA T RIVERA Status . Expired License Validity . 4182000 to 4182002 MARC-CCI SHIPPING MANAGEMENT INC (FOR MARC-CTI SHPG MNGT INC) nbspManning Agency 3F, PHIL GUE KAW BLDG, MA. OROSA COR REMEDIOS STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3533843nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewmarcgmail Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MADONA P ASPECTO Status . Valid License License Validity . 532016 to 522020 MAREJED MARITIME INC (FOR GREENWICH CORPORATION) nbspManning Agency RM720 7F R. SANTOS BLDG. PLAZA LACSON, STA. CRUZ MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5243575 5265154 7335636nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR JOSE S NOBELO Status . Delisted License Validity . 6152000 to 6142002 MARIA SHIPPING MANAGEMENT CO INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F ENRIQUETA BLDG 1675-1677 A. MABINI STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR HONESTO R CASTAEDA Status . Expired License Validity . 12142004 to 11212006 MARIMAR SHIPPING AGENCY CORPORATION nbspManning Agency U-3 METROPOLITAN TOWNHOMES, 1055 METROPOLITAN AVEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8976364 TO 65 09175403069nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspgmariomargmail Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT MARIO C. GALANG Status . Valid License License Validity . 842015 to 832019 MARINASIA SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 376 SAMPAGUITA ST SAN MARTIN DEPORRESnbspBACOOR CITY, CAVITE Tel Nos . nbsp4170875 9701081 8700491nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspSEAQUESTCAV. PWORLD. PH Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MA LOURDES C HALOG Status . Delisted License Validity . 7112001 to 7102003 MARINE MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL PHILIPPINES, INC. nbspManning Agency 1001-E State Center Bldg. II, Ortigas Ave. Bgy. Wnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7240296 7240288nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . JESUS MANALASTAS Status . Delisted License Validity . 7242001 to 7242003 MARINE MANNING SHIP SERVICES CORPORATION (FOR MARINE MANNING nbspManning Agency 1952 F. AGONCILLO ST MALATE MANILAnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5218139 4980944nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT RIZALINO T KUIZON Status . Delisted License Validity . 5242002 to 5232004 MARINEROS DE MANILA, INC. nbspManning Agency GF HR BLDG. 73 SCOTLAND ST BLIVING SUBD PQUEnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8213664nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . RENATO M CABRERA Status . Delisted License Validity . 2292000 to 2272002 MARINERS INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 1081-C ICOPHIL BLDG P. GIL ST PACO MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 503341nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RAFAEL S NUNEZ Status . Forever Banned License Validity . to 1261985 MARINERS SERVICES CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 124-126 SINCIEGO ST PASAY CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5216073 5369174nbspnbsp Em ail Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MS LUZ O AFABLE Status . Delisted License Validity . 12111999 to 1292001 MARITIMA DE MANILA MGM. SYSTEMS INC.(FOR. FELMIL UNITED CORP.) nbspManning Agency 3F,1816 EVANGELISTA COR GEN TINIO STREETSnbspBANGKAL, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp4581097nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfo. maritimademanilagmail com Website . nbsp None Official Representative . AMELIA O. PASQUEL Status . Valid License License Validity . 2102013 to 292017 MARITIME EMPRESS SHIPPING CO INC (FOR: ODSM PHILS INC) nbspManning Agency 3F VALDERRAMA BLG 2001-2003 SINGALONG ST MALATEnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5217972 5238534 LOC302nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ROSELLA P CALOPEZ Status . Cancelled License Validity . 5162004 to 5152008 MARITIME PROPAGATORS INC nbspManning Agency RM.10 RENADAR BLDG 1360 L. GUINTO ERMITA MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5244324 5243524nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ROMEO PICCIO Status . Delisted License Validity . 12241995 to 12231997 MARITIME SERVICES MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 1517 F. AGONCILLO STREETnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5212436 4009749 09176266270nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadministratormsmi. ph Website . nbspmsmi. ph Official Representative . MR RODOLFO D ESTAMPADOR Status . Valid License License Validity . 11192015 to 11182019 MARITIME TRADE CARRIERS INC nbspManning Agency 1325 FILMORE AVE MAKATI METRO MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8325076 886718nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT AQUILINO P CAYABAN Status . Inactive License Validity . to 9231983 MARITRADE CARRIERS (OVERSEAS) INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel BASECO COMPnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4682610 4773660nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ROBERTO P REGADO Status . Delisted License Validity . 111950 to 7231986 MARITUS MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency UNIT NO 714 ROYAL PLAZA TWIN TOWER 648 REMEDIOS STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp0917-886-9680nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmaritusmaritimegmail Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ALFONSO R DEL CASTILLO Status . Valid License License Validity . 8262016 to 8262017 MARLOW NAVIGATION PHILS INC (FORMERLY CREWSERVE INC) nbspManning Agency MARLOW BLDG. 2120 LEON GUINTO ST. nbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5672070nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmnpimanilamarlow. ph Website . nbspmarlow-navigation Official Representative . MR ANTONIO GALVEZ JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 6112016 to 6102024 MARSAMAN MANNING AGENCY INC. nbspManning Agency GF RMS 304-305 TM KALAW CTR 667 TM KALAW STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3181888 09175905668 09399099789nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadminmarsaman. ph Website . nbspmarsaman. ph Official Representative . MS ANTONIETTA C MABELO Status . Valid License License Validity . 6292013 to 6282017 MARSUN SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency U-5AB, U6B,3F RJTC CTR, 12 FIRST ST, NEW MANILAnbspQUEZON CITY Tel Nos . nbsp724-8727 727-3302 727-7259nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmarsunship283gmail Website . nbspFB Acct marsunshipping1980yahoo Official Representative . CAPT DIEGO G SAGISI Status . Valid License License Validity . 1262015 to 1252019 MAR-TIERRA SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency RM403 MG BLDG 150 AMORSOLO ST LEGASPI VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8178244 8178250nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS FELICIDAD S GAMIR Status . Inactive License Validity . 1131997 to 1121999 MARYVILLE MANILA, INC. nbspManning Agency S311, 3F ERMITA CENTER BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5265976 to 78 09177015741nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewmaryvillemanila Website . nbspNA Official Representative . Status . Valid License License Validity . 11232015 to 11222019 MATAGUMPAY MARITIME, INC. nbspManning Agency RM.217 MANUFACTURERS BLDG STA CRUZ MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7337651 7337302nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . श्री। NOIMI L. ZABALA Status . Valid License License Validity . 2232013 to 2222017 MATATAG SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel DELGADO BLDG BONIFACIO DRIVEnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4785410 4785460nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR CESAR P CARANDANG Status . Delisted License Validity . 111950 to 111984 MAUNLAD TRANS INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency 3681 RTJ BLDG BAUTISTA ST PALANAN MKTI CITYnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp5579426 8313016nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmticargopldtdsl Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT SILVINO V FAJARDO Status . Valid License License Validity . 6102016 to 692020 MCV INTL MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency GF 2F MARGARITA BLG PASTOR RD PALLOCAN WESTnbspBATANGAS Tel Nos . nbsp043-7239209nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspSUSANMCVYAHOO Website . nbspNA Official Representative . MARGARITA C. VELASCO Status . Delisted License Validity . 6272009 to 12262009 MED LINE PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency RMS 305 307 RAMAN CONDO 1130 P. TAMO MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8995549 8951242nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmailmedline. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT ANGEL J OSEA Status . Valid License License Validity . 8162016 to 8152020 MEDBULK MARITIME MANAGEMENT CORP. nbspManning Agency G-0203 ROYAL P TWIN TOWER 648 REMEDIOS GUERREROnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp526157252615735261576nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmedbulkcorpmedbulk. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ELISER A. ODULIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1062016 to 1052020 MERCANTILE SHIPPING LINES INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel RM.218 SINGSON BLDG PLAZA MORAGAnbspBINONDO, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JESUS M LEGASPI Status . Forever Banned License Validity . 111950 to 9281985 MERCURY SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 17TH 18TH FLRS, MARC 2000 TOWER TAFT AVE COR. SnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5213874 52624565262457nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspvirjenshippacific. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR ERICSON M MARQUEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 10182015 to 10172019 MERFOLK SHIPPING INC. nbspManning Agency S601 603 BEL-AIR APT. 1020 ROXAS BLVD. nbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5255605525945952660675271587nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspNA Website . nbspNA Official Representative . FLORENCIO C ESPINA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1042015 to 1032019 METRO OVERSEAS SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 230 ERMIN GARCIA STREETnbspQUEZON CITY Tel Nos . nbsp9125037nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsprecioskydsl. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . Status . Delisted License Validity . 8142012 to 8132016 MGL MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 10 SANTAN L. BAYAN EXEC VILL MAYAMOT ANTIPOLO RZLnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp6785432 6469592nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . FERDINAND GARCIA Status . Delisted License Validity . 12131998 to 12112000 MIC SEALINKER nbspManning Agency 104 ERMITA CTR BLDG ROXAS BLVD ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR MANUEL N JOAQUIN Status . Delisted License Validity . 11171989 to 11171991 MICHAELMAR PHILS. INC. nbspManning Agency GF (RW),2F 3F, 4723 ARELLANO COR ZOBEL ROXAS STSnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp550-0115550-1052511-0395 403-2480nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanagementmichaelmar. ph Website . nbspmichaelmar. ph Official Representative . MERCEDES M. RAVANOPOULOS Status . Valid License License Validity . 1142016 to 1132020 MICRONESIA MANPOWER RESOURCES CORPORATION nbspManning Agency FSE BLDG 3671-3673 BAUTISTA ST COR DAYAP ST MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp551184255118448917660nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmicronesiamicronesia. ph Website . nbsp Official Representative . श्री। ISABELO C. BALAIS JR Status . Delisted License Validity . 1192002 to 1182004 MID OCEAN (PHILS) MARINE AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 3F ACROCITY I BDG 1116 ANTIPOLO ST MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8950788nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT ALEJO M VINLUAN Status . Delisted License Validity . 912000 to 8312002 MIDASIA SHIPMANAGEMENT INC. nbspManning Agency U204 BEL-AIR APT. 1020 ROXAS BLVDnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5280607nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspMIDASIAMIDASIA. BAYANDSL. PH Website . nbspNA Official Representative . MARY ANN L. SANTOS Status . Valid License License Validity . 3182015 to 3172019 MIDEAST MARITIME EXPRESS INC nbspManning Agency SPACE AC 3F SUNNYVILLE BLG 2010 BENITEZ CR QUIRInbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5238958nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmidmaritimeyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MILAGROS G OPILAS Status . Cancelled License Validity . 12192013 to 12192017 MID-SOUTH SHIP AND CREW MANAGEMENT INC. nbspManning Agency 3RD FLOOR, AMV BLDG, 1748 EVANGELISTA STnbspBANGKAL, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp35822283690507nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfomidsouthphilnestorilanoyahoo. ph Website . nbspmidsouthphil Official Representative . NESTOR S. ILANO Status . Cancelled License Validity . 10122010 to 10112014 MILMAR CREWING INC nbspManning Agency S502 5F MA NATIVIDAD BDG 470 TM KALAW COR CORTADAnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3534993 3536366 09176335333nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewmillenia. ph Website . nbspmillenia. ph Official Representative . RICARDO N NOBLE JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 612014 to 5312018 MINDANAO SEALINK INC (FOR MINDANAO SEALINK CORP) nbspManning Agency 2F-A PALACIO GRANDE BLDG GEN LUNA COR ANDA INTRAMnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5280206nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmsicsi. ph Website . nbsp Official Representative . WILLIAM JOSEPH CHIONGBIAN Status . Delisted License Validity . 692005 to 682009 MINDANAO SEALINK INC (FOR MINDANAO SEALINK CORP) nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F-A PALACIO GRANDE BLDG GEN LUNA COR ANDA INTRAMnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5280206nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmsicsi. ph Website . nbsp Official Representative . WILLIAM JOSEPH CHIONGBIAN Status . Expired License Validity . 692003 to 682005 MINERVA MARINE AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency ROOM 202, 2F, S L BLDG, 1500 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5228479 to 80 5228482nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspgmminervamarineagency. onmicrosoft Website . nbspminervaagency. ph Official Representative . GREGORIO F ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 3262013 to 3252017 MITSUI O. S.K. LINES MARITIME PHILS INC (FOR NAVIX MARITIME (PHILS)INC nbspManning Agency STE 400 4F VICTORIA BLDG 429 UN AVE ERMITA MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5260703 5213740nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JOSELITO S TENGCO Status . Delisted License Validity . 1282001 to 1272003 MMSPHIL MARITIME SERVICES INC.(PHILASIA SHIPPING AGENCY CORP) nbspManning Agency U103 (GF), 201-B 203 (2F), MARBELLA II BLG, 2071nbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5267456 TO 580928-55903440908-8810379nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmmsphilmmsphil. ph Website . nbspmmsphil. ph Official Representative . ALFREDO T. MENDOZA Status . Valid License License Validity . 8272016 to 8262020 MODERN ASIA SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 32-GF MIDLAND PLAZA ADRIATICO ST ERMITA METRO MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT JUSTO A PADRE Status . Delisted License Validity . 731986 to 731988 MONSOON MARITIME SERVICES PHILS INC nbspManning Agency U103 104 GF MARBELLA II COND BLG 2071 ROXAS BLVDnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5253051 5224181nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationmonsoon. ph Website . nbspmonsoon. maritime. sg Official Representative . DIOSDADO G RAMOS Status . Delisted License Validity . 3112012 to 3102016 MORNING SUN SHIPPING SERVICES(FOR. MARI - LAG SHIPPING SVCS) nbspManning Agency 2440-B F. B.HARRISON COR PALM COURT PASAY CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5513212 8334246nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ENGR DESIDERIO G YUPANO Status . Cancelled License Validity . 8172004 to 8162008 MOT-BARKO MANILA INC nbspManning Agency U2A 2F MA DANIEL BLDG 470 SN ANDRES COR DEL PILARnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp51688095168825nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmot-barkombm. ph Website . nbspmbm. ph Official Representative . NOEL E. HERNANDEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 11132014 to 11122018 MRA OFFSHORE CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 6F U907,9F, PRYCE CTR, 1179 C ROCES COR BAGTIKANnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8970167 8970168 8970166nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsperalejomra. ph Website . nbspsms. mits-dcl. ph Official Representative . CHRISTOPHER DINO DUMATOL Status . Valid License License Validity . 11142013 to 11132017 MRM PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency UNIT 602, 6F, DY INTL. BLDG, 1011 GEN. MALVAR COnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4050011 4050042 09178684298nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcarmimrm Website . nbspmrm Official Representative . MARIA CARMELITA M CALINGO Status . Valid License License Validity . 312013 to 2282017 MST MARINE SERVICES (PHILS.) INC nbspManning Agency 5F, 1751 BLDG, 1751 DIAN STREETnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp(632) 8607500 (632) 5557600nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmstofficetsmphil. ph Website . nbsptsmphil. ph Official Representative . ARTEMIO V SERAFICO Status . Valid License License Validity . 8212015 to 8202019 MULTI MARINE (PHILS) INC nbspManning Agency 2690 A. SEVILLA BLDG. ZOBEL RO XAS ARELLANO MKTInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp4000851 3071517nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT JONAS C ACAPULCO Status . Delisted License Validity . 10102000 to 1092002 MULTINATIONAL MARITIME INC. nbspManning Agency U102 (GF) U203 206-B(2F) MARBELLA II BLDG. 207nbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5367716 to 14 5367717 5367725 5367755nbsp Email Address . nbspmmimmi. ph Website . nbspmmi. ph Official Representative . CAPT. BANNY B. BRIONES Status . Valid License License Validity . 4162013 to 4152017 MULTINATIONAL SHIP MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency UNIT 2, 20F, BDO PLAZA 8737 PASEO DE ROXASnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8922195 8935785nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfomsm. ph Website . nbspmsmmsm. ph Official Representative . RENE F AGUIRRE Status . Valid License License Validity . 8312016 to 8302020 MULTRADE MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency RM.603 ERMITA CTR BLDG ROXAS BLVD ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5217951 5218737nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR FELIPE MANALASTAS Status . Delisted License Validity . to 1301984 MUSIQUEST INTL MARINE SERVICES CORP(FOR: ODESSEY INTL MAR SVCS CORP) nbspManning Agency STE 405 ANNAPOLIS TOWER, GREENHILLSnbspSAN JUAN Tel Nos . nbsp7220471 7220476 OR 80nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . LAURO C ATIENZA Status . Delisted License Validity . 3162000 to 3152002 NAESS SHIPPING PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency NAESS HOUSE 2215 L. GUINTO ST MALATE MANILAnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5211592 to 95 5213361nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmailnaess. ph Website . nbspnaessweb Official Representative . PEDRO MIGUEL F OCA Status . Valid License License Validity . 2162016 to 2152020 NAME-HIRE nbspManning Agency NO ADDRESS nbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . Status . Valid License License Validity . 232000 to 232050 NARCAN SHIPPING PLACEMENT AGENCY, INC. nbspManning Agency 1137 J. NAKPIL STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5218066 5235189nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR LEONARDO M CANDAVA Status . Cancelled License Validity . 7112004 to 7102008 NATIONAL CHEMICAL CARRIERS INC nbspManning Agency 17TH FLR PRODUCERS BANK BLDG P. DE ROXAS MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8109801 8109806nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ANTONIO HENSON Status . Delisted License Validity . to 2191988 NATIONAL GALLEON SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel KNIGHTS OF RIZAL BLDG BONIFACIO DRIVEnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4736310nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR PANFILO W CASTRO JR Status . Delisted License Validity . 111950 to 7181985 NATIONAL MARINE CORPORATION nbspManning Agency TACOMA 2ND STS PORT AREA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 492131 497041nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JOVINO G LORENZO JR Status . Delisted License Validity . 8121986 to 8121988 NATIONAL MARITIME FOUNDATION INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel SUITE 502 DOA FELISA SYJUCO BLDG TAFT AVEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5012610 5012690nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR LUIS G PADILLA Status . Delisted License Validity . 6221990 to 6241991 NATIONAL SHIPPING CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel KNIGHTS OF RIZAL BLDG BFACIO DRIVE PORT AREA MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp4736310 4736420nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR FELIPE A JUDAN Status . Expired License Validity . 3141990 to 2201996 NATUNA SCEAN MANPOWER CORPORATION nbspManning Agency B3P2 L2L3 YOUNG ST MERITVILLE SUBD PULANGLUPAnbspLAS PIAS Tel Nos . nbsp5258695 5250415nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspnatunasceanyahoo natunascean2yahoo Website . nbspnatunascean Official Representative . ENGR CELIA L DALDE Status . Valid License License Validity . 10262015 to 10252019 NAUTICA SHIPPING AGENCY MANAGEMENT COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency 1445 SAN MARCELINO ST ERMITA METRO MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 506601 506602nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ESTRELLA PEREZ Status . Cancelled License Validity . to 561984 NAVA NAVIGATION INC. nbspManning Agency RM.216 2F FEMII BLDG ADUANA ST INTRAMUROS MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp4009570 3632860nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT SEGUNDO S NAVA Status . Delisted License Validity . 9251995 to 9251997 NAVIA CREWING SERVICES INC (FORMERLY MEC GLOBAL SHIP MGT AND MANNING CORP) nbspManning Agency UNIT SV-1A,7F, TIMES PLAZA BLG, U. N. AVE COR TAFTnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp(632) 6289733 09175866414nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingnavia. ph managementnavia. ph Website . nbspnavia. ph Official Representative . MARLON R RONO Status . Valid License License Validity . 10282016 to 10272020 NAVIGATION PHILIPPINES CREWING MANNING INC nbspManning Agency STE 216 2F MERCHANT CENTER P. FAURA ERMITA MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp9214343nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT EDWIN CURAYAG Status . Delisted License Validity . 951988 to 951990 NAVIS MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 4F NAESS HOUSE 2215 LEON GUINTO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5252161 09175417584 09399133196nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspNAVISManagementnordic-maritime. no Website . nbspnordic-maritime. no Official Representative . JUDITH P JARABELO Status . Valid License License Validity . 872014 to 862018 NAVSTAR MARINE CONSULTANT SERVICES COMPANY nbspManning Agency 6F PCIBANK BLDG TM KALAW ST ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5267980nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT VIRGILIO A PATOC Status . Delisted License Validity . 7251996 to 7241998 NB SHIPMANAGEMENT CORPORATION nbspManning Agency RM.545 PHIL INTL CONVENTION CTR ROXAS BLVD MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5214533nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS NORMA A BUCLATIN Status . Delisted License Validity . 7191984 to 1091994 ND SHIPPING AGENCY ALLIED SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 2F 1404 SAN GREGORIO ST. PACO, MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5634369 to 70nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR DENCIO B DULDULAO Status . Delisted License Validity . 1072011 to 1062015 NENACO MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency NEGROS NAVIGATION BLDG 849 PASAY RD MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8184007 864921nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR DANIEL L LACSON Status . Delisted License Validity . to 3291986 NET SHIP MANAGEMENT INC (FORMERLY ONBOARD MARINE EXPO) nbspManning Agency GF 2F, SCANDIC PALACE, 4291 EMILIA STREETnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8043592 5516072 8467394 8467399 09178629184nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspnetshipnetship-phnetshipnsmiph Website . nbspwwwship. ph Official Representative . ROSALIA T. CABALLERO Status . Valid License License Validity . 2142016 to 2132020 NEW FILIPINO MARITIME AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency 2F KALAYAAN BLDG. DELA ROSA COR. SALCEDO STSnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp86730326366867360810nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspnewfilinfo. ph newfilmoz-com Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CESAR B OMNES Status . Valid License License Validity . 5112014 to 5102018 NEW HORIZONS MARITIME SHIPPING INC nbspManning Agency 204-A ERMITA CENTER BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVD ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ESTHER TUMAGAN Status . Delisted License Validity . 1161997 to 1151999 NEW MARC SHIP MANAGEMENT INC. nbspManning Agency RM. 215, 2ND FLOOR, BPI BLDG, PLAZA CERVANTESnbspBINONDO, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp7082732nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspnewmarcship Website . nbspnewmarcship Official Representative . MR MARIO S BRAZA Status . Cancelled License Validity . 11202009 to 6192013 NEXT WAVE MARITIME MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 5F, EMI BLG, 1181 LEVERIZA ST COR PRES QUIRINO AVEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp8280333nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmlamtmsm Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT JOSE REMO L LIBRODO Status . Valid License License Validity . 11272014 to 11272018 NFD INTERNATIONAL MANNING AGENTS INC nbspManning Agency U - 6G, PEARL PLAZA BLG, PEARL DRIVE, BRY SAN ANTONIOnbspORTIGAS, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp559-7233nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspnfdnfd. ph Website . nbspnfd. ph Official Representative . CYNTHIA E. SANCHEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 7192015 to 7182019 NIPHIL MARITIME SERVICES INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency RM.203-B FEDMAN BLDG 199-201 SALCEDO LEGASPI MKTInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8190873nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR ERNESTO H CABUGAO Status . Delisted License Validity . 8212002 to 8202004 NOAH GLOBAL MARITIME, INC. nbspManning Agency 2F 5C, 93 SAYOC BLG. 93 SEN. GIL PUYATnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8872013 8871256 09088813084nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspnoahglobalyahoo Website . nbspnoahglobalmaritime Official Representative . CAPT LEONARDO B SAULOG Status . Valid License License Validity . 932015 to 922019 NOBEL SHIP SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency NO. 18 12TH AVE MURPHYnbspCUBAO, QUEZON CITY Tel Nos . nbsp9115026 TO 29nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspCREWINGNOBELSHIPADMINNOBELSHIP Website . nbspNOBELSHIP Official Representative . NINO B GUERRERO Status . Delisted License Validity . 9292001 to 9282003 NOMINO SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 1447 SAN MARCELINO ST ERMITA METRO MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 571385 598746nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RICARDO V ZARAGOSA Status . Delisted License Validity . to 7261984 NORBULK PACIFIC MARITIME INC nbspManning Agency 801-816,DE LEON CTR,1151MHDEL PILAR N SRA DE GUIAnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp32834713283474 328347273nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmailnorbulkpacific Website . nbspnorbulkpacific Official Representative . ATTY GREGORIO F ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 7312014 to 7312018 NORLEN CREW MANAGEMENT INC (FORMERLY EXCEL MARITIME AGENCIES INC) nbspManning Agency UNITS 904, 905 906, 9F, SCANDIC PLACE COND, 4291nbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp55123025512309 5516678nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcaptfytapianorlencrew Website . nbspnorlencrew Official Representative . CAPT FERDINAND YAP TAPIA Status . Valid License License Validity . 2242013 to 2232017 NOR-PHIL OCEAN SHIPPING INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel HARBOR CTR II RAILROAD ST PORT AREA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ARLEEN V. ASUNCION Status . Expired License Validity . 3282001 to 3282005 NORSEMAN COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency RM 311 3F, SL BLDG, 1500 ROXAS BLVD. nbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp525-1423 525-1440nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewnorsemancompany Website . nbspnorsemancompany Official Representative . MARIANITO AGUISANDA Status . Valid License License Validity . 942016 to 932020 NORTEAM SHIPPING SERVICES, INC. FOR. HOMAN SHPNG. SVCS. PHILS. INC. nbspManning Agency RMS 201 204 ITC BLDG, 337 GIL PUYAT AVENUEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8999445 09989609870 09178145646nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspnorteam. mainnorteam. ph Website . nbspnorteam. ph Official Representative . MR JULITO B QUIBAN JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 352016 to 342020 NORTH SEA MARINE SERVICES CORP nbspManning Agency GF,6F,8F9F, ASEANA 2 BLG, BRADCO AVE, ASEANA CITYnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp8589888nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspMNLTMGRNSMSCvships Website . nbspvcrewphilippines Official Representative . ROSALINA B CERDINA Status . Valid License License Validity . 2242014 to 2232018 NORTH STAR MARITIME MANNING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 1918 LEON GUINTO ST MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 592645nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT BENJAMIN G MONTERDE Status . Delisted License Validity . 8231990 to 8231992 NORTHERN LINES INC nbspManning Agency FEMII BLDG ADUANA STREET INTRAMUROS MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 409571nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JESUS MARTINEZ Status . Delisted License Validity . to 1231988 NORWULFF PHILIPPINE LINES INC nbspManning Agency S-25 26 MIDLAND PLAZA HTL M. ADRIATICO ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5218655 5216057nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ELMER F BABIERA Status . Delisted License Validity . 871991 to 871993 NOTRE DAME OILFIELDS MARITIME SERVICES INC (FORMERLY JEU INTERNATIONAL SHIP nbspManning Agency GF 2F, NOTRE DAME BLDG, 2217-2221 F. B. HARRISOnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp556-2438555078984691425562814nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsprbbernalesnotredameshipping. ph Website . nbspnotredameshipping. ph Official Representative . REBECCA B BERNALES Status . Suspended License Validity . 792011 to 782015 NOVA INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel SUITE 602 L S BLDG 1515 ROXAS BLVDnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5219567 5219568nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT OLIMPIO G AMPO JR Status . Inactive License Validity . 671990 to 742000 NS UNITED MARINE PHILIPPINES INC (FORMERLY GENETICS MARITIME SERVICES INC) nbspManning Agency 5F, NEW SOLID BLDG, 357 SEN GIL PUYAT AVENUEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8172390 8402616nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcommonnsump. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . CAPT ALEXANDER A. NUGUID Status . Valid License License Validity . 9222014 to 9212018 NUEVE SERVICES CO. INC. nbspManning Agency 302 GOV. A. PASCUAL ST SAN JOSE NAVOTAS METRO MANILnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 230374nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JOSE BR POLICARPIO Status . Delisted License Validity . 3271997 to 3261999 NYK-FILSHIP MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency GEN LUNA COR STA POTENCIANA ST INTRAMUROS MANILAnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5543888 9084900 09209124023nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcencomnykfil. ph Website . nbspnykfil. ph Official Representative . JOSEPHINE J FRANCISCO Status . Valid License License Validity . 10302011 to 10292023 OCEAN BLUE SHIPPING AND MARINE SERVICES INC (FOR GOODWOOD SHIPPING AGENCY) nbspManning Agency SUITE 602-3 ERMITA CTR BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp522-3765 521-9984nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . EDUARDO G PRONSTROLLER Status . Cancelled License Validity . 9272004 to 9272008 OCEAN EAST AGENCY CORP nbspManning Agency R103 (LW) TRINITY BLDG, 636 TM KALAW STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp708-6501nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoceaneastoeacph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . FERDINAND G. DOMASING Status . Valid License License Validity . 2122016 to 2112020 OCEAN GATEWAY MARITIME MANAGEMENT, INC. (FOR: MARINO SHIPPING, INC.) nbspManning Agency GF MACRIMA BLDG. EDSA COR. ESCUELA ST. GUADALUPEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp882148081nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MIGUEL LORENZO L. RIVERA Status . Delisted License Validity . 9182002 to 9172004 OCEAN LEADER SHIPMANAGEMENT CORP nbspManning Agency STE 3 6 GF MIDLAND PLAZA M. ADRIATICO ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5211653 573011nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ELIZABETH M PANGAN Status . Delisted License Validity . 12131989 to 12131993 OCEAN LINK INTERNATIONAL MANNING AGENTS COMPANY nbspManning Agency SUITE 403 FEMII BLDG ADUANA ST INTRAMUROS MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT EUGENIO J YNION Status . Delisted License Validity . to 3181986 OCEAN PROSPERITY MANNING MGT CORP (FOR SUCCESSFUL ACHIEVEMENT MANNING nbspManning Agency U17A,3F, LEGASPI TOWERS 300, ROXAS BLVDnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5212236 5272615 090830670941nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoceanprooceanprosperity Website . nbspoceanprooceanprosperity Official Representative . ZALDY VILLAFLOR Status . Valid License License Validity . 782013 to 772017 OCEAN WAVE CRUISERS INTERNATIONAL MANNING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 5F, PARKVIEW PLAZA BLDG, TAFT AVE COR T. M. KALAW SnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5266229 5266223 09195911378nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsphradminoceanwavecruisers Website . nbspoceanwavecruisers Official Representative . CLARISSA M. BONCAVIL Status . Valid License License Validity . 932013 to 922017 OCEANCREW MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency MEZZANINE FLOOR, MARY BACHRACH BLDG 25TH COR A. C nbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5278888 LOC 8285 TELEFAXnbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingoceancrew. no Website . nbspww. oceancre w. no Official Representative . SANTOS A. MACATANGAY Status . Delisted License Validity . 6192012 to 6182016 OCEANLINK MARITIME INC nbspManning Agency GF VILLA BLANCA ANNEX BLDG CABILDO COR BEATERIO STnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52208985220908nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoceanlinksealink. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . JAIME C PORTUS Status . Valid License License Validity . 772014 to 772018 OCEANUS MARITIME CREWING SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency UNIT 2006, 20TH FLR, WORLDTRADE EXCHANGE BLDG, 215nbspBINONDO, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3530547 7038221nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingoceanusmaritime Website . nbspoceanusmaritime Official Representative . MARLON B. MIRO Status . Valid License License Validity . 9152014 to 9142018 ODFJELL PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 4F, 5F 6F, ATLANTIS BEACON TOWER, 2315 L. GUINTnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp528-03415241331 0917-8896835nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanilaodfjell Website . nbspodfjell. ph Official Representative . REMIGIO S ZAMORA Status . Valid License License Validity . 4222016 to 4212020 OFFSHORE SHIPPING MANNING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 28-A MENDEZ ST BAESA QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 342443 3612472nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT BENNY D SAVARES Status . Delisted License Validity . to 7121986 OFFSHORE SPECIALISTS MARINE SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency U-306RIZALINA BLDG2 ANX 1677 QUEZON AVE. Q. C.nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp9266850 9266858nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ELIAS B LUSAYA Status . Cancelled License Validity . 742000 to 742002 OFSI SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 2F 4F OFSI BLDG CABILDO COR URDANETA STnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3010180 5272188nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR ROGELIO L SEGISMUNDO Status . Delisted License Validity . 8302008 to 8292012 OLYMPIC JEBSEN OFFSHORE INC nbspManning Agency 2F HARBOR CTR II CHICAGO RAILROAD ST SOUTH HARBORnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp527-9980nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspojos. teamabojeb. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ARLEEN B V ASUNCION Status . Valid License License Validity . 2262014 to 2262018 OMNI INTERLINK INC nbspManning Agency 2101 CAROLINA STREETnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp 597682 5220653nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR EDMOND U LEE Status . Delisted License Validity . 2111994 to 2101996 ONE SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 611 CITYLND COND10 TWR1,6815 AYALA HV DELA COSTAnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp816329381632978163282nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsponeshippingyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT BENEDICTO C MANALO Status . Valid License License Validity . 12122016 to 12112020 ONYX SEATRANS MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency GF-3F MA ZITA BLDG 953 ESCODA ST MANILAnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5675827nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsponyxseatransyahoo. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . JAIME D QUIONES Status . Delisted License Validity . 5262012 to 11252012 ORAE NAVIGATION CORPORATION (FORMERLY JJ CREWING CORPORATION) nbspManning Agency RM301302 GLC BLDG 492 T M KALAW ST MANILAnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp528-0923 5281458nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfooraenav Website . nbspNA Official Representative . Status . Valid License License Validity . 2102013 to 292017 ORIENT GLORIA LINES INC (MS E SHIPPING INC) nbspManning Agency 13 GRANADA ST QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 741109nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT RODOLFO A GUEVARA Status . Delisted License Validity . 11161988 to 11161990 ORIENT HOPE AGENCIES INC. (FOR. SEA HORSE MANNING) nbspManning Agency 16F, G. E. ANTONINO BLDG, T. M. KALAW STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp0908-2284096 (mobile)nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsporienthope12yahoo Website . nbsporienthope Official Representative . DINO ALBERTO V. ALFONSO Status . Valid License License Validity . 372013 to 362017 ORIENT LINE PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency S1208 ERMITA CTR BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVD MANILAnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp30905423090543nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbspNA Official Representative . MACARIO E. DELA PENA Status . Valid License License Validity . 722013 to 712017 ORIENT SEAS INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency U1503 THE CENTREPOINT COND, GARNET COR J VARGASnbspORTIGAS, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp6383762nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsposisskyinet Website . nbsporientseasinternational. co Official Representative . RODOLFO B. LIM Status . Valid License License Validity . 9292012 to 9282016 ORIENT STAR SHIPMANAGEMENT CO INC nbspManning Agency SUITE 1001, 10F, MA. NATIVIDAD BLDG, 470 T. M. KALnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5248042nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsporientstar-philorient-star. org Website . nbspNA Official Representative . CELICEL A MAGALONGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 10312015 to 10302019 ORIENTAL SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency RECRAA BLDG VITALEZ COMPOUND SUCAT PARAAQUE M. M.nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8257956 TO 59nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsporimanoriental. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . RAMON S. HERRERA Status . Valid License License Validity . 7242014 to 7232018 ORIENTBLUE SHIPPING CORP nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel RECRAA BLDG VITALEZ COMPOUND SUCAT PARAAQUE M. M.nbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT ROSENDO C HERRERA Status . Delisted License Validity . 6251986 to 6251987 ORIENTWISDOM SHIPPING CORPORATION(FORMOPAS CRUISE LINE PHILIPPINES INC ) nbspManning Agency RECRAA BLDG VITALEZ COMPOUND SUCATnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp8257156 to 59nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsporimanoriental. ph Website . nbspORIMAN. PH Official Representative . CAPT ROSENDO C HERRERA Status . Valid License License Validity . 822016 to 812020 ORIMAN SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel VITALEZ COMPD SUCAT PARAAQUE M. M.nbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT ROSENDO C HERRERA Status . Delisted License Validity . 651986 to 651987 OROPHIL SHIPPING INTL CO. INC. (TIPOLO SHIPPING INTL AGENCY) nbspManning Agency 2F KNIGHT OF RIZAL BDG. BONI. DRIVE PORT AREA MLA. nbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5280772 5284207 09176293266nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsporophilorophil. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ENGR TOMAS N OROLA Status . Valid License License Validity . 11222015 to 11212019 OSCO SHIPPING SERVICES (PHILIPPINES) INC (FOR OSCO COLUMBIA SHIPPING SVCS nbspManning Agency 2178 NICE COMPOUND TAFT AVENUEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp583823nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT LEOPOLDO T ARCILLA Status . Delisted License Validity . 1171994 to 1161996 OSG SHIP MANAGEMENT MANILA INC (FORMERLY STELMAR PHILS INC) nbspManning Agency 5F, OSG HOUSE, 102 LP LEVISTE STREETnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp324874132487753248778nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspCrewOSGIntosg Website . nbsposg Official Representative . CAPT REX D. SEBALLOS Status . Delisted License Validity . 6232012 to 6222016 OSM MARITIME SERVICES, INC (FOR ORIENT SHIP MNGT) nbspManning Agency GF, 2F,4F 8F OSM BLDG 479 PEDRO GIL STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5238871 5231042nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsposm. manilaosm. no Website . nbsposm. no Official Representative . MAILYN PERENA BORILLO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1192010 to 11262020 OSM SHIPPING PHILS. INC. (FORMERLY EL SHADDAI SHIPPING INC.) nbspManning Agency S-E,6F, G. E. ANTONINO BLG, TM KALAW COR. J BOCOBOnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5276175 (TL)52762465365970nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsposmphilyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ALEXANDER G ABILO Status . Valid License License Validity . 10102016 to 1092020 OSTE CREWING PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 4F U-4B ONE E-COM CTR PALM COAST AVE MOA BUS PARKnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp5567251nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationoste. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . JOSE RAMON R. GARCIA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1062014 to 1052018 OVERALL CONSTRUCTION MARINE RESOURCES INC nbspManning Agency 2ND FLR BATUNGBAKAL BLDG 7577 DELA ROSA ST MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 862543 873540nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ALBERTO S TAYENGCO Status . Delisted License Validity . 3201990 to 4241992 OVERSEAS AGENCY SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency GF MARBELLA II 2071 ROXAS BLVD MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5219033 5211901nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RAMON C GARCIA Status . Delisted License Validity . 4191990 to 4151994 OVERSEAS BULK TRANSPORT INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F HARBOR CTR 11 BLDG RAILROAD S. HARBOR PORT AREAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8164875 8171312nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ARLEEN V ASUNCION Status . Valid License License Validity . 6172014 to 5232017 OVERSEAS GLOBAL TRANSPORT INC nbspManning Agency CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG MAGALLANES IMUROSnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 498796 498797nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RODOLFO P PALMARES Status . Delisted License Validity . to 5301988 P F SHIP MANAGEMENT CORP (FORMERLY PLL SHIP MANAGEMENT CORP) nbspManning Agency SUITE 901, 9F, MA NATIVIDAD BLDG, 470 T M KALAW COnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5264873 4843992 4844307 0920977793409175724262nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfopnfmanning Website . nbspNA Official Representative . BENJAMIN C SERVANO JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 1152017 to 1142021 PACC SHIPPING PHILS INC. (FOR. PCL SHIPPING PHILS INC) nbspManning Agency UNITS A, B, C D,9F R. MAGSAYSAY CTR, 1680 R. BLVDnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5674761 3545674 5219231 5235105 09175294228nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcommboxpaccship. ph Website . nbsppaccphils Official Representative . JUVILYN L. BATAC - ANAYA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1292017 to 1282021 PACIFIC ASIA OVERSEAS SHIPPING CORP nbspManning Agency GF PAMCOR BLG, PASCOR DRIVE, BGYnbspSTO. NIO, PARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp8523067 8520000 09178171790 09189064847nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsppascorpacific-ace Website . nbsppacific-acepascor Official Representative . ATTY ROGELIO A DIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 992015 to 982019 PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency RM 401 DOA FELISA SYJUCO BLG, REMEDIOS COR TAFTnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp35334133533414 (TELEFAX)nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsppisaiofcpldtdsl Website . nbsppisai Official Representative . ROLANDO A REYES Status . Suspended License Validity . 3272008 to 3262012 PACIFIC MARITIME SERVICES INC (PACIFIC CREWING SERVICES INC) nbspManning Agency GF 2F GA BLDG 2303 P. TAMO EXT MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8188901 8188905nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VICENTE BRILLANTES Status . Delisted License Validity . 8251998 to 8242000 PACIFIC OCEAN MANNING INC (FORMERLY CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP PHIL) nbspManning Agency GF,6F,8F9F, ASEANA 2 BLG, BRADCO AVE ASEANA CITYnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp858-8999nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcontact. pomivships Website . nbspvcrew Official Representative . ELMER A PULUMBARIT Status . Valid License License Validity . 10172015 to 10162023 PACIFIC SEAMEN SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency UNIT33 35 COLUMBIA TOWER, ORTIGAS AVENUEnbspMANDALUYONG Tel Nos . nbsp7263351nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspPACSEAPHILSEAMEN. PH Website . nbspPHILSEAMEN. PH Official Representative . TEODORO A CALINGAO Status . Valid License License Validity . 7242016 to 7232020 PACIFIC VALIANT INC nbspManning Agency 6F KINGS COURT I BLG. 2129 CHINO ROCES AVENUEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8565094 8561629nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsppacvalyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR ANTONIO P VISAYA Status . Valid License License Validity . 6122013 to 6112017 PAL MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency UNIT 404,PRESTIGE TWR DON FRANCISCO ORTIGAS JR. RD. nbspORTIGAS, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp6562844 6338539 09178038931 09188039098nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfopalmarco Website . nbsppalmarco Official Representative . MANUEL B. BAYOT Status . Valid License License Validity . 9132015 to 9122019 PALIMBO OVERSEAS SHIPPING AND TRADERS CORP nbspManning Agency RM 315-A 3F FEMMI (ANNEX) BLDGnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3387047nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . EDWIN L FRANCIA Status . Cancelled License Validity . 8222002 to 8222004 PANDISHIP CORPORATION (FORMERLY PAMINTUAN MARITIME SERVICES CO. INC.) nbspManning Agency UNIT 4-A,4F, MJL BLDG, 1175 CHINO ROCES AVEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp964572 8996634 09178376146nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsppandishippldtdsl Website . nbspNA Official Representative . MELCHOR E SITON Status . Valid License License Validity . 11152015 to 11142019 PANFIL COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency DON FELIPE BLDG 2F 673 T. MAPUA ST STA. CRUZ MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7333465 7333480nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR SEVERINO SAY Status . Delisted License Validity . 251998 to 242000 PANGUNA SHIPPING PHILIPPINES, INC. nbspManning Agency GF NAESS HOUSE 2215 L. GUINTO ST MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5239809 5258252nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT VICENTE S OCA Status . Delisted License Validity . 9171999 to 9152001 PANOLY OVERSEAS INC nbspManning Agency 6F DANNARA COND METROPOLITAN AVE COR MOLAnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp 882481nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . Status . Delisted License Validity . 9191988 to 9191990 PARAGON SHIPPING COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency SUITE 311 LEGASPI TOWERS 300 ROXAS BLVD MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 581225 590971nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR DEOGRACIAS F CABALLERO Status . Delisted License Validity . to 10311989 PAROLA MARITIME AGENCY CORP. nbspManning Agency 1582 COPERNICO ST.,nbspSAN ISIDRO, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp02- 7395600 09989606723nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspparolaparolaweb Website . nbspparolaparolaweb. ph Official Representative . ROSELLA G SANTILLAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 3112016 to 3102020 PAROUSIA INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 2F LIBERTY BLDG 13TH COR ATLANTA STSnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3019507 3019505nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MARY LOU B. ESTRADA Status . Delisted License Validity . 4292002 to 4272004 PASIA-PHIL GROUP INC nbspManning Agency JENNIFER BLDG 278 SEN GIL PUYAT AVE PASAY SITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8339004 8312919nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR NEMESIO MORTEL JR Status . Delisted License Validity . 2211995 to 2201997 PATTS MARINE WORLDWIDE nbspManning Agency 612 J. P.RIZAL COR HONRADEZ MAKATI M. M.nbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . PURITA T PAROJINOG Status . Delisted License Validity . 1051989 to 1051991 PB MARITIME PERSONNEL INC (FORMERLY EPIC MARITIME PERSONNEL INC) nbspManning Agency 16FL RAMON MAGSAYSAY CTR 1680 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3548206nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsppbmppacificbasin Website . nbsppacificbasin Official Representative . ATTY ROBERTO L MENDOZA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1292017 to 1282021 PEARL GRACE SHIPMANAGEMENT, INC. nbspManning Agency 6F(LEFT WING), GHR BLG, 713 REMEDIOS STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp56717875671784 09175874800nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsppgraceopspearlgrace. ph Website . nbsppearlgrace. ph Official Representative . Status . Valid License License Validity . 9302015 to 9292019 PEARL MARITIME SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency RM603 GEDISCO TERRACE 1148 R BLVD. ERMITA MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5266362nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ENGR ALFREDO S TIBAY Status . Delisted License Validity . 12202002 to 12192004 PENAREDONDO CREWING AGENCY nbspManning Agency 1120-I, MENDIOLA EXTENSIONnbspPACO, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp54647057888660 5791434nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsprudypenaredondoyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR RUDY A PEAREDONDO Status . Valid License License Validity . 232016 to 222020 PENTAGON INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency 4581 BARON COR SOLCHUAGA STnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp89716268904078 09178378958 09178378959nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsppentagonpentaships. ph Website . nbsppentaships. ph Official Representative . MEYNARDO I. BUGIA JR. Status . Valid License License Validity . 10112015 to 10102019 PESCADORES INTERNATIONAL, INC. nbspManning Agency 3F HR BLG. 43 MINDANAO AVENUEnbspQUEZON CITY Tel Nos . nbsp9204946 9204603 09154935489 09084670387nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingpescadores. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . RICARDO G DE JOYA JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 5162016 to 5152020 PFC MOTORSHIP AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency RM320 PARK COND. 226 15TH AVE CUBAO QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp4224299nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ABIGAIL CRISTINA SANTIAGO Status . Delisted License Validity . 562000 to 552002 PHIL-CREWING MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency U-103-B (GF), MARBELLA II BLG, 2071 ROXAS BLVDnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5361224 3541715 3541766nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspallstaffphilcrewing. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . JOSE M AMARILLENTO JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 3252013 to 3252017 PHILGRESCAN SHIPPING MANAGEMENT CORP nbspManning Agency S-16 1613 MIDLAND PLAZA HTL ADRIATICO ERMITA MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5213930 5239531nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . SIMEON B. BALITA Status . Delisted License Validity . 1162002 to 1152004 PHILIFLO MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency UNIT 301 GEDISCO TERRACE 1148 ROXAS BLVD ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5215223 3022721nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . REBECCA A DIMAANDAL Status . Delisted License Validity . 9182000 to 9172002 PHILIMARE INCORPORATED (FOR PHILIMARE SHIPPING EQUIP SUPPLY) nbspManning Agency 505 PCI BANK BUILDING PLAZA STA. CRUZ MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7338376 3607900nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcontactphilimare Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR BONIFACIO F GOMEZ Status . Cancelled License Validity . 10202007 to 10192011 PHILIPPIANS INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AGENCY, INC. nbspManning Agency U903, ONE SAN MIGUEL BLDG, SAN MIGUEL AVE COR. SHAnbspPASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp7065433 7065714nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspphlpiansyahoo Website . nbspphilippiansinternational Official Representative . JOSEPH T. TUVIDA Status . Valid License License Validity . 4132014 to 4122018 PHILIPPINE KINGFORD INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 181 ROXAS BLVD BACLARAN PARAAQUE M. M.nbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS EVELYN G CHIU Status . Delisted License Validity . 9151988 to 1161990 PHILIPPINE MARINE CONSULTANTS INC nbspManning Agency UNIT D JADE VILLA II, 556 QUIRINO AVEnbspTAMBO, PARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp8538554853-8560nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsppmccrewingyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT WILLIAM E JIAO Status . Valid License License Validity . 10222015 to 10212019 PHILIPPINE NAVIGATION INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 1000-1046 UNITED NATIONS AVEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5853610nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR DAVID M PIZARRO Status . Delisted License Validity . 761986 to 761987 PHILIPPINE OCEAN LINES INC nbspManning Agency GF UPL BLDG STA CLARA ST INTRAMUROS MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 401081 401082nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ERWIN L CHIONGBIAN Status . Delisted License Validity . to 10221989 PHILIPPINE OCEAN MARINE AND MANNING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 6TH FLR-D, RAMON MAGSAYSAY CTR, 1680 ROXAS BLVDnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp567-5190nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspopsphilocean. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT NOE L AVENO Status . Valid License License Validity . 6142016 to 6132020 PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION nbspManning Agency ORTIGAS AVE COR EDSA MANDALUYONG CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7221151 7221163nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . Status . Valid License License Validity . 111982 to 12312020 PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT LINES INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel PPL BLDG 1000-1046 UNITED NATIONS AVE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5090110nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VIRGILIO L LEYEZA Status . Delisted License Validity . 761987 to 761989 PHILIPPINE SCANDINAVIAN CREWING AND MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 2F NFWC BLDG 962 ESCODA COR SAN MARCELINO ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8331039 8242432nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT DEMOCRITO F OQUILLA Status . Delisted License Validity . 4141994 to 4141996 PHILIPPINE SINGAPORE TRANSPORT SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 6F SOLID MILLS BLDG DELA ROSA ST MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RODOLFO S IBUNA Status . Delisted License Validity . 541990 to 5181992 PHILIPPINE STANDARD SHIPMANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 5F (PORTION), NEW SOLID BLDG, 357 SEN GIL PUYAT AnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8172390 (TRUNKLINE)nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsppssipssismc Website . nbsppssi. sm Official Representative . ALEXANDER A. NUGUID Status . Delisted License Validity . 132012 to 122016 PHILIPPINE TANKER CREWING CO INC (FOR. TAGUMPAY MARINE CO INC) nbspManning Agency 3F LEONIS BLDG 915 PRES QUI - RINO AVE MALATE MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5258734 5238649nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CE EUFRONIO N OSORIO Status . Delisted License Validity . 7222000 to 7212002 PHILIPPINE TRANSMARINE CARRIERS INC nbspManning Agency FIRST MRITIME PLACE 7458-7460 BAGTIKAN ST. nbspSAN ANTONIO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp798111nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsprecruitmentptc. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . GERARDO A BORROMEO Status . Valid License License Validity . 4112011 to 10162023 PHILIPPINE TRANSWORLD SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency S900,904,907-8910A ERMITA CTR 1350 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5267416 TO 24 521-9125nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanningptscmanila Website . nbspptscmanila Official Representative . MR ERLINDO M SALVADOR Status . Valid License License Validity . 5212016 to 5202020 PHIL-KON SHIPPING INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 911 SAN ANDRES COR L. GUINTO ST MALATE MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5267456 5267476nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ERIBERTO P CRISOSTOMO Status . Expired License Validity . 1292004 to 1062004 PHIL-MAN MARINE AGENCY INC (FORMERLY DOHLE-PHILMAN MANNING AGENCY INC) nbspManning Agency UNITS 908 33E, PEARL OF THE ORIENT TWR, 1240 ROnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3555655nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsprecruitmentphilman. ph Website . nbspphilman. ph Official Representative . CAPT MANOLO T GACUTAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 10222015 to 8242019 PHILSAFE MARINE SERVICES INC. nbspManning Agency UNITS C (GF) D (2F), ELW BLDG, 1850 TAFT AVENUEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp(063) 3107235 36 39nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfophilsafe Website . nbspphilsafemarine Official Representative . RICARDO N GALVEZ JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 332016 to 322020 PHILSERVE INC nbspManning Agency MARY BACHRACH BLDG 25TH ST PORT AREA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 483566nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR CARLOS V ANINION Status . Inactive License Validity . to 7241983 PHILSUNRISE MARITIME, INC. nbspManning Agency U1002 10F COMMON GOALTWR FINANCE COR IND ALABANGnbspMUNTINLUPA CITY, MUNTINLUPA Tel Nos . nbsp5533182 0917-5481607nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanningphilsunrisemaritime. ph Website . nbspphilsunrisemaritime. ph Official Representative . CAPT JOVITO L TORRES Status . Valid License License Validity . 6222016 to 6212020 PHILSYNERGY MARITIME INC nbspManning Agency U1001, COMMON GOAL TWR, FINANCE ST, ALABANGnbspMUNTINLUPA CPO, MUNTINLUPA Tel Nos . nbsp8078241 4038310nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanilaphilsynergymaritime. ph Website . nbspphilsynergymaritime. ph Official Representative . REYNOLD LIM TORRES Status . Valid License License Validity . 842015 to 832019 PHOENIX MARITIME CORPORATION (FOR. FIL-HARVEST MARINE INC.) nbspManning Agency 6F FELISA BLDG. 108 RUFINO STREETnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8671476nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspphoenixncomla Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ERICSON M. MARQUEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 7252015 to 7242019 PILIPINAS CROWN MARITIME INC nbspManning Agency 17F MARC 2000 BLDG, 1971 TAFT AVE COR PRES. QUIRINnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52680395212110526804052120825211149nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsppilipinascrownpcmi. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR RICHARD M MARQUEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 12272015 to 12262019 PINAMUNGAHAN TOWAGE CORP. nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel F. RAMOS ST. CEBU CITY nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5641916 361700nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . JOSE MARI MORAZA Status . Valid License License Validity . 4232014 to 1282017 PINEWOOD MARINE (PHILS) INC nbspManning Agency STE 301 MARBELLA BLDG 2071 ROXAS BLVD MALATEnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5213436 5257821nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR MANUEL FELIX Status . Delisted License Validity . 4112004 to 4102008 PISCES SHIPPING MANAGEMENT AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 425 EBC BLDG ORTIGAS AVE GREENHILLS SAN JUANnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7224697 7228840nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT JOSE MANGABAT Status . Delisted License Validity . 211995 to 1311997 PNOC SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT CORP nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel S L BLDG 1500 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp 859061 858856nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ORLANDO L GALANG Status . Delisted License Validity . 261989 to 1241993 POSEIDON INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency S-502 BEL AIR APT 1020 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5362671 5362714nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspposeidonintlpldtdsl Website . nbspposeidonintl. webs Official Representative . ALEXA ERINE JOYCE LECAROS Status . Valid License License Validity . 3102016 to 392020 POUNDS RESOURCES INC nbspManning Agency 194 WAYAN ST MASAMBONG SAN FRANCISCO DEL MONTEnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VIRGILIO C YU Status . Delisted License Validity . 641992 to 641994 PRIME MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency UNIT 3A, 3F, 1377 A. MABINI STREETnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5211736 919-5030 09237173787 09968411500nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspprimerashipgmailprimerashipoutlook Website . nbspNA Official Representative . MR BIBIANO O REYNOSO IV Status . Valid License License Validity . 11172015 to 11162019 PRIMUS SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 7823 MERG BLDG MAKATI AVENUEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS RIZALINA L LAMZON Status . Delisted License Validity . 6151987 to 5281988 PROGRESSIVE SHIPPING ALLIED SERVICES CORP nbspManning Agency HOUSE NO. 6, PATIO MADRIGAL COMPOUND, 2550 ROXAS BnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp82213598221634nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspprogressiveshippingymail Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ALEX C SALAR Status . Delisted License Validity . 7222010 to 7222014 PROMA NAVIGATION INC nbspManning Agency 2F URSOL BLDG MARCOS HI-WAY COR. MOLAVE ST. nbspSANTOLAN, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp2566353 5255028nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT RUSTICO PAGUNSAN Status . Delisted License Validity . 7292000 to 7282002 PROSPERITY STEAMSHIP CO. (PHILS.) INC nbspManning Agency 5F VERNIDA IV 128 ALFARO ST. SALCEDO VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8131032 8124981nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . JESUS E. AVECILLA JR. Status . Delisted License Validity . 6252008 to 6242012 QUEEN OF THE OCEAN SHIPPING CORP nbspManning Agency GF, NO. 4598 J. DELA CRUZ COR CASINO STREETSnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8334295 09178216367nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsparcangelanyahoo Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ALEXANDER M NUNEZ JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 932015 to 922019 R. V.J. MANNING SHIPPING SERVICES nbspManning Agency Blk.10 L-8 C. Muoz Palma St. BF Resort Vill. LPnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8736606nbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . RICARDO V. JORGE, JR. Status . Cancelled License Validity . 2192003 to 2192005 RADIAL GOLDEN MARINE SERVICES CORPORATION (FOR LIGHTHOUSE INTL SHPG CORP) nbspManning Agency S3233,3F, LEGASPI TWRS 300,ROXAS BLVD COR P OCAMPOnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5276633 5275930nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspradialgoldenemail rgmscphilsyahoo. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ALELI D SANCHO Status . Valid License License Validity . 5212014 to 5202018 RAYOMAR MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency MISONOVA BLDG 1418 SAN MARCELINO ST MALATEnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RAMON C GARCIA Status . Delisted License Validity . to 12191984 RCCL CREW MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency UNIT 103- H FIVE E-COM CTR BLDG HARBOR DRIVE MOAnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmyrclmanilarccl Website . nbsp None Official Representative . GERARDO ANTONIO BORROMEO Status . Valid License License Validity . 632016 to 632017 REDWOOD SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 802 L S BLDG 1414 ROXAS BLVD MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5219567 5219568nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MRS ANGELITA T RIVERA Status . Inactive License Validity . 4181998 to 4182000 REIGN MARINE SHIPPING AGENCY CO INC (LIBERTY MARINE SHIPPING CO INC) nbspManning Agency UNIT N, VIOLETA COURT, 2814 FB HARRISON ST. nbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp8331964831-8133nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspfesalanoreignmarine Website . nbspreignmarine Official Representative . FELICISIMO G. SALANO JR. Status . Valid License License Validity . 5182016 to 5172020 REINIER PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING INC nbspManning Agency U1201-1203 PARAGON PLAZA 162 EDSA-RELIANCEnbspMANDALUYONG Tel Nos . nbsp6875224 09284280469 09771408341nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspreinpacireinierpacific Website . nbspreinierpacific Official Representative . CAPT AMADO L CASTRO JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 582016 to 572020 REYES LIM COMPANY INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 117 AGUIRRE ST LEGASPI COMML VILLnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8104636 8104640nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . Status . Delisted License Validity . 5171990 to 4271991 REYNA SHIPPING SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 4TH FLOOR, ACC BLDG, SANDAWA PARK, QUIMPO BLVD, MAnbspN. S. Tel Nos . nbsp(082) 2953840 (TELEFAX)nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspNA Website . nbspNA Official Representative . EARL VINCENT G CALMA Status . Valid License License Validity . 822016 to 812020 RHEN WATERWAYS INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel EB DEVCOR BLDG 79 M HEMADY COR 13TH ST NEW MLA QCnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . GEN SEGUNDO P VELASCO Status . Delisted License Validity . 731986 to 881987 RICH MARITIME MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 2205 LEVERIZA ST PASAY CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . RHODERICK S JURADO Status . Delisted License Validity . 761990 to 6221992 RICHSHIP MANAGEMENT (MANILA) INC nbspManning Agency RM.714,715 R SANTOS BLDG PLAZA LACSON MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp4002779 481206nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR MARCELINO B BAQUIRAN Status . Delisted License Validity . 12281997 to 12271999 RICKMERS MARINE AGENCY PHILIPPINES INC (FORMERLY FOERDE MARINE AGENCY INC) nbspManning Agency UNIT 3, 8F, ASEANA ONE, BRADCO AVENUE, ASEANA CITnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp5197561 ext 100nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanilacrewingrickmers Website . nbsprickmers. intern Official Representative . CAPT ALLAN R SARMIENTO Status . Valid License License Validity . 12102013 to 1292017 RIELT MARITIME INC nbspManning Agency GF, BF PAJO BLG, M. L. QUEZON, BRY PAJO, LAPU-LAPUnbspCEBU Tel Nos . nbsp520-9209 340-6274nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanningrieltmaritime. ph Website . nbsprieltmaritime. ph Official Representative . CAPT REYNOLD L TORRES Status . Valid License License Validity . 8152016 to 8142020 RIZAL INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency 3F4F (LW) RIZAL TOWERS 4474 SINGIAN STnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8999219 8993907nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ROLANDO ANTIPORDA Status . Delisted License Validity . 822002 to 812004 RM INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING COMPANY LTD nbspManning Agency NO.5 QUEEN ROAD MANDALUYONG CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR CESAR C TONIDO Status . Forever Banned License Validity . to 11161985 ROAN PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 2236 LEON GUINTO ST MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS MAGDALENA IRONS Status . Forever Banned License Validity . to 9111987 ROVENOR SHIPPING AGENCY nbspManning Agency 1776 DIAN ST MAKATI METRO MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7417893nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ANUNCIACION P RAMOS Status . Cancelled License Validity . to 1151983 ROVER MARITIME SERVICES CORP nbspManning Agency RM 701-A MANUFACTURERS BLDG PLAZAnbspSTA. CRUZ, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp7365166nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsprsms02hotmail Website . nbsp None Official Representative . RUEL A. BENISANO Status . Delisted License Validity . 592004 to 582008 RPC MARINE INTERNATIONAL nbspManning Agency RM.303 ARC BLDG 29 MAGALLANES DRIVE INTRAMUROS MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 572820 508980nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT ROLANDO P CHUA Status . Forever Banned License Validity . to 3151983 RSM RICHFIELD SHIPMANAGEMENT (MANILA) INC. nbspManning Agency 3551 DURANGO ST PALANAN MAKATI CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8310491 9317124nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT BILL C GREGORIO Status . Delisted License Validity . 941995 to 941997 S. T. OCEAN PHILIPPINES, INC. nbspManning Agency STE B 7F GE ANTONINO BLDG, TM KALAW ST, ERMITAnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52761405276139nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspNA Website . nbspNA Official Representative . CRISTOBAL J ALKUINO JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 12202015 to 12192019 SABANAL INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AGENCY nbspManning Agency SUITE 19 MIDLAND PLAZA ADRIATICO ERMITA MMnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT SAMSON A SABANAL Status . Forever Banned License Validity . to 981985 SAFEWAY MARITIME BULKERS. INC. nbspManning Agency 3F SEABORNE BLDG R. MAGSAYSAY BLVD STA MESA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7156682 7165536 7165538nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT REYNALDO CASAREO Status . Delisted License Validity . 6152003 to 6142005 SAGANA SHIPPING INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel RCM BLDG 1418 SAN MARCELINO ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5211566 5211567nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS GRACE M CRUZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 11212014 to 11202017 SAN SALVADOR SHIPMANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 2F DCPI BLDG LAKANDULA ST COR DACUDAO AVE AGDAOnbspDAVAO CITY, DAVAO DEL SUR Tel Nos . nbsp(082) 3008739 09297626853nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . EDUARDO P HERNAEZ JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 162016 to 162020 SANTOS BROTHERS AGENCY PHILIPPINES, INC. nbspManning Agency 2F BMS BANK BLDG KM.25 ORTIGAS AVE EXT TAYTAY RIZAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp6600543nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR FELINO P SANTOS Status . Delisted License Validity . 7231997 to 7221999 SANVILL MARITIME AGENCIES INC (FORMERLY SGVILL MANPOWER SERVICES INC) nbspManning Agency GF2F DELBEN BLG.1090 CHINO ROCES COR. PONTE ST. nbspMAKATI, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp895-5653 (telefax)nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadminsgvill Website . nbspNA Official Representative . OLIVIA V. CHIN Status . Delisted License Validity . 1172006 to 1172007 SAPPHIRE SHIPPING nbspManning Agency RM.301 AM BLDG 28 QUEZON AVE Q. C.nbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS TERESITA V LAPEZ Status . Delisted License Validity . 5171998 to 5152000 SARACREW SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency GF MARBELLA MLA BLDG. 2071 ROXAS BLVD MALATEnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5234638 5237485nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsaracrewhotmail Website . nbsp None Official Representative . LAURENTINO G SARACHO Status . Delisted License Validity . 3312004 to 3302008 SCANMAR MARITIME SERVICES, INC. (FOR. SCANMAR CRUISE SVCS. INC) nbspManning Agency GF(RIGHT WING)ROYAL ENT. BLG 2227 CHINO ROCES AVE. nbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8121319 to 22 8191013 to 17nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfoscanmar. con. ph Website . nbspscanmar. ph Official Representative . MA CORAZON S INGUILLO Status . Valid License License Validity . 5192013 to 5182017 SCORPIO TRANSPORT MANNING SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency IV-B, UNIOIL CTR BLG, ACACIA AVE, MADRIGAL BUS PARKnbspAYALA ALABANG, MUNTINLUPA Tel Nos . nbsp8154546 8231440nbsp Email Address . nbspstmsimkttriisys Website . nbspNA Official Representative . MS MARY ANN I PASTRANA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1192017 to 1182021 SDV MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency GF 2F, NCCI SDV BLDG 1511 SN MARCELINO STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5253246 5365482nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationssdvmaritime Website . nbspNA Official Representative . VALERIANO R DEL ROSARIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 7192013 to 7182017 SEA CAP SHIPPING INC nbspManning Agency RCM II 1418 SAN MARCELINO STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp400-1028 5218882nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsciseacap. ph Website . nbspscsseacap. pj Official Representative . VINCENT MIRANDA Status . Valid License License Validity . 762016 to 752020 SEA CREST MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency SUITE 906 9F VICTORIA BLDG 429 UN AVE ERMITAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5222053nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JOSELITO S TENGCO Status . Delisted License Validity . 1271993 to 1271995 SEA DRAGON EMPLOYMENT SERVICES nbspManning Agency CLAYTOWN, DARO DUMAGUETE CITY NEGROS ORIENTALnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp2251660nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ELLEN T EHSA Status . Delisted License Validity . 8311998 to 8292000 SEA GEM MARITIME INTERNATIONAL INC nbspManning Agency U-101 ONE CORPORATE PLAZA 845 A ARNAIZ AVEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp89389758933832nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadminseagemph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . CIELO B. PENALOSA Status . Delisted License Validity . 962006 to 962010 SEA GOLD CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 27 R NICASIO ST SAN RAFAEL VILL NAVOTAS M. M.nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 204783 202223nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR WILLIAN TIU LIM Status . Expired License Validity . 1241992 to 1241996 SEA GUARDIAN MARITIME CORP (FORMERLY Y. K. MARITIME AND AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 2F DELGADO BLDG 637 BONIFACIO DRIVE PORT AREAnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp310-5185nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfoseaguardian. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ZITA J FUENTES Status . Valid License License Validity . 1292013 to 1292017 SEA POWER SHIPPING ENTERPRISES INC. nbspManning Agency 2F, SUN PLAZA BLG, SHAW BLVD COR PRINCETONnbspMANDALUYONG Tel Nos . nbsp5709265 to 68 09399378409nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsps. manilagmail Website . nbspseapowershipping Official Representative . ANTONIETTE A. GUERRERO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1262010 to 292020 SEA QUEEN SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel RCM BLDG 1418 SAN MARCELINO STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5211566 5211567nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MA VICTORIA MIRANDA-PLAZA Status . Valid License License Validity . 562016 to 5292019 SEA SERVE MARIT IME AGENCY nbspManning Agency 60-D GEN. LIM ST. HEROES HILL, QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp4118042nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . JOSEPHINE A JOCSON Status . Denied Renewal License Validity . 7202001 to 7192003 SEA STAR SHIPPING CORP nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel GF CASA MARITIMA 651 GEN. LUNA STnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . VICENTE R P BRILLANTES Status . Valid License License Validity . 542012 to 4262015 SEA SUNSHINE SHIPPING INC. nbspManning Agency 3F DELGADO BLDG. 637 BONIFACIO DRIVE PORT AREAnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp4006030 301946263nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT JOVENCIO C LOPEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 562013 to 552017 SEA WORKFORCE MANILA CORPORATION nbspManning Agency S15, 24,25 32, GF, MIDLAND PLAZA M ADRIATICOnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5239496 5260308 5252129 5221427 09189417319nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspseaworkforceyahoo Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ALAIN A. ANCHETA Status . Valid License License Validity . 12182016 to 12172020 SEA WORLD MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2F,3F 4F, SWMC BLDG 124-126 SINCIEGO STnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp5264331 to 33 09399200668 09778525564nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationsswmc. ph Website . nbspswmc. ph Official Representative . CAPT. CESAR A BARICUATRO Status . Valid License License Validity . 2152013 to 2142017 SEABIRD SHIP MANAGEMENT, INC. nbspManning Agency 3F FC BLDG. 2110 GIL PUYAT AVE.,nbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp5328235 8328237 09189196563nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspseabirdsmartbro Website . nbspseabird. ph Official Representative . ENGR. FIDEL I. FERRER Status . Valid License License Validity . 11102016 to 1192020 SEABORN CREW MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 188 D. TUAZON ST LA LOMA QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7312187nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR CONRADO I NUEZ JR Status . Delisted License Validity . 351996 to 351998 SEABOUND MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency RM.302 3F,1526 P. SANTOS ST COR EDSA PASAY CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp750-13488340632nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspseabound. globe. phsmscareer. ph Website . nbsp Official Representative . SAMPAGUITA D. MARAVE Status . Delisted License Validity . 11102007 to 1192011 SEABREEZE CREWING (MANILA) INC nbspManning Agency GF MF, KKFI BLDG, 911-C, P. PAREDES STnbspSAMPALOC, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp587-9154nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspseabreezeseabreeze. ph Website . nbspseabreezecrewing Official Representative . WILFREDO CAJILLA BATA Status . Suspended License Validity . 132015 to 122019 SEABUOY CREWING (MANILA), INC. nbspManning Agency S301-B, 3F, ITC BLDG, 337 SEN GIL PUYAT AVENUEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp5537648nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspseabuoyseabuoycrewing Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT DIONISIO C JONOS Status . Valid License License Validity . 1132016 to 1122020 SEACREST MARITIME MANAGEMENT INC (FORMERLY LAINE SHIPPING LINES INC) nbspManning Agency NORTHPOINT CORP TWR, 7502 BAGTIKAN COR GUIJO STSnbspSAN ANTONIO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8565338 09178819874nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspgo2seaseacrestmaritime Website . nbspseacrestmaritime Official Representative . ROLANDO B. MAGCALE Status . Valid License License Validity . 3302016 to 3292020 SEAFARERS SHIPPING, INC. (FORMERLY SEAFARERS SHIPPING AGENCY INC.) nbspManning Agency RCM BLDG 1418 SAN MARCELINO STREETnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp521-156667nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsfgs-mlaseaship. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . VICTORIA MIRANDA-PLAZA Status . Valid License License Validity . 372016 to 362020 SEA-FIRST MARITIME PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED (FOR. ASAHI SHIPPING nbspManning Agency RM.403 VIP BLDG 1140 ROXAS BLVD ERMITA MANILAnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5217543 5361222nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT EDGARDO P SAGAIDORO Status . Delisted License Validity . 7111993 to 7101995 SEAGLOBE SHIPPING CORPORATION (SEAHORSE SHIPPING CORPORATION) nbspManning Agency 2F SEAGLOBE BLDG GEN. LUNA COR ANDA ST INTRAMUROSnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5281116 5300976nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS CARMENCITA L DELGADO Status . Delisted License Validity . 12201992 to 12191996 SEAGULL MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency RM.505 5F PCI BANK BLDG PLAZA LACSON STA CRUZ MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7338376 to 79nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR BONIFACIO F GOMEZ Status . Delisted License Validity . 6282002 to 6272004 SEAGULL SHIPMANAGEMENT TRANSPORT INC nbspMannin g Agency 4F SHIPPING CTR BLDG 707 A. SORIANO INTRAMUROSnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 473461 461493nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR FLORENTINO SANTOS JR Status . Delisted License Validity . 11151989 to 11151993 SEAHOUSE FISHERY AND AQUATIC RESOURCES INC (FOR SEAHORSE FISHERY AQUATIC nbspManning Agency U2204 ATLANTA CTR COND 31 ANNAPOLIS ST GREENHILLSnbspSAN JUAN Tel Nos . nbsp74431017443102nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ROBERT T. TIU Status . Valid License License Validity . 952016 to 942020 SEAL INTERNATIONAL MARITIME CORP nbspManning Agency RM.602 MARIWASA BLDG 717 AURORA BLVD Q. C.nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7244435 3603900nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT ROBERTO UY Status . Delisted License Validity . 3141999 to 3122001 SEALANES MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 8F U601,6F, PRYCE CTR,1179 C. ROCES COR BAGTIKANnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8999958 8992046 8907867nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsparectinsealanes. ph Website . nbspsms. mits-dcl. ph Official Representative . CHRISTOPHER C. DUMATOL Status . Valid License License Validity . 7242016 to 7232020 SEALINK MARINE CORPORATION nbspManning Agency U-604 DONA FELISA SYJUCO BLDG TAFT AVE MALATE MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5263861 5263862nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VIC ROSSANO C IGNACIO Status . Delisted License Validity . 4251996 to 4241998 SEALION MARITIME SERVICES CORP. nbspManning Agency CS-67 3F HARISSON MANSION, 2360 FB HARISSON STnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp8337406nbsp Email Address . nbspsealionmaritime01yahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . WILLIAM G. TECSON Status . Valid License License Validity . 1252017 to 1242021 SEALION SHIPPING AND GENERAL SERVICES CORPORATION (FOR. STARBOARD SHIPPING nbspManning Agency RM.403 TRINITY BLDG TM KALAW ERMITA MANILAnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp588209 571639nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR ALFREDO C CAPULONG Status . Delisted License Validity . 2181987 to 10111992 SEALORD GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL INC nbspManning Agency RM 506-A 5F PARAGON BLDG A. FLORES ST, nbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5217507 (TELEFAX)nbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR. SENEN M. MALACAS Status . Cancelled License Validity . 11152002 to 11152004 SEAMAN SUCCESS MANNING CORP. nbspManning Agency RM 301 CSP BLDG 815 QUEZON AVE QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp4126410 4126396nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CESAR QUINSAY Status . Delisted License Validity . 7141999 to 7142001 SEAPERSONNEL INC (FORMERLY SHARPE SEA PERSONNEL INC) nbspManning Agency RMS 205 209, 2F, BF COND BLDG, A SORIANO COR. SnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp527638652688435268298nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspjignaciosharpesea Website . nbspNA Official Representative . Status . Delisted License Validity . 612010 to 5312014 SEASHINE SHIPPING TRADING CO INC (FIRST INTL SHIPPING TRADING CO) nbspManning Agency 1936-B SN MARCELINO ST. MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5255285 5213374nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS BIENVENIDA BRUSELAS Status . Delisted License Validity . 11241999 to 11222001 SEASTAR MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency SEASTAR HOUSE 750 VITO CRUZ MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5257575 5233625nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT CICERO L MALUNDA Status . Delisted License Validity . 6242002 to 6232004 SEATEAM MANAGEMENT (PHILS) INC nbspManning Agency 1A, GF 2C 2B 2F, MA DANIEL BLG 470SAN ANDRES COnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp35398075166409nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspronaldosea-team Website . nbsp None Official Representative . RONALDO S MANIEGO Status . Valid License License Validity . 1182013 to 1182017 SEAWORLD MARITIME AGENCY nbspManning Agency 402-403 JENNIE BLDG RIZAL AVE STA CRUZ MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp526433133nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR JESUS T JOCSON Status . Delisted License Validity . 4101986 to 3221990 SEKUR MANNING INCORPORATED (CC SHIPPING SERVICES PHILS. INC. nbspManning Agency 10F, PACIFIC STAR BLG MKTI AVE COR GIL PUYAT AVENnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp81235128404045nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfosekurmanning Website . nbsp None Official Representative . GREGORIO F ORTEGA Status . Delisted License Validity . 952012 to 942016 SELAMAT NAVIGATION CO INC nbspManning Agency 2F TIMBAL MARBLE BLDG. 1148 EDSA, QUEZON CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp3301851-53nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR MARIO T BUENAVENTURA Status . Delisted License Validity . 1142004 to 1132008 SELANDIA CREW MANAGEMENT PHILIPPINES INC (FORMERLY EMS CREW MANAGEMENT PHIL nbspManning Agency 5F, DELGADO BLG, 637 BONIFACIO DRIVE, SOUTH HARBORnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5279980nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewmanagementph. selandia-group Website . nbspselandia-group Official Representative . ROBERTO E BANDIVAS Status . Valid License License Validity . 4252016 to 4242 020 SENATOR CREWING (MANILA) INC nbspManning Agency 4F 5F HYATT CENTRE, ORTIGAS AVENUEnbspMANDALUYONG Tel Nos . nbsp7229153 TO 557278315 or 177238248nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspscmscm. ph crewingscm. ph Website . nbspsenatorcrewing Official Representative . ROSEMARY M. AARON Status . Valid License License Validity . 8182016 to 8172020 SEVEN BROTHERS SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 5TH FLR APMC BLDG 136 AMORSOLO ST COR GAMBOAnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8185640 8182875nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR YU HUE Status . Expired License Validity . 7171998 to 7172000 SGK SHIPPING AGENCY nbspManning Agency RM 222, 355 NATIVIDAD ESCOLTA CR. TPINPIN STA. CRUZnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8684508nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT GENEROSO C PASTOR Status . Delisted License Validity . 11161998 to 11162000 SHIPLINK AGENCY INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency RM 609, 6F, CATTLEYA BLG, 235 SALCEDO ST. nbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8430874 8961995 808820209179412465 09212062938nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspshiplinkagency062yahoo Website . nbspshiplinkagency. ph Official Representative . SUNDAYHERSON G. RAMOS Status . Valid License License Validity . 9192014 to 9182018 SHIPMASTERS INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION nbspManning Agency MERCHANTS CENTER BLDG P. FAURA ST ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 571631nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR JAMES CHUA Status . Delisted License Validity . to 11151987 SHIRA CORPORATION (FORMERLY TJ ESMORES ENTERPRISES) nbspManning Agency RM.314-316 CK SY DIAMOND BLDG 156 LIBERTAD PASAYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8321846 8040337nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . Status . Delisted License Validity . 12171986 to 12171988 SIEMS INTERNATIONAL, INC.(FORMERLY SIEMS INTL SHIPMNGT INC) nbspManning Agency GF L S BLDG 1414 ROXAS BLVD MANILAnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52622535361787nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ZENNIA S. LEDESMA-MAGNO Status . Delisted License Validity . 12292008 to 6282009 SINBANALI SHIPPING INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel RCM BLDG 1418 SAN MARCELINO STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5211566 5211567nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ROSETTE M FERNANDO Status . Valid License License Validity . 3122014 to 3132017 SINGA SHIP MANAGEMENT PHILS INC nbspManning Agency UNITS 12,21F BDO PLAZA 8737 PASEO DE ROXASnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8928280nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspe. batocabesingaship. ph Website . nbspssmpi. ph Official Representative . NORMA L DAVID Status . Valid License License Validity . 9252015 to 9242019 SKANFIL MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency GF(LEFT WING) ROYAL ENT. BLG 2227 CHINO ROCES AVE. nbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8121319-22 8191013 to 17nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfoskanfil. ph Website . nbspscanmar. ph Official Representative . JOSE MARIO C. BUNAG Status . Valid License License Validity . 8202016 to 8192020 SKIPPERS UNITED PACIFIC INC (FOR. INTERTROD MARITIME INC) nbspManning Agency UNITS FG, MIDTOWN EXECUTIVE HOMES, 1268 U. N. AVENnbspPACO, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp493167649820044981681nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspskippers. manilaeastern. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . NA Status . Suspended License Validity . 7252008 to 7242012 SMART INTERNATIONAL MARINE SERVICES CORPORATION nbspManning Agency MF MEGASTATE BLG 737 ARANETA AVE COR AGNO STnbspQUEZON CITY Tel Nos . nbsp4153334 7118450nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsimscorphilippinesyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ARLETE D DEMASU-AY Status . Cancelled License Validity . 5102012 to 592016 SOLAR MARINE SERVICES CORP nbspManning Agency 2F W C BLDG 2438 BELARMINO ST MAKATI MMnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS YVONNE S DEFENSOR Status . Delisted License Validity . 11161990 to 11161992 SOLARLINK MARINE RESOURCES (SMR) INC (FOR: SOLAR MANNING SERVICES PHILS) nbspManning Agency SUITE C,11F, G. E. ANTONINO BLG, J BOCOBO COR T M KnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp257-0320nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspreynaldo. macarilaysolarmkmr Website . nbspsolarlinkmri Official Representative . REYNALDO L MACARILAY Status . Valid License License Validity . 1302016 to 1292020 SOLEX MARITIME, INC. nbspManning Agency ROOM 302 D ECJ BUILDING REAL STREETnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5276992 5276672nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT IMPARCIAL O TEODORO Status . Valid License License Validity . 11132016 to 5122017 SOLKYST SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 153 QUIRINO AVEnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp8333089 8333088nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS DELIA M VILLAGRACIA Status . Delisted License Validity . 461994 to 451996 SOLPIA MARINE AND SHIP MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 2019 SAN MARCELINO STREETnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5671726 5671727 5671729nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsmisolpiamarine Website . nbspsolpiamarine Official Representative . CAPT CARLITO C MENDOZA Status . Valid License License Validity . 382014 to 372018 SOLSTAD OFFSHORE CREWING SERVICES PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 3F VOLVO BLDG 2272 CHINO ROCES AVE EXTENSIONnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp4641400 0920-9757448 0947-9962254 (mobile)nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsoph. crewingsolstad. ph Website . nbspsolstad Official Representative . ROLANDO C ADORABLE Status . Valid License License Validity . 3122013 to 3122017 SOLVANG PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 4TH FLOOR, 1751 DIAN STnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8316520 09175719642nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrew. philssolvangship. no Website . nbspsolvangship. nocontactcrewing-manila Official Representative . CAPT VIRGILIO A LOPEZ JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 11202016 to 11192020 SORIAMONT STEAMSHIP AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency 10F FELIZA BLDG HERRERA ST LEGASPI VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 857931nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR CARLOS T SORIANO Status . Delisted License Validity . to 10171993 SOUTH OCEAN MANNING CORP nbspManning Agency 17A STRATA2000 BLG. EMERALD AVE. ORTIGAS CTRnbspPASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp6360941nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsouthoceanpldtdsl Website . nbspsomcorp Official Representative . VERBO M. CAPARAS Status . Valid License License Validity . 892012 to 882016 SOUTHEAST ASIA SHIPPING CORP nbspManning Agency 215,216217 2F SKYFREIGHT BLDG NINOY AQUINO AVENUEnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp85452718545272nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfoseascor. ph Website . nbspseascor. ph Official Representative . MR ROMEO D DALUSONG Status . Valid License License Validity . 11282015 to 11272019 SOUTHEASTERN SHIPPING nbspManning Agency 98-D ROAD 1 COR. ROAD 3 PROJ. 6 Q. C.nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp4549733 4560840nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR LEONARDO P CAPARAS Status . Delisted License Validity . 5142003 to 5132005 SOUTHERN CROSS MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 4F RUDGEN 1 BLDG NO. 17 SHAW BOULEVARDnbspPASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp637-1373 638-8570nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . Status . Delisted License Validity . 1252001 to 1252003 SOUTHERN SEAMEN MANNING SERVICES CORPORATION nbspManning Agency RM.109 PHOENIX BLDG RECOLETOS INTRAMUROS MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5301540 482241nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR IGMEDIO G SORRERA Status . Delisted License Validity . 6191994 to 6181996 SOUTHFIELD AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency GF, 2F 4F, 2115 MADRE IGNACIA STREETnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3041888nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanningsouthfield. ph Website . nbspsouthfield. ph Official Representative . ARSENIO BENJAMIN E. SANTOS Status . Valid License License Validity . 1222014 to 1212018 SPARTAN INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency NO.26 DINAR ST ST. MICHAEL SBD MEYCAUAYAN BULACANnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 595960nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . BALTAZAR TRINIDAD Status . Delisted License Validity . 12151992 to 12151994 SPELMONT MANNING SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency R 611-612 TRINITY BLG, 636 T M. KALAW ST. nbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52663875231378nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspspelmontpacific. ph Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS JOCELYN M LOPEZ Status . Delisted License Validity . 982011 to 972015 SPLASH PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED nbspManning Agency 2F3F, FIRST GILMORE BLG,11 RXS BLVD COR STA MONICAnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp8319726 8319809 8319740 8319739nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspopxsplash-phil. ph Website . nbspsplashphilippines Official Representative . CE LORENZO A ESTRADA II Status . Valid License License Validity . 1252015 to 1242019 SPLIETHOFF GROUP MANILA INC nbspManning Agency A-D,39F RUFINO PACIFIC TWR,6784 AYALA COR VA RUFnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp30469113046900nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanilaspliethoff Website . nbspNA Official Representative . CHRISTOPHER DINO DUMATOL Status . Valid License License Validity . 10142015 to 10132019 SSM MARITIME SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency GF, 925-C ARAGON COR LEON GUINTO STSnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5364321536874652660315213245 09178710656nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcommunicationsssmaritime Website . nbspNA Official Representative . CE ANTONINO R GASCON JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 1232016 to 1222020 ST JOSEPH MARITIME COMPANY INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F ENRIQUETA BLG 1675-1677 A MABINI nbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR VICTOR R CASTAEDA Status . Expired License Validity . 832004 to 8242007 ST VINCENT SHIPPING INC nbspManning Agency RCM BLDG 1418 SAN MARCELINO STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5211566 5211567nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsfgs-mlaseaship Website . nbsp None Official Representative . VINCENT C. MIRANDA Status . Valid License License Validity . 362016 to 352020 STARLITE MARITIME, INC. nbspManning Agency STE 402 CATTLEYA 1 COND SALCEDO LEGASPI VILLnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8130022 8130012nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ALFREDO G CUSI Status . Delisted License Validity . 9101996 to 9101998 STAROCEAN MANNING PHILIPPINES INC (FOR: STAR BULK ABOITIZJEBSEN CREW MGT) nbspManning Agency U-4002-4007, 4F, ASEANA 2, BRADCO AVE, ASEANA CITYnbspPARAAQUE Tel Nos . nbsp7796840 7796845nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadminstarocean. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . KAREEN FE P ENRIQUEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 1032016 to 1022020 STARPORT SHIPPING nbspManning Agency RMS.403 404, ANITA BLG 1300 QUEZON BLVD Q. C.nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp37105873720849nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RENATO M SALVAN Status . Delisted License Validity . 12202007 to 12192011 STATUS MARITIME CORPORATION (FOR. NORTHLAND SHIPMANAGEMENT CORP nbspManning Agency GF, 2F 4F, 1802 J. NAKPIL COR SN MARCELINO STSnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp524-1111 525-2222nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsphrdstatusmanila. ph Website . nbspstatuscrew. gr Official Representative . MILAGRITA BALUIS JIMENEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 242017 to 232021 STELLA MARRIS SHIPMANAGEMENT, INC. nbspManning Agency 15F, DE LEON CTR,1151 MH DEL PILAR COR N. S.DE GUIAnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3048001nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfostellamarris. ph Website . nbspstellamarris. ph Official Representative . JENNIFER C CRUZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 9222016 to 9212020 STERLING SHIPPING LINES INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel RM.20 ADC BLDG AYALA AVEnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8528460 8681860nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR VICENTE L ARENAS JR Status . Delisted License Validity . 8201986 to 671987 STO DOMINGO SH IPPING LINES INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 31 P. GOMEZ ST BATANGAS CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR RAMON A REYES Status . Delisted License Validity . 3161989 to 391990 STOLT-NIELSEN PHILIPPINES INC (FORMERLY STOLT-NIELSEN TRANSPORTATION GROUP nbspManning Agency UNITS 14, 6F, V-CORPORATE CTR, 125 L. P.LEVISTE STnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp830-7950nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspNA Website . nbspstolt-nielsen Official Representative . JANE SY Status . Valid License License Validity . 3122008 to 3112024 STRAHLMANN SHIPPING SERVICES PHILS INC nbspManning Agency 7TH FLR 2053 BUILDING EDISON ST MAKATI CITYnbspSAN ISIDRO, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp7723837 7513454nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspssspi. manilastrahlmannphils Website . nbspstrahlmannphils Official Representative . FELIX G. VALENZONA Status . Valid License License Validity . 172017 to 162021 SUN CARRIERS CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel STE 602 LS BLDG 1414 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5758760 5758790nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT JOSE C ROSARIO Status . Inactive License Validity . 741998 to 742000 SUN MA RINO SHIPPING INC nbspManning Agency UNITS 102 103, 945 ESTRADA STREETnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp51662665168897nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfosunmarino. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . NA Status . Delisted License Validity . 4142010 to 4142014 SUN OCEAN MANNING SHIP MANAGEMENT INC (FORMERLY HERNZ MARITIME SERVICES I nbspManning Agency UNIT A-206,2F, VELCO CENTRE, R S OCA AND A C DELGAnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp7080412 09176334454nbsp Email Address . nbspsunoceansomsmi hernzincorpgmail Website . nbspsomsmi Official Representative . GERARDO S GADIANO Status . Valid License License Validity . 542013 to 532017 SUN SHIPPING CORP nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2649 MOLAVE ST UPS I PARANAQUE M. M.nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 507924nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR AKIRA S KATO Status . Expired License Validity . 10121988 to 9122001 SUNBRIGHT MARITIME SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency 2ND FLOOR, 815 REMEDIOS STREETnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5222575 4501817nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadminsunbrightmaritime Website . nbspsunbrightmaritime Official Representative . SALVACION V LOSBANES Status . Valid License License Validity . 862016 to 852020 SUNRISE MANNING AGENCY, INC. nbspManning Agency S-GM(GF), DA FELISA SYJUCO,1872 TAFT COR REMEDIOSnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5211647 5362954 5362955 5362944nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspsmai95live. om Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR PEDRO CARBONELL II Status . Valid License License Validity . 552013 to 542017 SUPER MANNING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency U301 D ALFONSO COND 1108 GUERERO ST UN AVEnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52217114000015 5247359nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspSMAIINFO. PH Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR LEOPOLDO N CLARACAY Status . Valid License License Validity . 4282013 to 4272017 SUPERSHIP MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency R201,202203,TRIPLE M BLG,1273 BATANGASGUATEMALAnbspSAN ISIDRO, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp886734088673668867775nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspssmsmnlgreendot. ph Website . nbspsupershipmanila Official Representative . CAPT QUINITO F GOLEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 9232015 to 9222019 SUPPLY OILFIELD MARINE PERSONNEL SERVICES, INC. nbspManning Agency M3 M4 19F PEARLBANK CENTER, 146 VALERO STREETnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8178919 8400520nbsp Email Address . nbspoegsos. ph Website . nbspnewrest-sos. ph Official Representative . JOSE C CATEQUISTA Status . Valid License License Validity . 8312016 to 8302020 SUPREME SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel SUITE 406 PLAZA TOWERS 1175 GUERRERO STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT ROSENDO C HERRERA Status . Delisted License Validity . 111950 to 9151988 SWEDISH CREWING MANAGEMENT INC. FOR: NORDIC ORIENTAL MART. INC. nbspManning Agency 3F FIRST MARITIME PLACE 7458- 7460 BAGTIKAN STnbspSAN ANTONIO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8981111nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspPTCGENWEBQUEST Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR CARLOS C SALINAS Status . Delisted License Validity . 1292011 to 1282015 SWEET LINES INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel PIER 6 NORTH HARBOR MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp2755670 2059320nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR EDUARDO R LOPINGCO Status . Delisted License Validity . 6131988 to 6131989 SYCAMORE GLOBAL SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 14F UNIT B SAGITTARIUS BLDG HV DELA COSTAnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . JOSELITO V ABROGAR Status . Valid License License Validity . 5312016 to 3182019 SYNERGYGROUP OPERATIONS INC (FORMERLY NEWPORT TRANSCARRIERS INC) nbspManning Agency 3F, UNIVERSAL LMS BLDG, 106 ESTEBAN STREETnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp737-3500nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingsynergygroup. ph Website . nbspsynergymarinegroup Official Representative . JOSELITO C MONREAL Status . Valid License License Validity . 6212016 to 6202020 TAG INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AGENCY nbspManning Agency 87 YALE STnbspCUBAO, QUEZON CITY Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS TERESITA A GEVERO Status . Forever Banned License Validity . 1301986 to 1301988 TARA TRADING SHIPMANAGEMENT, INC. nbspManning Agency SEC E,11F RAMON MAGSAYSAY CTR 1680 ROXAS BLVDnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5281610 TO 11528819809999092496 09175932449nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspttsmtaratradingjgstaraship Website . nbsptaratrading Official Representative . JUANITO SALVATIERRA JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 12212015 to 12202019 TASK AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency RM.901 902 903 L S BLDG 1414 ROXAS BLVDnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5214220 5210523nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspujl. shipstaskagencies. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . MS CORAZON B CONDADO Status . Valid License License Validity . 6232016 to 6222020 TAURUS MARITIME SERVICES nbspManning Agency NENA SAMIO BLDG 1360 GEN LUNA ST PACO MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ROSALIA C MALLILLIN Status . Cancelled License Validity . to 11191985 TAYSAN SHIP MANAGEMENT CORPORATION nbspManning Agency B M BLDG 116 AGUIRRE ST LEGASPI VILL MAKATInbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8104644 8104645nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR PAUL V ARAGONES Status . Delisted License Validity . 4291994 to 4281996 TCM TSAKOS MARITIME PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 2ND FLOOR UNIVERSAL LMS BUILDING 106 ESTEBAN STnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8941623 24 26 09175420814nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfotmpi. ph Website . nbsptmpi. ph Official Representative . LEODAN B NAGRAMPA Status . Valid License License Validity . 5212015 to 5212019 TDG CREW MANAGEMENT INC (FORMERLY DOLPHIN SHIPMANAGEMENT INC) nbspManning Agency 2F, MARY BACHRACH BDG, 25TH ST COR A. C. DELGADO nbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp2566129 5271963 5360344 7113782nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcommsdolship Website . nbsptdgcm. ph Official Representative . MARCELO R. RANESES Status . Valid License License Validity . 10202015 to 10192019 TEAMSHIP MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency RM.501 NFWC BLDG 962 JL ESCODA SAN MARCELINO ERMITnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 575041nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS MARGARITA M VILLARANTE Status . Delisted License Validity . 981989 to 981993 TECHNILINK MARINE CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2FDOW JONES BLG. KM.19 WEST SERVICE ROAD SUCATnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp8097115 3601600nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . RODOLFO C OCAMPO Status . Revoked License Validity . 2162000 to 2142002 TECHNOMAR CREW MANAGEMENT CORP. nbspManning Agency 12F NATIVIDAD BLG, 470 TM KALAW COR CORTADA STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3287777 (TL) 56715123534041353464009178547800nbsp Email Address . nbspoperationstechnomar. ph Website . nbsptechnomar. ph Official Representative . TERESITA B. MALAGIOK Status . Valid License License Validity . 6202013 to 6192017 TEEKAY SHIPPING PHILIPPINES, INC. FOR: MAYON MARINE MNGT INC. nbspManning Agency UNITS 201, 301 302 CYA LANDPROPERTIES INC 110 TnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp632-784-8484nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspphilippines. webteekay Website . nbspteekay Official Representative . ALEX H. VERCHEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 442013 to 432017 THARSIS SHIPPING MANNING SERVICES nbspManning Agency 1563 AP BLDG F. AGOCILLO COR P. GIL ST MALATE M. M.nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5217054nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT MEDARDO A ZOLETA Status . Cancelled License Validity . to 10121985 THE CRUISE AND ISLAND ADVENTURE, INC. nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 714 J ABAD SANTOS ST SAN JUAN METRO MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . JUAN Y WEE Status . Expired License Validity . 9292003 to 1052004 THENAMARIS PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED (FORMERLY INTERMARE MARITIME AGENCIES I nbspManning Agency 3F, MARBELLA MLA COND. 2071 ROXAS BLVD. nbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52178125254643nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmarinepersonnelthenamarisphilippines Website . nbsp None Official Representative . GREGORIO F. ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1162016 to 1152020 TIARA INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING CORP (FOR SATURN SHIPPING CORP) nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel STE 602 L S BLDG 1414 ROXAS BLVD ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5219565nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT JOSE C ROSARIO Status . Inactive License Validity . 4181998 to 4182000 TIERRA MAR SERVICES INC (FOR TIERRA MAR SHIPPING TRDG INC) nbspManning Agency RM 301-303 3F KIMVI BLG 1191 MA. OROSA STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3022328 3022279nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsptierramargblyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT PAULINO B ELEVADO JR Status . Cancelled License Validity . 8101988 to 7241990 TINOS MARITIME SERVICES, INC.(FORMERLYTSAKOS MARITIME SERVICES INC) nbspManning Agency 2F MONTEPINO BLD AMORSOLO COR GAMBOA ST LGSPI VILLnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8154902nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . NA Status . Delisted License Validity . 8132004 to 8122008 TIWALA HUMAN RESOURCES INC nbspManning Agency SUITE 910 ERMITA CTR BLDG 1350 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5267416 to 22nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsppdeguzmanphiltrans Website . nbsp None Official Representative . ERLINDO M SALVADOR Status . Valid License License Validity . 9102016 to 992020 TOP EVER MARINE MANAGEMENT PHILIPPINE CORP. nbspManning Agency 512 GEN HIZON COR. CAPT M. REYES STS. nbspBANGKAL, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp(02) 889-1045nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsptemmphiltopeverphil. ph Website . nbsptopeverphil. ph Official Representative . CAPT OSCAR ORBETA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1142016 to 1132020 TORM SHIPPING PHILS. INC. nbspManning Agency 7TH FLOOR, THE SALCEDO TOWERS, 169 H. V. DELA COSTAnbspSALCEDO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp(02) 9886500 09173153000nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmirtorm Website . nbsptorm Official Representative . MICHAEL M ROGADO Status . Valid License License Validity . 9142016 to 9132020 TOWER MANNING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 3-A ESPINA VILLAGE B RODRIQUEZ ST CEBU CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS JELLY NUEZ Status . Delisted License Validity . 7111991 to 7101993 TRADEPHIL SHIPPING AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency RM 703, EMERALD BLDG, DON FRANCISCO ORTIGAS, JR RDnbspPASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp6333989 6333990nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsptradephilpldtdsl Website . nbsp None Official Representative . GREGORIO F ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 1232016 to 1222020 TRANS ORIENT MARITIME AGENCIES INC (TRANS ORIENT MARITIME AGENCY TRD nbspManning Agency TRANSORIENT MAR II BLDG 1438 AGONCILLOnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5213985 5219798 5219778 0922821997109988699815nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsptomatransorientmaritime Website . nbsptransorientmaritime Official Representative . MS MA CAROLINE V TOLEDO Status . Valid License License Validity . 232016 to 222020 TRANS STAR SHIPPING AGENCY CORP nbspManning Agency SUITE B, 12F, G. E. ANTONINO BLG, TM KALAW COR J. BnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3532926nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsphseusebiotranstar. ph Website . nbsptranstar. ph Official Representative . HERNANDO S. EUSEBIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 7162015 to 7152019 TRANS-ATLANTIC MARITIME AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency BOY SCOUTS BLDG 181 CONCEPCION STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp 573881nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS FELICISIMA B TERRENAL Status . Delisted License Validit y . to 10131984 TRANS-GLOBAL MARITIME AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency 3F PLANTERS PROD. BLG.109 ESTEBANnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8152048 8160434nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspshipstrans-global. ph Website . nbsptrans-global. ph Official Representative . MR MICHAEL ESTANIEL Status . Valid License License Validity . 6212016 to 6202020 TRANSMED (MANILA) CORP nbspManning Agency SUITE E, DOA FELISA SYJUCO BLG, REMEDIOS COR TAFTnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3533642 5265767nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsptransmedpldtdsl Website . nbsptransmedph Official Representative . EGBERT M. ELLEMA Status . Valid License License Validity . 6222016 to 6212020 TRANSOCEAN SHIPMANAGEMENT (PHILS) INC nbspManning Agency 3F FIRST MRITIME PLACE 7458-7460 BAGTIKAN STnbspSAN ANTONIO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp7981111nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingtosphil. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . GERARDO A BORROMEO Status . Valid License License Validity . 892016 to 882020 TRANSPACIFIC TOWAGE INC nbspManning Agency TRANSPACIFIC BLDG 2444-A TAFT AVEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp 573681 573682nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT GERONIMO B BELLA Status . Delisted License Validity . to 8131984 TRANSPACIFIC TOWAGE INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel TRANSPACIFIC BLDG 2444-A TAFT AVEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp 573681 573682nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR GERONIMO B BELLA Status . Delisted License Validity . 7151987 to 771988 TRANS-PHIL MARINE ENTERPRISES INC nbspManning Agency PENTHOUSE UNIT-B TRANSPHIL HSE 1177nbspPASONG TAMO, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8903461 3606900nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ROLAND H GARCIA Status . Cancelled License Validity . 10312001 to 10302003 TRANSWORLD MARITIME SHIPPING AGENCY CORP nbspManning Agency U1A TERESA APT DIAN COR EDISON BGYnbspSAN ISIDRO, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8885307nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT BILL C GREGORIO Status . Delisted License Validity . 292000 to 272002 TRI MARITIME CORP nbspManning Agency 3F(WEST WING), LA PAZ CTR, SALCEDO COR V A RUFINOnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8191117nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsptritrimaritime Website . nbspNA Official Representative . EVERETT GUALBERTO Status . Valid License License Validity . 6262016 to 6252020 TRIOCEANIC MANNING SHIPPING INC nbspManning Agency R214,215,217218 AND BASEMENT1112, DONA ANITA BLGnbspE. RODRIGUEZ, QUEZON CITY Tel Nos . nbsp41050794702699nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationstrioceanicphil Website . nbspNA Official Representative . ALBERT O CHUA Status . Valid License License Validity . 4172014 to 4162018 TRIPLE STAR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING LINES, CO. nbspManning Agency S502 STATE FINANCING CTR II ORTIGAS AVE MANDA. nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp7274412 7259108nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . NEMIA D CANEBA Status . Delisted License Validity . 5101999 to 5102001 TRITON SHIPPING CORP nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 126 LOGARTA ST CEBU CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR WILFREDO CHY Status . Delisted License Validity . 6231989 to 6141990 TRIUMPHANT KING CORPORATION (FORMERLY GRANDEUR SHIPPING SERVICES INC) nbspManning Agency 215216 DA ANITA BLG,284 E. RODRIGUEZ AVE, QCnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp723-9048726-8532723-8964nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfotkcma Website . nbsptkcma Official Representative . ARSENIO S. AMBATALI Status . Delisted License Validity . 1242004 to 1232008 TRUE NORTH MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency S10011003A ERMITA CTR BLG, 1350 ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5675427 5267535 5267502 09189015286nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsptruenorthmaritimecorpgmail Website . nbsptruenorthmaritime Official Representative . CAPT DANILO I. ACENAS Status . Valid License License Validity . 812013 to 7312017 TSACABA SHIPPING CO INC nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F ENRIQUETA BLDG 1676-1677 A. MABINI STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT OLIMPIO A CASTEEDA Status . Expired License Validity . 181996 to 181998 TSL SHIPPING MARINE SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 4536 CASINO ST COR NEGROS STnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR TEODORO S LERIN Status . Forever Banned License Validity . to 12121985 TSM OFFSHORE (PHILS.) INC. nbspManning Agency 3F, 1753 BUILDING, 1753 DIAN STREETnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8607500nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsptsmoffshoretsmphil. ph Website . nbsptsmphil. ph Official Representative . CAPT BENJAMIN M KATIPUNAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 4232014 to 4232018 TSM SHIPPING (PHILS) INC (CAPELLA TSM SHIPPING INC) nbspManning Agency 1747, 1751 (3F 6F-PORTION) AND 1753 (3F) DIAN SnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8607500 5557600nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsptsmofficetsmphil. ph Website . nbsptsmphil. ph Official Representative . CAPT JONES T TULOD Status . Valid License License Validity . 532014 to 522018 TUTELA MARINE INC nbspManning Agency 2F, MJ BLDG, 2014 SAN MARCELINO STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp7426497 7426302 7426495nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfotmi. ph Website . nbsptmi. ph Official Representative . VEVENCIO L TUGANO JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 892015 to 882019 UCO MARITIME SERVICES CORP nbspManning Agency 5F, FUNCTION RM, MULTIPACIFIC BUS INC BLG, PLAZA SnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp736-4581 7345967nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspucomaritimeyahoo Website . nbspucomaritime Official Representative . RUEL A. BENISANO Status . Valid License License Validity . 4222016 to 4212020 ULTRASHIP CREWING PHILS INC FORMERLY OTHELLO-MICOMAR PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 3F 4F NAESS HOUSE 2215 L. GUINTOnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5210797 5210796 657195nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewingultraship. ph Website . nbspultraship. ph Official Representative . PEDRO MIGUEL F OCA Status . Valid License License Validity . 6182016 to 6172020 UNA SHIPMANNING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 3F MILLE BLDG NO. 335-337 GIL PUYAT AVE PASAY CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5229097 5229098 5229101nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR AMADO F ATAYAN Status . Denied Renewal License Validity . 842002 to 832004 UNICOL MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency RM 302, 3F, TRAVELLERS LIFE BLG, 490 T M KALAW STnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5212589 5223371 5240320nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspadminunicolship Website . nbspunicolship Official Representative . LUCILLE A. MAGLASANG Status . Valid License License Validity . 6102013 to 692017 UNI-MARITIME AGENCIES INC nbspManning Agency S-307324 BANK OF PI BLDG PLZ CERVANTESnbspBINONDO, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp 486173 486285nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR EDGARDO Q KANAPI Status . Delisted License Validity . 9201988 to 9201992 UNIQA MARITIME AGENCY PHILS INC nbspManning Agency 2F PLANTERS PRODUCTS BLDG 109 ESTEBAN STnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp847975984797998479801nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MICHAEL JOSEPH R ESTANIEL Status . Valid License License Validity . 2232016 to 2232017 UNISEA PHILIPPINES INC (FORMERLY SHIP MANNING SERVICES PHILS INC) nbspManning Agency 2F 3F PHILCOX BLDG 172 SALCEDO STREETnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp8940851 TO 55 LOC. 111-116, 200-201, 300-309,nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspuniseaunisea. ph Website . nbspunisea. ph Official Representative . ROLANDO P RAMOS Status . Valid License License Validity . 5242013 to 5232017 UNITED MARINE MANAGEMENT nbspManning Agency 1766-B MA. CLARA ST SAMPALOC MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . PERFECTO V BAUTISTA Status . Delisted License Validity . 2231994 to 2231996 UNITED MARINE TRANSPORT CORP nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel TABACALERA COMPD 900 N. ROMUALDEZ PACO MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT MANUEL H LEONARDO Status . Delisted License Validity . 351990 to 1211990 UNITED PACIFIC ISLES SHIPPING CORP nbspManning Agency HARBOR CTR. BLG.23RD COR. RAIL ROAD, S.HARBOR, MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5272030nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MARISSA C BOLANTE Status . Delisted License Validity . 3102004 to 392008 UNITED PHILIPPINE LINES INC nbspManning Agency UPL BLDG STA CLARA STnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5277491nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmailadminuplines Website . nbspuplines Official Representative . MR FERNANDINO T LISING Status . Valid License License Validity . 382016 to 372028 UNITED SALVAGE TOWAGE (PHILS) INC. nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2272 PRES. QUIRINO AVE PACO MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5237667 599767nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . JOSE MARI MORAZA Status . Expired License Validity . 782005 to 7272006 UNITRA MARITIME MANILA INC nbspManning Agency 9F, JEMARSONS PLACE COND,1626 P HIDALGO LIM STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5598466 09399039007nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspofficialummi. ph Website . nbspNA Official Representative . CAPT VICTOR M. VILLANUEVA Status . Valid License License Validity . 6222013 to 6212017 UNITRANS SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel S-101 EASTGATE CTR. BLDG.169 EDSA MAND. nbsp Tel Nos . nbsp533-3928 6101nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CARMENCITA V. LIRIO Status . Expired License Validity . 8162005 to 8172008 UNIVAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES PHILIPPINES INC nbspManning Agency 3F (PORTION), BLOOMINGDALE BLG, 205 SALCEDO STnbspLEGASPI VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp4641200 LOC 297nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanilaoperationsunivan Website . nbspunivan Official Representative . MR RAMON DIAZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 1252015 to 1242019 UNLAD SHIP MANNING MANAGEMENT CORPORATION nbspManning Agency U-207A-B, SHERWOOD PLCE COMML CTR 2264 TAFT AVEnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp53655755368898 0927-5626028nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspdlajimenez. mgntunlad. ph Website . nbspunlad. ph Official Representative . MR DANTE LA JIMENEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 1252016 to 1242020 VAB MARINE TRADING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 4334-G ALBINA ST OLDnbspSTA. MESA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT BENJAMIN J ABUNDO Status . Delisted License Validity . 9131988 to 9131990 VAL MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 2F 1517 F. AGONCILLO ST MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp 868169 868115nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT VICENTE A LAGURA Status . Cash Bond Withdrawn License Validity . 12211995 to 12201997 VAR-ORIENT SHIPPING COMPANY INC nbspManning Agency NO.7902 LAWAAN SAN ANTONIO VILLnbspSAN ANTONIO VILLAGE, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp890356189035638903564nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspvarcopacific. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MARGARITA C VARIAS Status . Valid License License Validity . 7202016 to 7192020 VEGA MANILA CREWMANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency RMS 501-505, AIC BURGANDY EMPIRE TOWER, ADB AVE COnbspORTIGAS, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp584988857158885718878nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspvmcivega-manila. ph Website . nbspvega-manila. ph Official Representative . VICENTE E. FEDELICIO Status . Valid License License Validity . 3172014 to 3162018 VENTIS MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 1F, K LINE BLG, CORAL WAY DRIVE, CENTRAL BUSINEnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp5562921 to 26 09175630921nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspwdgarciaventis. ph Website . nbspventis. ph Official Representative . JOSE RAMON R. GARCIA Status . Valid License License Validity . 682013 to 672017 VENUS SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel UNIT 1004 MARBELLA II 2071 ROXAS BLVD MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5219468 5219567nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ANGELINA T RIVERA Status . Inactive License Validity . 4181998 to 4182000 VERITAS MARITIME CORP nbspManning Agency 15F MARC2000 1973 TAFT AVE. MALATE MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp338031952610345243661nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspveritascsi. ph veritasmcpacific. ph Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR ERICKSON MARQUEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 822015 to 812019 VERTEX INTERNATIONAL SHIPCREW MANAGEMENT MARINE SERVICES nbspManning Agency RM.308 PHOENIX BLDG RECOLETOS ST. INTRAMUROS MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5272339 7641031nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT VIRGILIO A ESQUIVEL Status . Delisted License Validity . 11141997 to 11131999 VESPER SAMU MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency V AVENA SONS BLDG 2276 ESPAA SAMPALOC MLAnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT HIMHILHIM ANTONIO Status . Delisted License Validity . 2271993 to 2261995 VESTLAND MARITIME CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 3306-B MATANZAS ST BRGYnbspPALANAN, MAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp55018335516508nbsp Email Address . nbsprick8vestlandyahoo Website . nbsp None Official Representative . श्री। RICARDO V. LOYOLA Status . Valid License License Validity . 142017 to 132021 VETYARD TERMINALS SHIPPING SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency RM.101- A, GF, DOLMAR BLG, 56 EDSAnbspMANDALUYONG Tel Nos . nbsp310-0070 215-28570917-8509704nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspoperationsdimentionallgroup Website . nbspvetyard Official Representative . RAOUL SANTIAGO PEREZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 9122015 to 9112019 VICTORY HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CORPORATION (FOR PHILKOSMOS MARITIME) nbspManning Agency 5F SKK BLDG 63-65 SEN G. PUYAT AVE PASAY CITYnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp831729698nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MS AURORA A KOUDROGLOU Status . Delisted License Validity . 6212012 to 6202016 VIKING INTERNATIONAL CARRIERS INC. nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 2F HARBOR CTR II RAILROAD CH ICAGO STS PORT AREAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5279980 3608800nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . ARLEEN V ASUNCION Status . Valid License License Validity . 9302013 to 9212016 VINTEX SHIPPING PHILS CORPORATION (FORMERLY JUBAR SHIPPING CORPORATION) nbspManning Agency 3RD FLOOR, CASA MARITIMA, GENERAL LUNA STREETnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5218822 TO 240917-8173701nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspvintexvintex. ph Website . nbspvintex. ph Official Representative . GREGORIO F ORTEGA Status . Valid License License Validity . 8262013 to 8252017 VINTEX SHIPPING PHILS CORPORATION (FORMERLY JUBAR SHIPPING CORPORATION) nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 3RD FLOOR, CASA MARITIMA, GENERAL LUNA STREETnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5218822 TO 240917-8173701nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspvintexvintex. ph Website . nbspvintex. ph Official Representative . MR AKIRA S KATO Status . Expired License Validity . 7311999 to 812001 VIRJEN SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 18F MARC 2000 TOWER 1973 TAFT COR SAN ANDRESnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp52142525211616 LOC 1131140917-8153255nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspjdlicsidocsvirjen. phemailboxvirjen. ph Website . nbspvirjen. ph Official Representative . MR ERICSON M MARQUEZ Status . Valid License License Validity . 5132016 to 5122020 VISDAOCEAN MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency R413 407A TRINITY BLDG. TM KALAW ST. nbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp227-30562273046nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspvisdaoceanpldtdsl Website . nbspNA Official Representative . VILMA S DAVID Status . Delisted License Validity . 652014 to 1242014 VISION MARINE CREWING SRVCS CORP (FORMERLY IONIA MARITIME SERVICES CORPORAT nbspManning Agency 3F CHAMP BLG BONIFACIO DRIVEnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5265512 4950814 09178141475nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspvisionmarinelive Website . nbspNA Official Representative . MS MARLENE M ROMERO Status . Valid License License Validity . 12212012 to 12202016 VISTA CREWING CORPORATION nbspManning Agency 2F ECC BLDG 355 SEN GIL PUYAT AVE MAKATI MMnbsp Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MR DAVID CHUA Status . Delisted License Validity . 12171990 to 12171992 VROON-FIL SHIP MANAGEMENT INC nbspManning Agency 2F MARY BACHRACH BLDG 25TH ST COR A C DELGADO STnbspPORT AREA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5252064 09988495370nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfoph. vroonshipmanagement Website . nbspvroon. nl Official Representative . JOSEPHINE J FRANCISCO Status . Valid License License Validity . 6242014 to 6242018 WAGENBORG MANILA INC (FORMERLY O CEANWIDE CREW MANILA INC) nbspManning Agency UNIT 14(PORTION), 6F, A PLACE BLDG, CORAL WAY, CEnbspPASAY CITY Tel Nos . nbsp5536866 09209746781nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanila. infowagenborg Website . nbspwagenborg Official Representative . CECILIO A C VILLANUEVA Status . Valid License License Validity . 10142015 to 10132019 WALLEM MARITIME SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency WALLEM PHILS BLDG LEGASPI COR BEATERIOnbspINTRAMUROS, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5277991 TO 97nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsprsroquelawallem. ph Website . nbspwalcrew. ph Official Representative . ANA MA CRISTINA NAZARENO Status . Valid License License Validity . 5162011 to 10312023 WESTERN SHIPPING AGENCY INC nbspManning Agency RM217 MANUFACTURERS BLDG PLAZAnbspSTA. CRUZ, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . MR NOIMI L ZABALA Status . Delisted License Validity . 6281992 to 6271994 WESTERN SHIPPING SOUTH EAST ASIA INC nbspManning Agency 1810 PRESTIGE TOWER EMERALD AVE ORTIGAS CTRnbspORTIGAS, PASIG CITY Tel Nos . nbsp6364697 to 98nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspinfowestshipmanila Website . nbspwestshipmanila Official Representative . MANUEL V. DAVID Status . Valid License License Validity . 2242017 to 2232021 WESTMINSTER SEAFARER MANAGEMENT PHILIPPINES, INC. nbspManning Agency U3301-3307(33F) U3401-3407(34F) WORLD TRADE EXCHnbspBINONDO, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp6896789nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspmanagementwsm. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CEFERINO LAYCO LEAL Status . Valid License License Validity . 2242016 to 2232020 WHITEWOOD SHIPPING CORPORATION nbspPhilippine Registered Vessel 802 LS BLDG 1414 ROXAS BLVD ERMITA MANILAnbsp Tel Nos . nbsp5219567 5219744nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . MS ANGELINA T RIVERA Status . Inactive License Validity . 4181994 to 4181998 WIDESEA MARINE SERVICES AND SHIPPING LINES INC. nbspManning Agency U613,ROYAL PLAZA TWIN TWR,648 REMEDIOS STnbspMALATE, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3101388nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspwideseawideseamarine Website . nbspwideseamarine Official Representative . ROMULO T FERRER Status . Valid License License Validity . 1212014 to 1202018 WILHELMSEN-SMITH BELL MANNING INC (FORMERLY BARBER-SMITH BELL MANNING INC) nbspManning Agency 38TH 39TH FLOORS PETRO MEGA PLAZA 358 SEN GIL PUnbspMAKATI Tel Nos . nbsp812-8888nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspEmmanuel. DeVerawilhelmsen Website . nbspwilhelmsen Official Representative . FAUSTO R PREYSLER JR Status . Valid License License Validity . 1272016 to 1262020 WORLD EXPRESS SHIPPING COMPANY nbspManning Agency 3920 DANGAL ST BACOODnbspSTA. MESA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbspnbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp Website . nbsp Official Representative . CAPT MAMERTO DEGAMO Status . Delisted License Validity . 111950 to 1231989 WORLD VENTURE MARITIME ENTERPRISES INC. (FOR:C. T.I. I.M. P.S RECRTG PLCT nbspManning Agency GF CHAMP BLDG BONIFACIO DRIVE PORT AREA MLAnbspMANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5275739 5273174nbspnbsp Email Address . nbsp None Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT ISIDRO HAYAGAN Status . Delisted License Validity . 5281998 to 5262000 WORLDWIDE SHIPPING AND CREWING SERVICES LIMITED CORP (FORMERLY FREEWAY INTE nbspManning Agency RMS 601 602, 6F, ERMITA BLDG, ARQUIZA COR ALHAMnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp(632)496-6380nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspworldship. trinabtinternet Website . nbspworldwideshipping. ph. tc Official Representative . TRINIDAD D. LEVIEN-WYNNE Status . Delisted License Validity . 3232011 to 3222015 YE RISING STAR MARITIME CORP nbspManning Agency 4F DY INTL BLG 1650 SAN MARCELINO COR GEN MALVARnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp714-3359 523-2278nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspye-risingeastern. ph Website . nbsp None Official Representative . CAPT VICTOR M NODQUE Status . Valid License License Validity . 1222014 to 1222018 YIALOS MANNING SERVICES INC nbspManning Agency 16F, G. E. ANTONINO BLG, T. M. KALAW STREETnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp5261888nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcorporateyialosmanning Website . nbspyialosmanning Official Representative . CAPT ROGELIO J MEMBRADO Status . Valid License License Validity . 8192013 to 8182017 ZUPHYR MANPOWER SERVICES INC (FORMERLY: AAVA CREW MANAGERS (PHILS) nbspManning Agency S400 ERMITA CTR BLG ROXAS BLVDnbspERMITA, MANILA Tel Nos . nbsp3109971 5598933nbspnbsp Email Address . nbspcrewzuphyrmanpower Website . nbsp None Official Representative . REY A. DINGLASAN Status . Valid License License Validity . 9282015 to 9272019 Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Pop-Up Window NOTE. The list includes all recruitment agencies licensed by POEA to recruit Filipino workers for overseas jobs, both land-based and sea-based. Also included were agencies which have been closed down or permanently banned from participating in the recruitment industry and agencies with licenses which were cancelled or suspended. Copyright 2000-2011. Philippine Overseas Employment Administration. All rights reserved. Blas F. Ople Building, EDSA cor Ortigas Ave. Mandaluyong City Philippines

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